
(14 KB) Pobierz
{112}{169}One, two.
{2059}{2141}All right.|Let's do the other steps.
{2248}{2286}Let's go.
{2692}{2828}All right. Just a minute.|You. The rest of you don't move.
{3059}{3101}Thank you.
{3370}{3436}All right, thank you.
{3785}{3896}Thank you. Carry on.|Christina...
{3901}{3966}Take care of them.
{3971}{4091}- The same step?|- Whatever you feel like.
{4096}{4179}Paco, when are you leaving|for Seville?
{4184}{4261}I'll catch the plane at eight o'clock|tomorrow morning.
{4266}{4405}Do me a favour.|Check the dance academies.
{4431}{4509}See if there's a girl|who could be Carmen.
{4514}{4628}- Don't you like any of these?|- Some of them are all right.
{4668}{4719}But I just don't see them as Carmen.
{8760}{8801}Thank you.
{10437}{10495}It's lovely...
{11374}{11484}- It's nice as a buleria.|- Antonio'll like it.
{11489}{11611}He'll feel more comfortable with it|than with the stuff he's listening to.
{11648}{11711}I'll tell him.
{11869}{12002}We were listening to the tune.|I don't think it'll do for dancing.
{12007}{12105}The orchestra is very slow,|it's accompanying the voice.
{12110}{12240}You're going to be left|standing on one leg like a stork.
{12264}{12396}The rhythm should be more even|like in a buleria. Listen...
{13045}{13121}Christina, come here.
{13169}{13300}It sounds fine to me,|but I'd like it to be a bit slower...
{13305}{13369}...more like the melody itself.
{13374}{13432}- Is that better for you?|- Yes.
{13437}{13538}Follow me when he starts playing.
{14596}{14790}Listen, give the girls a work-out.|Mostly their arms and their posture.
{14838}{14934}Very good, Paco.|Keep working on it.
{14939}{15054}Boys, get off the floor.|Enrique, get off.
{15059}{15166}We're going to work with the buleria|rhythms we've been listening to.
{15171}{15246}One, two, one, two.
{15251}{15314}Come on. That's it.
{15319}{15395}Hands slow.
{15400}{15522}That's it. Good.|Slowly. Good...
{15761}{15825}Carmen had a wild|and strange beauty...
{15830}{15889}Her lips, full but well-shaped...
{15894}{15991}... opened onto teeth|whiter than almonds.
{15996}{16112}Look how she does it!|Don'tjust follow her steps.
{16140}{16216}Her hair was long, black|and shiny. -
{16221}{16289}- With blue glints|like the feathers of a raven.
{16294}{16368}Her eyes had a voluptuous|but surly expression. -
{16373}{16501}- That I've never been able to find|again. Gypsy eyes, wolf eyes...
{16506}{16569}... as the Spanish saying goes.
{17055}{17152}- Good evening.|- Hello.
{17157}{17205}Bye, Maria.
{17210}{17268}- Hi there!|- Hello.
{17361}{17402}Hello, Maria.
{17407}{17492}- Maria Magdalena's class?|- Itjust started.
{17497}{17592}- In which room?|- Second one on the left.
{17665}{17722}Hi, how are you?
{17727}{17837}- Have you come for lessons?|- Just to refresh my memory.
{17842}{17916}- See you.|- Sure. Bye.
{18023}{18129}Heads up... to the left...
{18175}{18257}Lower the left arm...|Heads to the left.
{18262}{18403}Up. Lower to the centre...
{18408}{18502}And up, like the wings of an eagle.|Slowly.
{18507}{18604}The head flexible,|left arms to the centre.
{18609}{18693}Slowly up, up...
{18698}{18859}Bring the right arm down.|Manuel, bring your arm higher up...
{18864}{18928}Further up. Down, Manolito...
{19722}{19825}Not bad, girls, but don't forget|that technique is only good -
{19830}{19887}- When used for your art.
{19892}{19966}Practise the castanets|without moving the wrist.
{19971}{20040}Raise your arms slowly|and articulately.
{20045}{20129}Your hips must be detached|from the waist...
{20134}{20219}Your breasts like a bull's horn,|but soft and warm...
{20224}{20364}Heads up, dignified. And remember,|never move your hands.
{20369}{20425}We'll continue|with the next exercise.
{20430}{20517}You know how to count.|One, two, and on three...
{20522}{20585}...head... head... head...
{20590}{20688}In line. One, two...
{20777}{20867}And break... break...
{20872}{21007}Lift your arms. Artfully.|Lift those arms. Artfully...
{21171}{21270}You're always late, Carmen!|Get in line.
{21275}{21362}Up, up, slowly!
{21367}{21424}Dance, girls!  Heads up!
{21429}{21511}Your expression!|Faces, breast, up!
{21516}{21581}Down, up, up, up!
{21871}{21976}I looked up and I saw her.|I'll never forget it.
{21981}{22050}At first, I didn't like her|and I went back to my work.
{22055}{22149}But she, following the habit|of women and cats. -
{22154}{22279}- Who do not come when you call|but come when you do not call. -
{22324}{22357}- She stopped in front of me|and spoke to me.
{22362}{22419}- Good evening.|- Hello.
{22424}{22466}Antonio, good evening.
{22471}{22593}- Giron. Are you her agent?|- Exclusive.
{22598}{22683}What an incredible place.
{22719}{22798}I really like it. It's beautiful.
{22826}{22887}Who's got a light?
{22977}{23042}- Shall I change?|- Whatever you feel like.
{23047}{23085}Then I won't.
{23090}{23155}There's a bar, too. You're not stingy.
{23160}{23238}- Want a drink?|- Sure, a glass of wine.
{24018}{24080}Follow me.
{24444}{24526}Now, turn to the left|to finish off...
{24726}{24788}- Here.|- You're just fine.
{24793}{24861}Give me some.
{24896}{24955}Take it easy.
{25142}{25209}Stand over there, please.
{25256}{25383}We're going to do the same steps,|but in a semi-circle.
{25388}{25436}Let's go.
{25480}{25592}No. Go back.|Try to relax.
{25597}{25702}Believe in what you're doing.|Let's go. One, two...
{25742}{25794}Look at me.
{25799}{25902}Look me in the eyes!  That's it.
{25925}{25983}Don't lower your eyes.
{25988}{26075}Look at me!  That's it.|No, look at me!
{26160}{26219}Don't blink.
{26224}{26306}There... turn slowly...
{26406}{26480}- They look good together.|- Yeah, you're right.
{26510}{26608}Back. No, closely.
{26613}{26692}Embrace me.|Just as if I were in front of you.
{26697}{26777}Now, turn.
{26882}{26996}Turn with me. Slowly. Very slowly...
{27084}{27147}Follow me.
{27152}{27232}Do the same with your hand.
{27354}{27397}Do the same.
{27402}{27525}Caress me... slowly...
{27753}{27838}Good.|Very good.
{27879}{27952}- That's it?|- Yes, for now.
{29133}{29237}- When did you start dancing?|- When I was 15.
{29242}{29393}Ever since I was a kid I always|saw my mother singing and dancing.
{29398}{29479}- Are your parents dancers?|- Not at all.
{29547}{29611}And how did you start?
{29616}{29715}Here, in the night club.|About... three months ago.
{29720}{29801}I had my debut in November.
{29838}{29910}- Do you sing?|- A little bit.
{29915}{29990}What I really like is to dance.
{29995}{30084}I take dancing lessons every day.
{30507}{30635}- Do I have to read it?|- It might help if you did.
{30725}{30830}You know, when I want something,|I usually get it.
{30855}{30932}I'm stronger than I look.
{30951}{31039}Well, what do you think about her?
{31044}{31143}I'll see you tomorrow in the studio.|Bye, Giron.
{31148}{31295}What an asshole.|Who does he think he is?
{31359}{31503}- I'm going to do it.|- We'll see.
{31555}{31606}Come on, let's start.
{31747}{31827}That's it. Good.
{31856}{31927}Straighten up.
{31932}{32032}Your hands slow,|fluttering like doves...
{32190}{32239}Those elbows, don't turn them out!
{32445}{32504}We come here to dance!
{32522}{32599}Let's see.
{32780}{32893}Hold yourselves like queens!
{32898}{32955}Let's see you.
{33062}{33160}Carmen, come here and look.
{33165}{33225}Let's see...
{33699}{33809}Are you looking or what?|Come on, let's see you.
{33896}{33954}Your shoulders!
{34018}{34104}Bring your waist up.|Your posture!
{34194}{34282}Your hands!  Be more graceful.
{34287}{34377}Antonio wants to see you.
{34397}{34462}Carry on.
{34611}{34679}- You wanted to see me?|- Sit down.
{34804}{34908}- Christina, help me a little bit.|- Help you?
{34913}{34997}- I'm doing everything I can.|- Christina, please...
{35002}{35163}- She's the one who has to work.|- She's trying. But we must help her.
{35208}{35281}What's she got?|There are hundreds better than her.
{35286}{35403}That's my problem.|She's got what I want.
{35408}{35496}Yes. She's young.
{35525}{35686}Let's get this clear. You're the|best dancer, but you're not Carmen.
{35691}{35817}I need someone different,|and younger. Is that clear?
{35878}{35985}Christina, don't you realize|that I count on you for everything?
{35990}{36057}I need you, dammit!
{36126}{36228}- I'm going to ask you a favour.|- What is it?
{36233}{36352}Help Carmen.|Work with her, teach her.
{36484}{36512}I'll do my best.
{38694}{38748}Come here.
{38787}{38880}Are you marking time or dancing|or what?
{38885}{38971}- I'm trying...|- Trying?
{38976}{39054}But you're doing all the steps|the same way!
{39059}{39116}Separate the times!
{39251}{39377}What the hell is wrong with you?|You're not concentrating.
{39382}{39491}Christina devours you during|rehearsals. Don't let her!
{39496}{39596}Get it?|Let's go!
{39632}{39714}Devour me!  That's it!
{39719}{39803}Look me in the eyes!|More!
{39959}{40030}- Don't you feel it?|- Of course I do.
{40035}{40214}Then why don't you do it? I have|to exhaust myself and then you.
{40219}{40339}You are Carmen!|Believe it!
{40344}{40399}If you don't, who will?
{40404}{40554}Don't worry.|I'm going to do it.
{40559}{40696}Of course you are.|Right now. On your own!
{40719}{40804}Let's go!  More!
{40809}{40866}That's it!
{40871}{40971}Move!|Good!  Good.
{40999}{41051}Very good.
{42835}{42904}Listen up...
{42955}{43007}Listen up.
{43080}{43184}We'll rehearse the Tabacalera.|According to Merimee. -
{43189}{43281}- We're in Seville in 1830|in the tobacco factory.
{43313}{43361}It's very hot.
{43366}{43475}As only wome...
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