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This is a very basic and very solid formation.

Coaching Points:

Stingers (Outside men): If uncovered, go straight to the ball. Aiming point is inside shoulder on the outside shoulder of the return man. Never loose this point all the way to impact.

Center: If uncovered, go straight to the ball. Aiming point is chest to chest with the return man. Never cross the outside stingers.

Front 7: Outside Zone Block. All players step to their outside gap. If any pressure is felt, engage and force the pressure to the outside of your gap. When ball is kicked go to the ball. Starting with the guards, 4 yards outside and 1 yard behind the stinger to your side. The tackle and end maintain the same relationship with the man to their inside. Never cross the inside man's path.

Upbacks: If pressure in "A" gap, engage and force to your outside gap. If no pressure, step up and out and look to help on your side of the center.

Personal Protector: Make all blocking calls. Preference is Outside Zone. If there is an overload call man closest to the sideline. If a 10 man front, Stinger away from P.P. must double punch 2 man rush. After ball is kicked, release outside to the numbers. You must keep the return man to your inside shoulder at all times.

Punter: 14 yards from center. After ball has been kicked, release away from the personal protector outside to the numbers. You must keep the return man to your inside shoulder at all times


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