the present simple tense.doc

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B) Write the he / she / it forms.


  • Catch ______________
  • Come ______________
  • Read _______________
  • Cook _______________
  • Drink ______________
  • Fetch ______________
  • Fix ________________
  • Live _______________
  • Miss _______________
  • Push _______________
  • Run _______________
  • Smoke _____________
  • Stand ______________
  • Start _______________
  • Touch ______________
  • Watch _____________
  • Wish ______________
  • Write ______________


C) Write the sentences in the affirmative. Use the Simple Present.


  • My mother / like / romantic films.
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • My teacher / drive / a Mercedes
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • Mark / catch / the 8óclock bus
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • Mary / do / her shopping in the supermarket.
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • John / play / for the school team
  • ___________________________________________________________
  • I / live / in Lisbon
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • We / eat / soup at meals
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • They / go / home by bus
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • You / get up / very early
  • ____________________________________________________________



D) Choose words from the box and write true sentences about yourself and your partner. (you can use the words more than once)

Sit   Play   don´t   speak   live   sees   doesn´t   sits   come   help   goes   helps

Plays   lives   go    see   speaks   comes





  • I ____________ speak English but I ____________ speak German.
  • I ____________ French.
  • My partner ____________ Chinese.
  • We ____________ in a big city.
  • My partner ____________ near my house.
  • I ____________ the piano.
  • My partner ____________ the trumpet.
  • We ____________ next to each other in class.
  • I ____________ my friends everyday.


E) Complete the sentences use the words in brackets:


  • I have breakfast at seven (half past seven.
  • I don´t have breakfast at seven . I have breakfast at half past seven.


  • I get up at six o’clock ( eight o´clock)


  • __________________________________________________________



  • Mark and Ann live in Spain (Lisbon).
  • __________________________________________________________



  • I wear shoes to school (trainers)
  • __________________________________________________________
  • Mary´s mother helps her with her homework. (dad)
  • __________________________________________________________
  • She eats meat. ( fish)
  • __________________________________________________________
  • We like coffee (tea)
  • __________________________________________________________



F) Write negative sentences:


  • I live in Portugal
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • I play football at weekends.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • We always go to school by bus.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • Mary likes French.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • John and Mary are friends.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • Susan watches films on TV.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • Tom Plays basketball.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • My cat eats fish.
  • __________________________________________________________________
  • They go to the cinema.
  • ­__________________________________________________________________



G) Ask questions using the words in brackets. Answer them beginning with yes.


  • Drink bear? (Jane)
  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • Yes, ______________________________________________________________


  • Wear jeans (Tom)
  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________


  • Speak English? ( Ann and Susan)


  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • ________________________________________________________________


  • Stay out late? (your brother)


  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________


  • Eat vegetables? (students)


  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________


  • Make noise? (our friends)


  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________


  • Take much exercise? (you)



  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________



  • Wake up early everyday? (you)
  • ________________________________________________________________?
  • _________________________________________________________________



H) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets



  • Mark _________ (wake) Henry up at seven o´clock.
  • Does Mark _________ (get up) immediately?
  • Ann _________ (go) to the bathroom and _________ (wash) her face.
  • _________ she _________ ( prepare) breakfast for her and her brother?
  • Everyday Ann _________ (take) her dog for a walk in the park.
  • _________ they _________ (go) for a walk in the park near their house?
  • Ann´s grandmother sometimes _________ (get) lost in London.





I)                    Write the following sentences in the Interrogative form. Then answer the questions using the negative form.


  • You / eat / meat /?
  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.



  • She / play / Football / in the school team/?
  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.



  • Mark / take / his sister home / ?
  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.



  • Your sister / speak German /?
  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.



  • They / stay out late / every night /?
  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.


  • Your mother / take an aspirin / after lunch/?


  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.


  • Your dad / like watching / football match /?


  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.


  • You / work / on the computer / every weekend?


  • ________________________________________________ ?
  • NO, _____________________________________________.






                H) Write these sentences again and use the adverbs in brackets.

  • Mark stays at home (usually)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Fred watches TV. (every evening)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Ann listens to the radio ( often)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Mary visits her cousins ( sometimes)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Robin helps his brother with his homework ( never)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Peter plays tennis with her friends (twice a week)
  • ­______________________________________________
  • British students ride their bikes to college. (always)
  • ______________________________________________
  • Margaret and I study together. (every Wednesday)
  • ______________________________________________
  • I do my homework after dinner. (rarely)
  • ______________________________________________
  • I listen to music with my mother. ( seldom)
  • ______________________________________________



I)                    Complete these sentences according to your own opinion (affirmative or negative)



  • Every day I ___________( have) breakfast at home before going to school.
  • I usually ___________(visit) my friends at weekends.
  • I ___________(bake) a cake for dessert on Saturdays.
  • Every Wednesday I ­___________(go) home earlier.
  • On Fridays I ___________(swim) in the health center.
  • I always ___________(sleep) eight hours.
  • I ___________(like) orange juice.
  • I___________(be) in good shape.
  • I___________(work) very hard every day.
  • ...
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