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Taboo 2: Two for the Show
Taboo 2: Two for the Show
by Willa Okati
Torquere Press
Copyright ©2007 by Willa Okati
First published in www.torquerepress.com, 2008
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Taboo 2: Two for the Show
by Willa Okati
There's a moment, one perfect, glorious moment where
Vanner knows—he's absolutely sure —that he's doing the right
thing. That this whole whatever-it-is he's started with his twin
is what he's needed all along.
Heath's braced on his forearms above Vanner, breathing in
hot, moist jerks. His features hang slack. Vanner's never
realized before how fucking gorgeous men look right after
they've come, after they quit making those screwed-up ugly
faces they do when they're on the edge. They're a lot funnier
from this angle.
This is the brief heartbeat of time when everything goes
still and perfect. Vanner's awash with satisfaction and pride.
Knowing his cock and his fumbling hands that haven't yet
learned how to do what's needed have brought Heath to this
point ... well, it goes to Vanner's head. In the light of that
peace on his brother's face, he doesn't even mind the sticky
spunk cooling on his belly.
Half of it came from him, anyway. Whatever he does to
Heath, Heath does back to him even better.
Vanner's still seeing spots of golden light dance before his
eyes like sunshine breaking through a heavy gray cloud
cover. Never has he ever been this fucked-out, and they've
not even done more than use their mouths and their hands.
Vanner thinks that if the time ever comes where it feels
natural to move to the level beyond this, his head's gonna
explode. Heath's being patient, mostly, which Vanner
appreciates. It's not like he's a blushing debutante or
anything. He just needs some time to get used to liking cock
Taboo 2: Two for the Show
by Willa Okati
as well as liking his own brother stretched out and moaning
his name.
Lord, he knows he's going to hell. Sweet ride, too.
Slowly coming back to his senses, Heath focuses on
Vanner. Heath's pupils are so wide they drown out his irises,
leaving only the thinnest ring of color. His mouth looks loose
until he licks his lips and they curve into a slow, sexy grin
that makes Vanner want to go again, with Heath below him
this time.
"Hey, Van," he drawls, draping his full weight on Vanner
regardless of the mess between them. "Do you have any idea
how sexy you look like this? I've dreamed of having you
naked in my bed so many times, but the fantasies were weak
as water next to seeing you under me for real. So hot." Heath
licks Vanner's throat. "You make me want you more than
anything. Getting you off is like tasting heaven."
Vanner blushes. He's still not used to this at all. Brothers
ought not to say such things to one another.
Then again, according to those rules brothers shouldn't rut
like dogs in heat, so screw that logic.
Heath laughs at Vanner, a lover's weary chuckle. "Think,
think, think. Always thinking."
"Am not," Vanner bitches for the sake of form.
Heath rolls his eyes. "Bull," he scoffs.
Brothers snipe at one another. That's okay. The moment's
still perfect and whole.
Heath changes back from brother to lover without a hitch.
"You all right?" he asks, brushing hair out of Vanner's eyes.
"Did I break you?"
Taboo 2: Two for the Show
by Willa Okati
"You can ask such a thing?" Vanner's shoulders shake with
mirth. "Yeah. Near about." He hesitates, not sure if it's the
right thing to ask the question forefront in his mind, and then
goes for broke. "Wanna try again?"
Heath doesn't bother answering with words when he can
do other things with his mouth. He kisses Vanner, one hot
press of his lips, and goes crawling backward and down.
As his tongue traces paths through the proof of what they
just did and will do again, Vanner knows he's happier than
he's ever been.
This is golden, and he wants what's come to pass between
them to last for all time.
But nothing ever does.
* * * *
Another town in the middle of nowhere. Another rodeo.
Life goes on.
They've found a place to stay other than a trailer park this
time, a shabby motel off the interstate. A lot of folks live here
full-time, looks like, women in curlers trailing strings of kids
behind them and men in dirty undershirts sitting on the
sidewalks. It's the kind of place where people go when either
the world doesn't care, or they don't.
In Vanner's opinion, there can be no better place to hole
up, considering the way life is right now. Heath says he's
Vanner knows he would rather be paranoid than get
caught. He's no fool.
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