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PII: S0950-3293(99)00047-6
Food Quality and Preference 10 (1999) 477±482
On the triangle test with replications
Joachim Kunert*, Michael Meyners
Fachbereich Statistik, University of Dortmund, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany
Accepted 9 May 1999
We consider the triangle test with replications. A commonly used test statistic for this situation is the sum of all correct assess-
ments, summed over all assessors. Several authors argue that the binomial distribution cannot be used to analyse this kind of data.
Brockho and Schlich [Brockho, P.B., & Schlich, P. (1998). Handling replications in discriminations tests. Food Quality and
Preference, 9, 303±312.] propose an alternative model for the triangular test with replicates, where the assessors have dierent
probabilities to correctly identify the odd sample even if the products are identical. Although we agree that assessors will have
dierent probabilities of correct assessment if there are true dierences, we do not think that Brockho and Schlich's model makes
sense under the null hypothesis of equality of treatments. We show that all assessments are independent and have success prob-
ability 1 = 3, if the null hypothesis is true and the experiment is properly randomized and properly carried out. This implies that the
sum of all correct assessments is binomial with parameter p=1 = 3. Therefore the usual test based on this sum and the critical values
of the binomial distribution is a level a test for the null hypothesis of equality of the products, even if there are replications. # 1999
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
i.e. the sample that diers from the other two is identi®ed.
The number x i of correct assessments of the ith assessor is
calculated, and these numbers are added over the asses-
sors to get the number x of all correct assessments. Then
in this naõÈ ve approach x is compared to the critical value
of the binomial distribution with parameters m and 1 = 3.
It has been argued that the binomial distribution is
not adequate for the evaluation of such triangle tests
with replications (see e.g. Brockho & Schlich, 1998; or
O'Mahony, 1982). If an assessor is able to perceive the
dierence between the products and therefore gives a
right answer once, then he will most likely perceive it
again in a second replicate. If, however, another asses-
sor is not sensitive enough to perceive the dierence
between the products in one trial, then he will most
likely not perceive it in a second trial. Therefore the
assessors have dierent probabilities of successes and
Because they are carried out easily and provide a sim-
ple and straightforward analysis, triangle tests are widely
used in sensory analysis. In a triangle test, an assessor is
presented with three samples which come from two pro-
ducts. Two of the samples are from the same product, the
third sample is from the other. The assessor is asked to
identify which is the odd sample. He/she is asked to make
a choice, even if no dierence is perceived.
With triangle tests, many observations may be needed
to get suciently high power to show signi®cance if
there are only small dierences between the products.
There may be not enough assessors available to have the
desired number of assessments. Then it is convenient to
let each assessor test repeatedly. Such experiments are
commonly analysed as if there were no replications, i.e.
as if all assessments came from dierent assessors.
Using the notation of Brockho and Schlich (1998) let n
denote the number of assessors each of which per-
formed k replications. If m denotes the number of
assessments, then m=n k. We say that the assessor had
a success in a given replicate, if the right answer is given,
P i x i is not binomially distributed.
For discrimination tests with replications, Brockho
and Schlich (1998) therefore propose to adjust the
number m of observations according to some variability
criterion. This criterion depends on the overdispersion
observed in the data. The larger the overdispersion is,
the more the number of observations gets reduced.
We show, however, that the naõ È ve binomial test can
also be used in this situation. Under the null hypothesis
of equality of products and under proper randomization
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: kunert@statistik.uni-dortmund.de (J. Kunert)
meyners@statistik.uni-dortmund.de (M. Meyners)
0950-3293/99/$ - see front matter # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0950-3293(99)00047-6
J. Kunert, M. Meyners / Food Quality and Preference 10 (1999) 477±482
of the design the number of correct assessments is
binomial with success probability 1 = 3. This implies that
(under the null hypothesis) the observations can be
treated as if they were all produced by dierent asses-
sors and there were no replications. Therefore, the naõ È ve
test which compares the number of correct assessments
to the 1 ÿa critical value of the binomial distribution
with parameters m and 1 = 3 is a level a test for this null
For the situation that there are dierences between
the products, we suggest an alternative model, which is
a variant of Brockho and Schlich's (1998) model. If the
products are equal, then in our model all assessors have
the same success probability 1 = 3.
Our considerations indicate that Brockho and
Schlich's (1998) method is too conservative. We recal-
culate two of the arti®cial examples in Brockho and
Schlich which, we think, do give strong hints on product
position that the assessor chooses, remains 1 = 3 for the
second trial, independent of the outcome of the ®rst
evaluation. Note that this holds if we do a third,
fourth, ... replicate, and it remains true both if we
always have the same assessor and if the assessor is
replaced by somebody else after some trials. It is only
necessary that there are no sensory dierences between
the products. Therefore, under assumption H we have
the following result: If there are m presentations and the
ordering of the products is randomized independently
for each presentation, then the total number x of correct
guesses follows a binomial with parameters m and
p=1 = 3. This remains true, whether or not we have
replicates. It is the number of assessments that counts.
Usually, we rely more on a result that was produced
by 100 assessors, each of which made one choice, than
on a result that was produced by just one assessor who
made 100 choices. However, a signi®cant result that was
derived from just one assessor also controls the type I
error, that our test might indicate sensory dierences
which are not really there. The null hypothesis implies
assumption H. Even if we have only one assessor and
he/she gives a correct answer in signi®cantly more than
one third of the assessments, then sensory dierences
have been proven.
The number of assessors gets important for the power
of the procedure. If there are 100 assessors, and only 35
of them correctly identi®ed the odd sample, then we
have good reasons to believe that the dierence between
the products is negligible. If we have just one assessor,
who correctly identi®ed in only 35 out of 100 replicates,
then we can only be sure that the dierence between the
products is too small for this assessor.
Whenever a sensory dierence is present between the
two products, then we can assume that there are ``good''
assessors, who do experience the dierence, and ``poor''
assessors who do not. Let us consider the extreme case
that exactly one half of our assessors will always give
the right answer, while the other half will only guess.
Assume that we do a test with signi®cance level 5% and
m =100 assessments, and assume there are two possible
ways to do the experiment.
2. Model assumptions
As a ®rst step, we assume that there is no sensory
dierence between the two products A and B. Then an
assessor has a certain strategy to decide which of the
three samples he selects as the odd one. This strategy
may be random or systematic. For our considerations,
there is one basic assumption: We assume that under the
null hypothesis of product equality, the response of the
assessor is independent of the order in which the pro-
ducts are presented. Call this assumption H (because it
is valid only under the null hypothesis). This assump-
tion is plausible, if the experiment is carried out prop-
erly. This includes, for instance, that the two products
presented are of equal appearance, temperature, etc.
The experimental design is a random process which
determines which of the six possible orderings AAB,
ABA, BAA, ABB, BAB, BBA is presented to the assessor.
Assume the process which determines the ordering is such
that each of the six possible orderings is presented with
equal probability. Due to assumption H, the probability
of a correct selection of the odd product then is 1 = 3.
Now assume a second presentation is made to the
same assessor. It is clear that the second choice of the
same assessor is not independent of the ®rst choice. It is
possible, for instance, that the assessor always changes
position, that is he chooses another position at the sec-
ond presentation. It is also possible that another assessor
may always select the same position.
However, we still have assumption H. Assume the
ordering for the second presentation is randomized
independently of the ®rst presentation, such that it gives
equal probability to all six possible orderings. Whatever
strategy the assessor might apply, under assumption H
the probability that the odd sample is placed on the
Case 1: We have just one assessor who gives 100
answers. Then we have probability 1 = 2 that this one
assessor is ``good'', in which case we will get 100 correct
answers. There also is probability 1 = 2 that he/she is
``poor'', which will lead to a number of correct answers
that is a binomial with parameters m=100 and p=1 = 3.
Therefore, the probability of a signi®cant result at the
5%-level is 1 if the assessor is ``good'' and 0.05 if the
assessor is ``poor'', giving an overall probability of 0.525
of rejecting the null hypothesis.
Case 2: We have 100 assessors each giving exactly one
answer. Then for each assessor, we have probability 1 = 2
J. Kunert, M. Meyners / Food Quality and Preference 10 (1999) 477±482
that he/she is good. With a good assessor the answer is
correct with probability 1. We also have probability 1 = 2
that the assessor is poor, in which case the answer is
correct with probability 1 = 3. In all, each assessor's
answer has probability 2 = 3 to be correct. Therefore the
number of correct answers is a binomial with para-
meters m=100 and p=2 = 3. This implies that there is a
probability of more than 99% to observe more than 42
correct answers. Since 42 is the critical value of the tri-
angle test with 100 assessments, we therefore have a
probability of more than 99% of correctly rejecting the
null hypothesis.
i . This distribution depends on the population of the
assessors, on the dierence between the products, etc.
The distribution of the i has to be modelled, it is not
determined by the experimental design and the rando-
mization. This is dierent from the distribution of x
under the null hypothesis.
For assessor i we assume p i to be constant during all
of his/her replications. This is reasonable only under the
restriction that the number of replications is small
enough that fatigue and learning eects can be neglected.
3. Comparison to Brockho and Schlich (1998)
After this arti®cial example, we try to ®nd a general
model for the alternative that there are product dier-
ences. We assume that there are two dierent groups of
assessors, those who are able to perceive the dierence
between the two given products and those who do not
perceive the dierence between these two products
because it is too small for them. Since the following
considerations also hold for other discrimination tests,
let some more general c be the probability to succeed by
chance (e.g. c=1 = 3 for the triangle test or c=1 = 2 for the
duo±trio test). Furthermore let p i be the probability for
assessor i to have a success, i=1, ... ,n.
The proportion of perceivers is denoted by , where
0 44 1. If there is no dierence between the samples,
then there are no perceivers, i.e. 0. In fact, we might
de®ne that no sensory dierence exists if and only if
For each perceiver the probability of a success
increases to a number p i i 1 ÿ i
Brockho and Schlich (1998) propose a model with
random assessor eects, i.e. we have
p i " i ; i 1 ; ...; n ;
c > c. Here i is
the probability that assessor i actually identi®es the odd
product and not only guesses. We might consider i to
be a random variable (if we assume that the assessors
are drawn from some superpopulation), but it is clear
that i > 0 because it is a probability. In the examples in
Section 4, we assume that all i 1.
We do not, however, generally assume that i 1,
because even a perceiver might miss the dierence with
some presentations, e.g. due to random variation
between the samples or positional eects. If the dier-
ence between the products increases, then as well as
the i will tend to 1.
Now assume that the assessors are drawn at random
from some superpopulation, such that each assessor has
a probability of to be a perceiver, and a probability of
1 ÿ to be a non-perceiver. Therefore the probability p i
of assessor i to succeed can be written as
where is the average probability of an assessor i to
succeed, and the average is taken over a population of
possible assessors. If there is no dierence between the
products, then is 1 = 3 for the triangle test. The random
variable " i has zero mean and an unknown variance. It
does not vanish if there is no dierence between the
Note that with these assumptions, if there is no dif-
ference between the products, then since =1 = 3 there
will be some assessors i with p i < 1 = 3. That is, the model
of Brockho and Schlich (1998) implies that for some
assessors the probability of a correct result gets less than
what we would expect from pure guessing. We do not
think that this is reasonable if the data come from a
properly designed experiment: If there is no sensory
dierence between the products, how should an assessor
manage to systematically get the wrong sample? There
are two possible ways, both of which can be excluded by
the design of the experiment.
. First option: The assessor might ®nd out which
sample comes from which product by some other
means than the sensory dierence, for instance the
products are identi®ed in such a way that the
assessor can solve the code. It is clear that a prop-
erly designed experiment will exclude such possi-
bilities. We assume here that the experiment is run
in such a way that assumption H holds.
. Second option: The assessor has a strategy which
has a tendency to select a position where the
experimenter did not put the odd sample. Experi-
ence shows that most assessors have a preference
for a certain position, when they perceive no dif-
ference between the products. If the experimenter
has a tendency to place the odd sample preferably
on one of the positions that this assessor does not
prefer, then the assessor has a probability of less
p i c
with probability 1 ÿ
i 1 ÿ i
c with probability
where i is a realization of a positive random variable
less or equal 1. We do not specify the distribution of the
J. Kunert, M. Meyners / Food Quality and Preference 10 (1999) 477±482
than 1 = 3 of guessing correctly. This, however, can
be avoided by randomization. If the odd sample is
randomized to go to each position with equal
probability then, under H, each assessor will have
probability 1 = 3 of guessing right.
successes are not possible in Brockho and Schlich's
(1998) model, since in (2) each " i is a constant over the
replicates. Remember, however, that these correlations
only occur if the orderings for the trials are not rando-
mized independently.
Hunter (1996) suggests the number of replicates (if
any) always to be a multiple of six. He proposes to
randomize in such a way, that each assessor gets pre-
sented each ordering equally often. This is a special
instance of the method criticised above. We do not
consider this an appropriate randomization either. Only
with independent randomization, the independence of
the successes is guaranteed, provided the null hypothesis
is true.
We have here a basic property of designed experi-
ments that we think many experimenters do not su-
ciently appreciate. At least under the null hypothesis of
product equality, we can use randomization to intro-
duce a simple distributional structure into the data. The
idea of randomization was introduced by Fisher (e.g.
1935). The tool of randomization has been well exam-
ined under mathematical as well as practical aspects.
The philosophy of randomization is explained in e.g.
Bailey (1981).
Things are dierent if the null hypothesis is not true.
The way in which the dierences between the products
in¯uence the response has to be modelled. It cannot be
explained by randomization theory. We think that in
the case of the triangle test with replicates, a model as
the one described in Eq. (1) is reasonable. Therefore, for
power calculations we must take into account that there
are replicates and we must model the distribution of the
i . It is beyond the scope of this paper to deal with the
problem of how power calculation should generally be
The aim of the paper is to point out that the naõÈ ve
test, which pools the number of correct guesses, pro-
vides a valid test to show that there are signi®cant dif-
ferences between products. This is true if the data were
derived from an experiment that was properly ran-
domized, and that was also properly carried out such
that assumption H can be justi®ed. Since we do not
know the power of the naõ È ve test, it cannot, however, be
used to show that there are no dierences between
Let us return to the extreme situation that we have
only one single assessor. Assume this person gives sig-
ni®cantly more correct answers than that which is pos-
sible by chance. Corresponding to what we have said so
far, it is reasonable to decide that the two products
under consideration dier from each other. However, if
we have a group of assessors, then we cannot simply
take the assessor with the highest number of correct
guesses and do a triangle test based on his/her results
only. If we have e.g. 100 assessors all of which do 10
evaluations, then we can expect that there are about two
Presumably, the model of Brockho and Schlich
(1998) was intended to model correlations between the
responses of one assessor. It follows from their model
that if one assessor gave a correct answer in the ®rst
replicate, then he has a higher probability of giving a
correct answer in the second replicate. This is because
assessors who gave a correct answer have a higher
probability to have a large p i .
However, under assumption H, correlations between
the answers can be avoided by randomization. In fact,
correlations between the answers are indications that
either there are dierences between the products or that
a poor randomization has been used. An example of a
poor randomization is if the experimenter randomizes
just once for each assessor and uses the same presenta-
tion in every run. Then an assessor who has a tendency
towards a given position, and who guessed right in the
®rst replicate, has a higher probability to guess right in
the second replicate, too. He only has to stick to his
position. With independent randomization, however, the
fact that an assessor guessed right in the ®rst replicate has
no in¯uence on his chance to guess right in the second
replicate, whatever strategy the assessor might have.
There is another randomization which is used fre-
quently in triangle tests, but which might cause correla-
tions. Quite often, the randomization is not done
independently, but in a way to make sure that if an
assessor gets an ordering in the ®rst replicate, then he
gets another ordering in the second replicate. Such a
randomization is recommended in e.g. the ISO-standard
on the triangle test (ISO 4120, 1983). The ISO-norm
proposes to restrict the randomization such that each
ordering can only appear for a second time after all
other orderings have appeared at least once. Now
assume that an assessor uses the strategy to ``change
positions'', i.e. if he opted for one position in the ®rst
trial, then he will use another position in the second
trial. Then under the randomization proposed in the
ISO-standard, the result of the second replicate is no
longer independent from the outcome of the ®rst. To see
this, assume the assessor guessed right in the ®rst repli-
cate. He will choose another position in the second trial.
The experimenter will not use the ordering he had in the
®rst replicate, he will choose one of the ®ve other pos-
sible orderings. Since two of these have the position
chosen by the assessor, the probability to guess right
after a ®rst correct guess becomes 2 = 5>1 = 3. An assessor
who sticks to his position, however, will have a smaller
probability for a second success after a success in the
®rst replicate. Such negative correlations between the
J. Kunert, M. Meyners / Food Quality and Preference 10 (1999) 477±482
among them who have seven or more correct guesses,
even if there is no dierence between the products. The
analysis must pool all the assessors in the trial.
lead to the identi®cation of a dierence at the 10% level.
We now turn to Example 3 of Brockho and Schlich
(1998), with n=100 assessors, k=3 replicates and
x=112 correct answers. As these authors point out,
``Anna Sens'' wants to show that there is no dierence
between the products. The naõ È ve test gives a dierence
at the 10% level. As before we carry out a 2 -goodness-
of-®t-test to examine the data. The results are given in
Table 2.
Here the numbers are suciently large to do a 2 -test
of signi®cance. Then the result is highly signi®cant, the
corresponding 2 -distribution with 3 degrees of freedom
gives a p-value of less than 10 ÿ 5 . As in the previous
example this comes from the persons that guessed cor-
rectly in all replications. Once again, assume i 1.
Then if we subtract the four persons with three right
guesses that we should expect under equality of the
products, we estimate that there are nine consumers
who have really perceived the dierence in all four
trials. So we estimate that there is a dierence of the
products which is perceived by 9% of the consumers.
Note that this is totally dierent from the conclusion of
Brockho and Schlich (1998) who claimed that there is
no dierence between the products. In fact, we say the
data give strong hints that there is a perceivable dier-
ence between the products. It may be argued that 9% of
the consumers is too small a proportion for Anna Sens
to worry about. However, if the experiment was run
with 300 assessors, each of which is testing only once,
then 9% sensitive assessors would lead to a probability
of 80% to identify the dierence between the products.
So, obviously, 9% perceivers is a margin for which
Anna Sens has to expect a signi®cant result with an
experiment of this size.
Finally, we give an additional arti®cial example to
illustrate why we do not regard the method of Brock-
ho and Schlich (1998) as appropriate for dierence
tests in properly randomized experiments. We consider
a somewhat extreme situation. Let us assume two con-
sumers (i.e. n=2) that carry out k=100 replications of a
triangle test under ideal conditions, neglecting any fati-
gue eects etc. Suppose one of the consumers succeeds
4. Examples
We revisit Examples 2 and 3 of Brockho and Schlich
(1998). Both examples concern the triangle test, so again
c=1 = 3. Example 2 gives arti®cial data of a triangle test
with n=12, k=4 and x=24. The naõ È ve test therefore
gives a signi®cant dierence between the products at the
®ve percent level. We look at the data a bit closer, to see
why this is reasonable with data like this. There are 3, 2,
2, 2 and 3 assessors with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 correct answers,
respectively. Now assume that there is no dierence
between the products. We might want to carry out the
2 -goodness-of-®t-test to see whether the numbers x i of
correct guesses are binomial with parameters 4 and 1 = 3.
The computations are given in Table 1.
Note that the expected numbers in the cells are too
small to assume that the 2 -statistic is distributed
according to a 2 -distribution with 4 degrees of free-
dom. However, a calculated 2 -statistic of 57.13 is very
large. When we simulated the performance of 12 asses-
sors under the binomial distribution with p=1 = 3 there
was only one in 10,000 runs which produced a larger 2 -
statistic. It is obvious that the large size of the statistic is
due to the three persons that succeeded in all four
replications. If there was no dierence between the pro-
ducts, then we would expect less than one assessor with
four correct guesses in six experiments of this size. As
argued earlier we think that with proper randomization,
non-validity of the binomial distribution can only be
explained if the products dier from each other. For
simplicity, we assume all i 1, that is every sensitive
assessor, who can experience the dierence at least once,
gets it right in every replicate. Then an unbiassed esti-
mate of the proportion of sensitive assessors is (3 ÿ 0.15)/
12=23%. If we allowed for some of the i to be less than
1 we would estimate a higher proportion of perceivers.
The method by Brockho and Schlich (1998) does not
Table 1
Calculation of the 2 -statistic for the data from Brockho and Schlich
(1998), Example 2
Table 2
2 -goodness-of-®t-test for the data from Brockho and Schlich (1998),
Example 3
Number j of correct results
Number j of correct results
4 Sum
P j =Prob(x i j) 16/81 32/81 24/81 8/81 1/81
P j =Prob(x i j)
8/27 12/27 6/27
nP j
2.37 4.74 3.56 1.18 0.15 12
nP j
observed x i j
observed x i j
nP j ÿ observed 2
nP j
0.17 1.58 0.68 0.55 54.15 57.13
nP j ÿ observed 2
nP j
0.22 23.38 27.18
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