INFO & install info.txt

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           SUPPLIER ..: TEAM AiR                                   
           PROTECTION : PACE/iLOK                                
           SIZE ......: 02 * 4,77MB  	      		           
           DATE ......: 09/2007        
           Installation Notes :                                    
           1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe

           2) INSTALL IT IN C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 8\Plugins\VST


         �  Introducing Auto-Tune 5                                �
         �                                                         �
         �  The  Next  Generation of  the  Worldwide Standard  in  �
         �  Professional  Pitch Correction  The Fastest,  Easiest  �
         �  -To-Use,  Highest-Quality Tool  for Correcting  Pitch  �
         �  Hailed as a "holy  grail of recording," by  Recording  �
         �  magazine  (and  adopted  worldwide  as  the   largest  �
         �  -selling  audio  plug-in  of  all  time),   Auto-Tune  �
         �  corrects  intonation  problems  in  vocals  or   solo  �
         �  instruments,  in  real  time,  without  distortion or  �
         �  artifacts,  while  preserving all  of  the expressive  �
         �  nuance  of  the  original  performance  -  with audio  �
         �  quality so pristine that the only difference  between  �
         �  what goes in  and what comes  out is the  intonation.  �
         �  All with a user-interface that is a model of clarity,  �
         �  speed and ease-of-use.                                 �
         �                                                         �
         �  For  most  common   pitch  problems,  Auto-Tune   5's  �
         �  Automatic Mode instantaneously  detects the pitch  of  �
         �  the input,  identifies the  closest pitch  in a  user  �
         �  -specified scale  (including minor,  major, chromatic  �
         �  and  26  historical   and  microtonal  scales),   and  �
         �  corrects the input pitch to match the scale pitch.  A  �
         �  Retune Speed control lets  you match the retune  rate  �
         �  to virtually any performance style.                    �
         �                                                         �
         �  For meticulous tweaking, the Graphical Mode  displays  �
         �  the performance's detected pitch envelope and  allows  �
         �  you to draw in the  desired pitch using a variety  of  �
         �  graphics tools. This mode gives complete control over  �
         �  the correction or modification of the most  elaborate  �
         �  expressive gestures.                                   �
         �                                                         �
         �  Auto-Tune  is  used  daily  by  thousands  of   audio  �
         �  professionals  around  the  world.  Whether  to  save  �
         �  studio  and  editing time,  ease  the frustration  of  �
         �  endless  retakes,  to save  that  otherwise once-in-a  �
         �  -lifetime performance, or to create striking  special  �
         �  effects, Auto-Tune 5 is the tool of choice.            �
         �                                                         �
         �  Prepare to be amazed.                                  �
         �                                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  What's New in Auto-Tune 5                              �
         �                                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  Building  on  the  great  sound  quality, transparent  �
         �  processing  and   ease  of   use  that   have  always  �
         �  distinguished Auto-Tune, Auto-Tune 5 adds significant  �
         �  new features as well as a sleek new user interface.    �
         �                                                         �
         �  Key new Auto-Tune 5 features include: Improved  pitch  �
         �  detection algorithm: While Auto Tune�s patented pitch  �
         �  detection  technology has  always provided  unmatched  �
         �  speed   and   accuracy,   Auto-Tune   5    introduces  �
         �  improvements  in  performance  with  marginal quality  �
         �  (noisy, poorly isolated, etc.) audio.                  �
         �                                                         �
         �  A sleek new  interface: As Auto-Tune�s  features have  �
         �  proliferated  from  version   to  version,  we   have  �
         �  continually focused on  maintaining its ease  of use.  �
         �  With  Auto-Tune  5,  we  have  undertaken  a complete  �
         �  graphic redesign. The result is both easy on the eyes  �
         �  and logically groups  related controls for  intuitive  �
         �  functionality.                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  Consolidated Pitch  Tracking control:  The previously  �
         �  separate  Automatic   and  Graphical   Mode  Tracking  �
         �  controls have been consolidated into a single control  �
         �  and  relocated  to  the  Options  dialog  for  set-it  �
         �  -andforget-it simplicity.                              �
         �                                                         �
         �  Automatic Mode Features                                �
         �                                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  Humanize function:  For those  concerned about  pitch  �
         �  correction  that  is  �too  perfect,�  the   Humanize  �
         �  function allows you  to set a  fast retune speed  for  �
         �  short notes, while  still allowing natural  variation  �
         �  in held notes, for results that are even more natural  �
         �  and realistic.                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  Realtime natural vibrato adjustment: The new realtime  �
         �  Natural Vibrato function allows you to modify (either  �
         �  increasing or  decreasing) the  depth of  any vibrato  �
         �  that is present in the original performance.           �
         �                                                         �
         �  Graphical Mode Features                                �
         �                                                         �
         �                                                         �
         �  Larger  Pitch  Edit  Display:  As  you�ve  no   doubt  �
         �  noticed, the Pitch Edit  Display is now bigger.  Lots  �
         �  bigger.                                                �
         �                                                         �
         �  Sync to  host transport  (host dependent):  For hosts  �
         �  that provide valid time information, Auto-Tune 5 will  �
         �  now maintain  sync with  the host  program. Once  you  �
         �  have tracked audio and created correction curves, you  �
         �  can move around in your track at will. No more having  �
         �  to  always  start   playback  at  exactly   the  same  �
         �  location.                                              �
         �                                                         �
         �  Selectable  Clock  Source:  For  hosts  that  do  not  �
         �  provide valid time  information, Auto-Tune 5�s  clock  �
         �  display  and  selection  functions  let  you  use  an  �
         �  internal  time  reference   for  Auto-Tune  4   style  �
         �  operation.                                             �
         �                                                         �
         �  Realtime  pitch  tracking display:  During  the Track  �
         �  Pitch  process,  the  graphic  representation  of the  �
         �  pitch and envelope will  be displayed in realtime  as  �
         �  the audio plays.                                       �
         �                                                         �
         �  Full-time correction mode (host dependent):  Whenever  �
         �  Auto-Tune 5 is not specifically tracking audio,  Auto  �
         �  -Tune 5 will be  operating in correction mode.  There  �
         �  is  no longer  any need  to press  a �Correct  Pitch�  �
         �  button. Besides being convenient, that makes possible  �
         �  the following feature:                                 �
         �                                                         �
         �  Multiple simultaneous Graphical Mode instances  (host  �
         �  dependent): You  can now  have multiple  instances of  �
         �  Auto-Tune  Graphical  Mode  operating  on   different  �
         �  tracks simultaneously, even if their windows are  not  �
         �  open. In  previous versions,  since you  had to  have  �
         �  plug-in windows  open to  engage Correct  ...
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