shattersync info.txt

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-Pluggotic Shattersync-

..modified version of DarkWare's Shattershot Lite..

For those knowing and loving Shattershot Lite VST, 
Shattersync is essentially a host (and therefore BPM) 
synchronized version of its predecessor. it should be 
noted that the work I made to modify the creature 
will not make it sound any better and possibly all 
the voodoo magic spawned from Shattershot Lite will 
disappear, replaced by a tamed, ordered, boring, 
mechanism of nothingness.

--A pseudonecessary and absolutely non-objective 
walkthrough for the inexperienced shatterer--

put the dll in your vst folder and start your vst 

create a whatever host/bpm synchronized part. turn the 
click on and record a riff or a arpeggio with your 
favourite synth.
tap a rhythm with a drumsynth or a sampler.
load a loop, adapt the loop with slicing or stretching.
sing in your mic, call the bongo fury...get ready to 
throw at Shattersync everything you have.

open Shattersync as an effect on the track just 

1)the sixteen-steps sequencer in the middle is the first 
part to check, where you decide WHEN and HOW sound is 
passed, step by step.
each step has three choices:
(m) muted segment. no sound, nada, niente.
(d) dry. sound passes untouched. Shattersync is 
(w+) wet. sound goes straight into the effect AND the 
effect is triggered with a positive pulse, which means 
that a copy of the sound will be playbacked with a long 
(w-) wet. same as before, but the pulse is negative. the 
sound will be playbacked with a short buffer time, fast 
(dw+) dry+wet. both signals, wet with positive pulse.
(dw-) dry+wet. bla bla bla, wet with negative pulse.

the "rate" parameter right below on the left changes the 
sequencer's speed.
"chaos" randomly alternates mutations of the current 
pattern, for random fills and madness.
"shape" parameter will smooth and curve the brutal 
amplitude transitions from one step to the other.
2)then, try playing a bit with ALPHA and BETA, these 
parameters will amplify two kinds of repeating feedbacks, 
a slow one and a faster one. use the MIX parameter to 
balance the volume of the effected signal. use GAGA to 
add another repeating layer and MOD to tune and to add 
overall feedback. 
careful with low MOD & high GAGA settings, as they can 
overdrive pretty fast.
signal too clean? use HI LMT and LO LMT, please..and 
welcome to pain and grief.
(dry) kills the unaffected signal. fuck it, we love'em 
(<->) this obscure label stands for "the unearthly stereo 
switch that will cut your ears off". who needs 
true-stereo operation? free pitched binaural piercing.

3)"it's moving! where do we go from here?"
you see, buffers are constantly manipulated by two other 
parameters, RateA and RateB. it's getting complicated...
rateA and B are two indipendent modulators and the 
parameters will let you choose the (host-synchronized) 
frequency of brutalization, from very slow to very fast. 
the INV button will generate variation by reversing the 
brutalization phase. the ALGORITHM gives access to several 
authoptic tools for dismembering the precious buffers.
the ALGORITHM names will, at the same time, be meaningful 
and totally non-sense.

4)it's clearly not enough. press the STUTTER button and 
shock the monkey. it's not a proper "hold", it's not a 
luxurious "freeze", it's a will just be wrong. 
and it destroys  sound before it enters both paths, dry 
and wet. plus, change TIME & PITCH while you're stuttering 
and conquer the crowds worldwide.

5)other controls.
-MIDI LEARN function. press LEARN, move a parameter, move 
your knob/slider/modwheel/whatever, and you're done.
RESET resets, unsurprisingly.
every parameter assigned this way is stored by default 
in a txt file contained in the plugin's folder. the folder 
is created once the plugin is initialized for the first 
excluding merely visual-related displays, panels, leds and 
midi-learn related buttons, every single Shattersync 
parameter is re-assignable.
complete CC chart is attached at the end of this essay and included in the package as jpeg picture.
-"C" button at top left displays credits, "I" button on the 
right displays infos, few tips.

-Shuttersync is true stereo.
-Shuttersync is based on delays and feedbacks. therefore
it may produce high volume peaks and damage your equipment.
Pluggotic bears no responsability in any case.
-No warranty, support or guarantee is offered to the end user.
-Shattersync is a (F)uck (S)hit (U)p effect, it is made to
recycle sounds turning them into "something" that fits a 
desire for aesthetic failure. 

7)midi cc chart
dry		8
mix		7
hi limit	12
lo limit	13
stereo fx	10
alpha		14
beta		15
gaga		1
mod		9
seq rate	20
algorithm	23
chaos		22
shape		21
rateA		16
invertA		18
rateB		17
invertB		19
stutter		24
stutter time	25
stutter pitch	26
seq steps 1-16	102-117

Pluggotic Shattersync..mod/g.u.i./presets/docs by 
Carlo del Prato.
Original Shattershot Lite design by Darkware.
made with Synthedit
3rd party modules by: 
Dave Haupt
Kelly Lynch
Scoofster Audio
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