XXXVI etap okręgowy - test.pdf

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15 PKT
ZakreĻl wyraŅnie kþkiem literħ, przy ktrej znajduje siħ najlepsze rozwiĢzanie.
1. The examples are taken from ____________ Plato, Xenophon or Aristotle.
A/ such classical authors like
C/ such classical authors as
B/ so classical authors like
D/ the classical authors like
2. The manager blamed the call center staff and promised ____________ me from the list.
A/ getting them to remove
C/ getting them remove
B/ get them to remove
D/ to get them to remove
3. My parents were fun-loving people and the money they'd inherited __________ away easily.
A/ flew
B/ flowed
C/ fled
D/ flown
4. The countryside on both sides of the border looks alike, so they may have been unaware of the
mistake until they ____________ some 60 miles or so.
A/ had travelled
B/ have travelled
C/ would travel
D/ travel
5. I was struck again by the odd parallels between the two lives, and yet the different destinations
both ____________
A/ were headed against
C/ were heading at
B/ were headed for
D/ were headed on
6. In 1997, almost a thousand Californians were killed in alcohol related accidents. Ten years earlier
it was nearly ____________ Education and tougher laws reduced the death toll.
A/ a triple figure
C/ that figure tripled
B/ treble that figure
D/ that figure trebled
7. We're now in trouble trying to straighten things up with the cops. ____________ telling the truth
in the first place.
A/ She'd better be
C/ She'd better to have been
B/ She'd better had been
D/ She'd better have been
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8.The prints look as if they ____________ made by Durer himself, which would be great. But we'll
have to examine them more carefully to confirm or reject it.
A/ might be
C/ may have been
B/ had been
D/ must have been
9. Even if you wait till all the snow _____________, you have no guarantee the lawn won't have
suffered from that sequence of thaws and freezes.
A/ has melted
B/ will have melted
C/ will melt
D/ would melt
10. Families raising objections ____________ may be told that records are always kept of therapy
sessions, usually in written form and that videotapes are used for conveniency.
A/ to be videotaped
C/ to being videotaped
B/ to videotyping them
D/ against videotaping them
11. It owes its name and popularity to ____________ found in Scottish folk tales.
A/ a type of such hero
C/ type of hero
B/ the type of a hero
D/ the type of hero
12. The introduction of room codes allowed us to ____________ the keys.
A/ do away with
C/ make do with
B/ make do for
D/ do away on
13. We were all shocked at such lack of consideration and agreed the boy ____________ for that.
A/ ought to make himself apologize
C/ ought to be made to apologize
B/ ought to be made apologize
D/ ought to have been made apologize
14. The convention limits the use of weapons ____________ is to cause injury with fragments that
cannot be detected in the human body by X-ray.
A/ that the effect
B/ with the effect
C/ effect of which
D/ whose effect
15. Printing made such rapid progress that a scant century later manuscript books were
____________ and almost never used.
A/ seldom to be met
C/ seldom met
B/ met seldom
D/ being seldom met
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15 PKT
Przetþumacz na angielski. Nie naleŇy niczego zmieniaę we fragmentach juŇ przetþumaczonych. Podpowiedzi w nawiasach nie podajĢ dokþadnej
formy, w jakiej dane sþowo ma wystĢpię w tþumaczeniu.
1. Dom ma konwencjonalne ogrzewanie. Nie dlatego, Ň e panele słoneczne kosztowałyby o wiele wi ħ cej, ale
dlatego, Ň e nie mogli Ļ my dłu Ň ej czeka ę .
________________________ a conventional heating system. Not because solar panels ____________________________
2. Wiadomo Ļ ci Ģ dnia było to, Ň e dzieci Angeliny i Brada chciałyby, Ň eby ich rodzice wzi ħ li slub.
___________________________ of the day was that -_____________________________________ kids ______________
3. Liczba kolorów zale Ň y od ciebie. Im wi ħ cej kolorów wybierzesz, tym bardziej skomplikowany
{= INTRICATE } b ħ dzie ko ı cowy wzór {= DESIGN }.
_________________________________________ up to you. _______________________________________________
________________________________________________________ at the end.
4. Inaczej ni Ň prezydenci USA, senatorowie nie musz Ģ urodzi ę si ħ w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Unlike US presidents, _________________________________________________________________________ States.
5. Je Ň eli nikt nie zareaguje nast ħ pnym razem, kiedy ona powie taki banał {= PLATITUDE }, zaczn ħ powa Ň nie
kwestionowac ich dobry gust.
____________________________________ next time _____________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________ their good taste.
6. Stan wojenny w Polsce poci Ģ gał za sob Ģ tyle przemocy, Ň e nawet dzi Ļ nie potrafimy traktowa ę go tak jak
którekolwiek inne zdarzenie z przeszło Ļ ci.
Martial law in Poland involved _________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________ past event.
7. Zapytany czy, je Ļ li b ħ dzie to potrzebne, b ħ dzie gotów wzi Ģę udział, powiedział, Ň e tak. Ale potem si ħ
wycofał. {= WITHDRAW }
Asked _________________________________________ necessary, he _____________________________________
__________________ he said yes. ________________________________________________________.
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8. Je Ļ li chodzi o t ħ kradzie Ň obrazu, policja zebrała ju Ň mas ħ informacji, z których niektóre s Ģ zbyt poufne
{= SENSITIVE } by je przykazywa ę {= PASS ON } do prasy.
As regards the theft ________________________ police ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________the press.
9. Na pocz Ģ tku tej operacji nie wiedzieli Ļ my ani jak du Ň y jest ten gang ani jak mo Ň na by umie Ļ ci ę
{=PLACE} w nim jakich Ļ informatorów.
At the start ____________________________________________ knew _______________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________ informers there.
10. Mieli Ļ my szcz ħĻ cie, Ň e lot był opó Ņ niony, ale załó Ň my, Ň e byłby o czasie. Musieliby Ļ my sp ħ dzi ę jeszcze
jedn Ģ noc w Nowym Jorku.
We were lucky _________________________________________ delayed, but suppose __________________________
11. Od przyjazdu tutaj trzy tygodnie temu musimy załatwia ę {= DO } normalne sprawy { =THINGS }, które
trzeba zrobi ę , kiedy si ħ przeprowadzasz do innego kraju – zdoby ę prawo jazdy, znale Ņę szkoł ħ dla dzieci,
Since moving here three weeks ago, ___________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________when you move to another country-
____________________________________________________ find a school for the kids, etc.
12. Warunki społeczne w XIX wieku prawie uniemo Ň liwiały kobiecie zdobycie dyplomu na uniwersytecie.
Social conditions in _______________________________________________ it _____________________________
___________________________________________________________ a university degree.
13. Zobaczyłem nagły stress na jego twarzy i zdałem sobie spraw ħ {= REALIZE }, Ň e on nie my Ļ li o tym, co
do niego mówi ħ .
I could see a sudden stress ___________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ him.
14./ 15. Jest wiele powodów, dla których rodzice zaczynaj Ģ si ħ interesowa ę nauczaniem domowym.
Niektórzy wybieraj Ģ je dla wygody, inni z powodów religijnych, jeszcze inni po prostu dla jako Ļ ci.
________________________________ reasons _______________________ to become ________________________
home schooling. _________________________________ it for convenience, ____________________ religious reasons,
____________________________________ simply for the sake of quality.
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30 PKT
W kaŇdĢ z luk wpisz po jednym wyrazie. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter brakujĢcego sþowa. Nie wolno zmienię litery juŇ podanej.
1. Some Indian tribes poison the heads of _ _ r _ _ _ they use in hunting.
2. It all happened in a _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ of a second. There was a loud bang and then silence.
3. Chris had some _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ friends in high places, who had often helped him out of trouble.
4. Arms and legs are called _ _ _ _ _ , and so are large branches on a tree.
5. In view of all the collected evidence the man's guilt was _ _ y _ _ _ all doubt.
6. Pitbull terriers and other _ _ e _ _ _ of fighting dogs are strictly controlled by the law.
7. I have some knowledge of the local dialect, although I haven't studied it in great _ _ _ t _ .
8. The unhappy _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ on his face suggested he had been told the news.
9. Before computers, such calculations were tedious and _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ as they had to be done manually Î
extremely boring!
10. I thanked the man for putting me on the right _ r _ _ _ .
11. The cyclist was knocked _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after hitting a road sign.
12. Turkey's efforts to gain _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ to the European Union are blocked by many countries.
13. The thieves must have used steel cutters because I had _ _ _ i _ _ _ the bike to a light post.
14. Despite criticism from libertarians, wearing seat belts became _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in most Western countries in
the 1970s.
15. She was the tallest of all the beauty contest _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at her university.
16. The _ _ s _ _ _ _ over the use of the villa is causing a lot of bad blood in the family.
17. It's important not to _ _ n _ _ _ _ courage with recklessness.
18. He was not wealthy, but his wisdom won him the respect of his _ _ l _ _ _ citizens.
19. Before applying paint, the surface must be _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with sandpaper.
20. My grandmother was very _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ of others, and sometimes fell victim of frauds.
21. One of the passengers felt a sudden _ r _ _ to use the restroom, so we had to stop again.
22. He reached into his pocket and _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ a printed card.
23. Spy satellites are the most obvious example of warfare in _ _ t _ _ Space.
24. Terrorists who try to _ _ s _ _ _ _ their violent crimes with religion are obviously wrong.
25. Congressmen are now planning to introduce _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to stop parents smacking their children.
26. The continuous humming of the fan was initially something of a _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ . But after two or three days we got
used to it.
27. With their fluent and elegant movements, gazelles are among the most _ _ _ _ e _ _ _ creatures in the world.
28. In spite of the Agency's claims about the _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of airport security scanning for pregnant
women, some doctors are less than happy.
29. The _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ with which flood water rises in this mountainous area makes rescue very difficult.
30. This part of the river is unnavigable because of a _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ with the drop of over five metres.
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