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Design Document for:



Name of Game


One Liner, i.e. The Ultimate Racing Game



“Something funny here!”™









All work Copyright ©1999 by Your Company Name


Written by Chris Taylor


Version # 1.00


Monday, October 27, 2003
Table of Contents


Name of Game              1

Design History              5

Version 1.10              5

Version 2.00              5

Version 2.10              5

Game Overview              6

Philosophy              6

Philosophical point #1              6

Philosophical point #2              6

Philosophical point #3              6

Common Questions              6

What is the game?              6

Why create this game?              6

Where does the game take place?              6

What do I control?              6

How many characters do I control?              6

What is the main focus?              6

What’s different?              7

Feature Set              8

General Features              8

Multi-player Features              8

Editor              8

Game play              8

The Game World              9

Overview              9

World Feature #1              9

World Feature #2              9

The Physical World              9

Overview              9

Key Locations              9

Travel              9

Scale              9

Objects              9

Weather              9

Day and Night              9

Time              10

Rendering System              10

Overview              10

2D/3D Rendering              10

Camera              10

Overview              10

Camera Detail #1              10

Camera Detail #2              10

Game Engine              10

Overview              10

Game Engine Detail #1              10

Water              10

Collision Detection              10

Lighting Models              11

Overview              11

Lighting Model Detail #1              11

Lighting Model Detail #2              11

The World Layout              12

Overview              12

World Layout Detail #1              12

World Layout Detail #2              12

Game Characters              13

Overview              13

Creating a Character              13

Enemies and Monsters              13

User Interface              14

Overview              14

User Interface Detail #1              14

User Interface Detail #2              14

Weapons              15

Overview              15

Weapons Details #1              15

Weapons Details #2              15

Musical Scores and Sound Effects              16

Overview              16

Red Book Audio              16

3D Sound              16

Sound Design              16

Single Player Game              17

Overview              17

Single Player Game Detail #1              17

Single Player Game Detail #2              17

Story              17

Hours of Game-play              17

Victory Conditions              17

Multi-player Game              18

Overview              18

Max Players              18

Servers              18

Customization              18

Internet              18

Gaming Sites              18

Persistence              18

Saving and Loading              18

Character Rendering              19

Overview              19

Character Rendering Detail #1              19

Character Rendering Detail #2              19

World Editing              20

Overview              20

World Editing Detail #1              20

World Editing Detail #2              20

Extra Miscellaneous Stuff              21

Overview              21

Junk I am working on…              21

“XYZ Appendix”              22

“Objects Appendix”              22

“User Interface Appendix”              22

“Networking Appendix”              22

“Character Rendering and Animation Appendix”              22

“Story Appendix”              22

Design History


              This is a brief explanation of the history of this document.


              In this paragraph describe to the reader what you are trying to achieve with the design history.  It is possible that they don’t know what this is for and you need to explain it to them.


Version 1.10


              Version 1.10 includes some tuning and tweaking that I did after making my initial pass at the design.  Here is what I changed.


1.       I rewrote the section about what systems the game runs on.

2.       I incorporated feedback from the team into all parts of the design however no major changes were made.

3.       Just keep listing your changes like this.


Version 2.00


              Version 2.00 is the first version of the design where a major revision has been made now that much more is known about the game.  After many hours of design, many decisions have been made.  Most of these large design decisions are now reflected in this document.


              Included in the changes are:


1.       Pairing down of the design scope. (Scope, not design)

2.       More detailed descriptions in many areas, specifically A, B and C.

3.       Story details.

4.       World layout and design.


Version 2.10


              Version 2.10 has several small changes over that of version 2.00.  The key areas are in many of the appendixes.


              Included in the changes are:


1.       Minor revisions throughout entire document.

2.       Added “User Interface Appendix”.

3.       Added “Game Object Properties Appendix”.

4.       Added concept sketch for world.

Game Overview



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