clothes order.doc

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  Name: …………………………………….. Date: ……/……/……


Class : ………… Number: ……….. Evaluation: ………….









We normally use this order:


Size + colour + pattern + noun


I’m wearing a long red checked skirt.

Clothes/ Order of Adjectives





Complete these sentences putting the adjectives in the right order:


A)     She is wearing a ___________ ________ __________ blouse. (flowery/long/blue)

B)      My mum likes ______ _______ skirts. (short/checked)

C)      Flamenco dancers wear ______

_______ dresses. (Spotted/long)

D)     I never wear ______ ________   _________scarves. (flowery/ pink/ big)

E)      No, I haven’t got a _________ _________ ______ shirt.(pain/ small/ white)





































What are they wearing?



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