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Prince William is the son of Princess Diana. One day
he's going to be the King of England. This is William's
story - family, school, sports, girls. What do you want
to know? It's all here!
Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with
Longman , the world famous educational publisher. to provide a step-by-
step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. The series includes
original stories. contemporary titles based on today's best-selling media
hits. and easily accessible versions of the literary classics published by
Penguin around the world. Each book has an introduction and extensive
activity material. They are published at seven levels from Easystarts (200
words) to Advanced (3000 words).
Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jo ce lyn Po tt e r
6 Advanced (3000 words)
5 Upper Intermediate (2300 words)
4 Intermediate (1700 words)
3 Pre-lnterrnediate (1200 words)
2 Elementary (600 words)
I Beginner (300 words)
Easysta rrs (200 words)
British English
American English
Cover photograph © Rex Features/ james Gray
Published and distributed by
Pearson Educat ion Limited
9 780997805741
ISBN 0- 99 7-8 0574- 9
A New Prince!
It is the even ing o f 2 1 Jun e 1982 - th e first day of
su m me r. N ew spaper and tele vision rep ort ers near the
doors o f St Mary s H ospital in Paddington, London,
talk qui ckly in to th eir tele phones.
'It 's a bo y ... Yes! ... Princess Dian a has a little
bo y ... at 9.03 this even ing ... England has a new
prince! ... Yes, and moth er and ch ild are well ... We 're
waiting to see Prince C ha rles ... '
At eleven o 'cl ock that night, Prince C harles - the
Prince of Wales - co me s o ut of the hospital. H e answers
question s from th e r eporter s about his n ew SOI L
'H e has blue eyes,' Prince C harles says. ' He and his
moth er are very well. Th ey're co ming home tomorrow .'
' Wh at's his name ?' the re por ter s want to kn ow.
Prin ce C harles sm iles. ' We don't know,' he says.
'W e 're thinking about it .'
Cha rles likes the name Art hur, but Dia na does not.
She wants W illiam . A week later, the repo rters have
th eir an swer: W illiam Arthur Philip Loui s. Hi s moth er 's
name for him is ' W ills'.
Ea rl y Day s
Prin ce C harles wants Mabel And er son to be Prince
Wi lliam's nanny. She was Pri nce C harles's nann y years
before. Prin cess Di ana says no. She do esn't want an o ld
person . Th ey g ive th e j ob to Barbara Barn es.
Prin cess Dian a is a ver y loving mother. She likes
having W illiam near her. and her bedroo m at Kensington
Palace is nea r his room. Later, she of te n gets int o bed
wit h Wi lliam and his brothe r at night. She says, 'W ho
loves yo u?' T hey answe r, 'You! ' T he princess sm iles.
It is 1983. Pr in ce C harles and Prin cess Di an a are go ing
to visit Au stralia and New Zealand. But D iana wants to
b e w ith W illiam. W hat can she do?
Th en the Prime M ini ster o f Au stralia , Malcolm
Praser, w r ites a letter to D iana . In it h e says, ' Please
bring Prince Wi lliam w ith yo u.'
Diana talk s to C harles, and he says yes. T hey tak e
William to Au stralia w it h th em. The yo ung pr inc e stays
in Woomarg ama, a place in New So uth W1les, with
Nanny l3arn es. Hi s moth er and fath er oft en visit him.
On 15 Sept ember 1984, a new brother arrives for
W illiam . Two days later, h e go es to th e ho spital to see
him. The new child's name is H arr y, and William loves
playin g w ith him.
School Days
~ jl i ll i ml/ ,11
r ile age '!f uuo.
A year later, o n 24 Septem ber 1985, William starts school
at Mrs M ynor's Scho ol in N o tting Hill , in London.
It is very near to Ken sington Palace. A poli ceman
goes to sc hoo l with William every d ay.
On the first m o rning W illiam runs o u t of th e car, but
his m o th er sto ps him . Th e newspap er repo rters all wa nt
to take his photograph. Telev isio n rep orters want hi s
pi ctur e, too.
W illiam goes to sc ho ol two m ornin gs a week, the n
In Janu ar y, 1987 , Willi am has a new nanny - Ru th
Wallace. Wil liams na me for he r is ' N an ny R o of' .
At the sam e time, Will iam starts at Wetherby School.
This is in Notting H ill, too. H ere he plays a lot of
sp or ts, and he gets a pr ize for sw im m ing . Every year the
scho ol has a Sports Day. W illiam and his friends wa tc h
Princess Diana and Prin ce C harles in the games for
moth ers and fath er s.
H e m oves to Lud grove Sc hoo l in Berk shire in
Septe mber 1990. H e lives there, and he goes home for
scho ol holidays. W illiam is very happy at Ludg rove.
Again, he plays a lo t of games, and h e is good at
football . At twe lve, he get s a prize for sho o ting.
Pr in ce C harles likes co unt ry spo rts an d o ften take s
his yo u ng son w ith him. William wa tc he s h is fathe r
sh oo ting at Sand ring ha m, o ne o f the Q ueen 's co untry
h om es. Aft er that, Wi lliam wa nt s to s hoo t, to o.
At L udg rove, W illiam is goo d at wr iti ng. H e gets th e
scho ol pr ize for wri ting in 1992 .
An Ac cident at School
It is June 1991 , and W illiam is playi ng golf w ith his
frie nd s at Lud grovc. Sudde nly, the re is an acci de nt . A
Princess Diana in 11 game j(Jr mothers.
ever y morning , Now he kno ws numbers. and he can
w rite his nam e. H e q u ickly makes a lot of fr iends.
Bu t he is no t always a good bo y at home .
'Go to bed, Wi lliam,' says Na nny Bar nes,
' N o,' says Will iam . 'Yo u can 't say th at to m e! I'm
go ing to be king on e day.'
fri end hi ts h im on the head . T h e schoo l sends Willi am
to a hospital in R eading.
Pr incess Dian a is eating w ith a friend. She hears
abo u t the accide nt and goes qui ck ly to the hospi tal.
Pr ince C harles also hears ab o ut it and dri ves to
R eadin g.
Th e doctor s are not happ y. Th ey send W illiam to
Great O r mond St reet H ospital for C h ildre n, in
L ond on . Dian a goes w ith Will iam , and Pr ince C harles
goes in his car.
At G reat O r mo nd Street, William has a sma ll but
im p ort ant ope ratio n on his head . H is mot her waits at
th e hospital. Prince C harles can no t stay because he has
im po rtant visitors. But the ope ratio n goes well . Th e
doctor s say to Pr incess D iana ,'W illiam is OK .'
Charles and Diana Divorce
W illiam o fte n teleph on es his mot her from scho ol. H e
likes talking to her, and she wan ts to talk to him .
Diana and C harles are not happy. Wi lliam kn ows
thi s. H e kn ows about th eir problems, and h e is unhappy
abo ut the m . Th ey are not goo d for th e Qu een or for
the co un try, and Wi lliam knows thi s, too.
Prin ce C harles and Princess Diana do not live in the
S;l111C hou se. C harles lives in his co untry home at
Hi gh grove H ou se. W illiam visits him there. H e likes
H ighg rovc, and he loves his father. Bu t it is a diffi cult
time for hi m . W illiam likes watchi ng television .
' Television is bad f or yo u: his fathe r says. ' W hy do n 't
you read a book o r co me for a walk in th e count ry"
J Villian: at the agc of nine.
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