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Purple Splash Clip Art

Orange Splash Clip Art

Magenta Splash Clip Art

Purple Splash Clip Art

Spot R Clip Art

Spot R Clip Art

Ink Splash Clip Art

Ink Splash Clip Art

Ink Splash Clip Art

was/were able to (not could).

Although it was freezing cold, he was able to swim back to the shore.

!  In this meaning, we can also use managed to/succeeded in (…ing). They are preferable when it was something difficult to do. 

! Exception  we can use could with verbs of perception (see, hear, smell, taste, feel) and thinking

(undrstand, remember, etc) to talk about particular


I could hear a strange noise under my bed yesterday night.

- we use could not (couldn’t) for both general ability and particular situations.

He couldn’t dance.He tried hard, but couldn’t breath.

1)   can

Can you speak German?

She can’t play the violin.

Can you help me with this translation?

2)   be able to

Are you able to solve Chemistry problems?

(Good for you!)

!  Can is more common than ‘be able to’.

3)   Could (a general past ability in the past)

I could talk when I was 13 months old.

We can also use was/were able to with this  meaning.

I was able to talk when I was 13 months old.

!  When we want to say that somebody did

something on a particular occasion, we use only




4) could have (+ past participle)

We can use this construction to say that someone had the ability/opportunity to do something in the

past, but did not do it.

You could have come to my party, why didn’t you?

5) with infinitives, -ing forms or participles, we 

Can only use be able to (not can).

She wants to be able to do that, but she simply can’t do it.

I will soon be able to play the piano better than you.

My grandson enjoys being able to do these small things.


Use can, could or be able to:

My uncle _________ speak four foreign languages.






It was extremely cold yesterday, but we _____________

to skate for 2 hours.

People ____________ enter this area without a special permit.

You ____________ to ski next month, there will be plenty of snow then.

You ____________ be a progressive person if you hold such views.

My cousin boasted that he _____________ to count for a very long time.

____________ to please her, knowing  she is so   




























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