Banner y Flappy 03p1.txt

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{0}{158}Banner y Flappy -- Banner and Flappy -- Episode 3 -- Banner's house.
{180}{369}Banner y Flappy van a bajar el arbol gigante que es su hogar //\\ Banner and Flappy are going to descend the big tree in which they live
{390}{609}Banner y Flappy van a buscar nueces maduras para cenar //\\ Banner and Flappy are going to go look for nuts to dine
{630}{870}Banner es travieso, ojos burlones y caza ratones sin parar //\\ Banner is mischievous, with mocking eyes, and hunts mice without an end
{879}{968}come pescado, y bebe leche, //\\ he eats fish and drinks milk,
{990}{1110}por una gata fue bien criado //\\ he was well raised by a cat
{1118}{1200}Banner y Flappy van a dormir //\\ Banner and Flappy are going to sleep
{1200}{1440}cuando la luna esta por salir //\\ when the moon is about to come out
{1470}{1590}Por el bosque riendo van! //\\ Laughing through the forest they go!
{1590}{1710}Dos ardillas jovenes... //\\ Two young squirrels...
{1710}{1830}Aventuras si tendran!! //\\ Adventures they will have!!
{1830}{1920}Dos ardillas jovenes... //\\ Two young squirrels...
{1928}{2040}Dos ardillas jovenes!!! Two young squirrels!!!
{2040}{2190}pa pa rap pa... Banner y Flappy //\\ pa pa rap pa... Banner and Flappy
{2443}{2528}- I have to find shelter fast.
{2545}{2686}- Banner has gotten lost and doesn't know how to make it back to the town. He thus decides to live in the forest.
{2708}{2850}But the forest is a dangerous place especially for an animal as a small as him.
{2940}{3000}[ roar ]
{3000}{3030}- Oh!
{3125}{3330}- Banner, who is not used to this kind of life, has a hard time dealing with his new surroundings.
{3448}{3584}- Oh!
{3584}{3750}Ha ha! How lucky! A bed!
{3810}{3960}And it is so soft! [ yawn ]
{4216}{4404}I don't want water. I'd rather have some milk. I like it better.
{4404}{4560}Good heavens! It's raining. I'm going to drown!
{4986}{5100}What a pain! If I were in town I would have shelter.
{5718}{5760}[ sneezing ]
{5952}{6036}- So you have seen Banner too, Flappy?
{6036}{6113}- Yes, and why can't we welcome him into our circle?
{6120}{6257}- Because they say he comes from a town and he has always lived with people.
{6257}{6313}- Oh, that's too bad. He is so interesting!
{6313}{6339}- Interesting?
{6339}{6560}- Because... He doesn't know how to eat nuts, and because he has lived in the town with the humans, and that gives him quite an edge.
{6560}{6836}- What silly things you youngsters say. I'm just worried about what he might be doing. He does not know the forest and its dangers.
{6851}{6960}- Would he have found shelter?
{7200}{7300}- Sorry to bother, but it looks as though you are in need of help. Is that right?
{7300}{7328}- Who are you?
{7328}{7472}- Your very humble servant, born in the forest of red oaks. My name is Chipmunk.
{7474}{7633}It would be an honor if you would ever remember me. Pardon my curiosity but, what are you doing here?
{7633}{7740}- I'm taking shelter from the rain. I don't have a house.
{7740}{7800}- So you are a wanderer.
{7800}{8010}But don't worry, they say rain is very good for the hair. I should know! Ha ha!
{8010}{8076}- You have a house?
{8077}{8133}- Of course, it is right over there.
{8133}{8250}Now if you excuse, I have to go, I have things to take care of.
{8493}{8610}- What a strange house. You could even escape the thunder.
{9004}{9061}- Great! It has stopped raining!
{9061}{9096}- No, it is not good!
{9096}{9128}- And why not?
{9128}{9238}- Because if it doesn't rain, the trees die, and if the trees die they won't bear fruits.
{9238}{9313}- Of course, then it is better if it rains.
{9313}{9374}- No, it is not better. I object!
{9374}{9418}- But which is it then?
{9418}{9580}- If it rains, the buried fruits will go bad. If the fruits go bad, we can't eat them.
{9580}{9654}Now you know it. I'm off!
{9654}{9781}-- Well, I'm really confused now! Clay, where are you going?
{9781}{9830}- I'm going to find Banner.
{9830}{9872}-- Don't even think about it!
{9872}{9963}- But he's all alone and he doesn't know the forest.
{9963}{10020}- You better do as I say, or else!
{10020}{10060}- What a bore!
{10060}{10200}-- If you want to play, I can play with you. Come on, come on!
{10293}{10380}- I'm so hungry!
{10470}{10599}What is that? It's all the same. I'm going to eat it.
{10698}{10771}- Sorry Grandpa. I didn't see you.
{10771}{10857}- That voice. It is you Banner. What a coincidence.
{10857}{10936}- Of course, it's me. Don't you see me?
{10936}{11044}- Just my luck! Won't be able to eat now!
{11044}{11085}- What's the matter Grandpa Owl?
{11085}{11238}- Oh, nothing, nothing. I was just worried about you and I've come to see if you needed anything.
{11238}{11262}- Ahhhh.
{11261}{11323}- But what are you doing there?
{11323}{11388}- I'm digging a hole.
{11388}{11422}- A hole?
{11422}{11628}- To build me a house. Isn't it great?
{11628}{11701}[ laughing ]
{11701}{11727}- Why are you laughing?
{11727}{11828}- Sorry, I couldn't help it.
{11828}{11842}- Why?
{11842}{11950}- Because it is the first time I see a squirrel building a house underground.
{11950}{12024}- But I have seen a squirrel that lives underground.
{12024}{12125}- Well, come to think of it, you could be right. It could have been a chipmunk.
{12125}{12280}They make their houses underground, but squirrels like you build them up in the trees.
{12280}{12316}- I didn't know! (disappointingly)
{12316}{12497}- Well, don't despair. Everything will work out. If you have nowhere to go, then come to my place.
{12497}{12557}And you don't have to worry.
{12557}{12621}I give you my word, I will not eat you.
{12621}{12649}- It is not that.
{12649}{12709}- Then why don't you come?
{12709}{12868}- It is just that I have decided to stay in the forest and I don't think I should bother anyone. I would be taking advantage.
{12868}{12964}- It won't be a bother. And you will have to live somewhere anyways.
{12964}{13020}- But I don't want to depend on anyone.
{13020}{13060}- Will you be able to build a house on your own?
{13060}{13130}- Of course! And it will be so comfortable.
{13130}{13246}- I believe it. Come to think of it, you are very smart and capable.
{13246}{13303}Banner to work it is!
{13303}{13350}- Yes!
{13722}{13942}I will do it on a tree. Let's see if I can find a good place.
{14219}{14473}Oh, this house is great and so warm! Great, great! And the bed is comfy. No one is getting me out of here!
{14473}{14575}- What are you doing?!! Why have entered my home without permission?
{14575}{14601}- This is your house?
{14601}{14642}- Of course, do you doubt it?
{14642}{14701}- I saw it first.
{14701}{14880}- But what are you saying?! I have built this house with my very own beak. I'm not going to hand it over just like that!
{14880}{14979}I have worked very hard to make it, so get out immediately!
{14979}{15004}- No, I won't
{15004}{15131}- You are shameless! I can't believe a small creature can be so wicked!
{15131}{15238}Very well, if you insist on staying, I will denounce you for breaking and entering.
{15238}{15344}A burglar, a burglar! Everybody come!
{15344}{15396}- Don't scream! What will they think of me?
{15396}{15481}- You don't expect they'll think well of you after stealing my house.
{15481}{15561}I'm being robbed, I'm being robbed!
{15561}{15730}Oh, my poor heart! If I die now, it will be your doing.
{15730}{15788}- Please calm down!
{15788}{15864}- How when you have taken my house?
{15864}{16003}Get out of here now or I will give you a big peck on that head of yours!
{16003}{16170}- Wait, wait, you'll hurt me. I'm leaving. Don't be so upset.
{16170}{16292}[ laughing ]
{16292}{16353}- What is so funny?
{16353}{16428}- Hi Flappy, it is just that Banner... (laughing)
{16428}{16536}- I can't understand what you are saying. What has happened to Banner?
{16536}{16637}- He invaded the house of the Lady Woodpecker and she threw him out!
{16637}{16690}- Really?
{16690}{16772}- Of course, he is such a fool!
{16772}{16846}- I like him very much!
{16846}{16893}- What!? You like him!?
{16893}{17047}- That's right! His shyness brings out my affectionate side. I can't help it.
{17047}{17100}- No!
{17338}{17384}- Hi!
{17384}{17409}- Hi Flappy.
{17409}{17493}- Is it true the Lady Woodpecker kick you out of her place?
{17493}{17510}- Yes.
{17510}{17571}- Well, it's only natural. It is her house!
{17571}{17600}- I know.
{17600}{17664}- Don't worry. We'll find you one.
{17664}{17687}- Really?
{17687}{17739}- Why not? We'll search together.
{17739}{17805}- Great! Thanks!
{17978}{18128}- He is getting too fresh! I hate him!
{18277}{18318}- What about here?
{18318}{18370}- No, this is not a good place.
{18370}{18479}- But it is more accessible. I won't have to climb the tree every time I come home.
{18479}{18573}- It is too dangerous. The fox can easily get in.
{18573}{18630}- True.
{18702}{18805}I got it. Don't you think this is a good height Flappy?
{18805}{18830}- It is not facing the right way.
{18830}{18847}- Why?
{18847}{19042}- Don't you see? It faces north and in the winter it'll get too cold. It is not what you want.
{19042}{19080}- This is hard!
{19080}{19230}- More than you can imagine. A house is very important to a squirrel.
{19353}{19581}- This girl is such a pain! That one is perfect!
{19581}{19735}- Flappy, I got one. It's really high and won't get the cold wind. What do you think?
{19735}{19768}- It's no good.
{19768}{19811}- Not this one either?
{19811}{19864}- It's a jacamar's nest.
{19864}{19948}- How can you tell?
{19948}{20120}- Because of the smell, and I'm pretty sure it is in there right now. It's no good.
{20120}{20321}- Can you please ...
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