Working Man 07 - Car Trouble.pdf

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Car Trouble
J.M. Snyder
Working Man: Car Trouble
This e-Book contains sexually graphic scenes and adult language. Store your e-Books
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J.M. Snyder
Working Man:
Car Trouble
J.M. Snyder
Aspen Mountain Press
Working Man: Car Trouble
Working Man: Car Trouble
Copyright© March 2008 by J.M. Snyder
This e-Book is a work of fiction. While references may be made to actual places or events, the names,
characters, incidents, and locations within are from the author’s imagination and are not a resemblance to
actual living or dead persons, businesses, or events. Any similarity is coincidental.
Aspen Mountain Press
PO Box 473543
Aurora CO 80047-3543
Published by Aspen Mountain Press, March 2008
This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal
and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction fines
and / or imprisonment. The e-Book cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this e-Book
can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.
ISBN: 978-1-60168-096-9
Released in the United States of America
Editor: Sandra Hicks
Cover artist: Nikita Gordyn
J.M. Snyder
Car Trouble
Terrence Jackson is on his way home from another long day at the advertising
firm he owns when he hears it—a steady chug-chug-chug beneath the hood of his brand
new, candy-apple red Mercedes that he knows the sports car shouldn’t be making. He
paid too much money for this damn thing to have it sound like an old man wheezing
uphill. The late afternoon heat only adds to his discomfort. By the time he pulls into
the driveway of his modest, split-level home, he’s ready to call the dealership and chew
someone out for selling him a lemon.
By morning, he’s calm enough to call the firm first to tell them he’ll be late. His
secretary answers. A pretty young girl with a thick Southern accent, Melissa Jones is
fresh out of college and, if truth be told, was hired more for her looks than her filing
abilities. Though Terrence isn’t the least bit interested in the fairer sex, she’s nice to
look at, and sounds sweet on the phone. “Would you like me to call Gary’s Auto for
you, Mr. Jackson?” she asks, her voice bright despite the early hour. “They’re such nice
people there. I always have them service my car.”
“I was planning to take it back to the dealer,” Terrence admits. “It’s not that
Through his cell phone, he hears the rustle of papers as Melissa digs amid her
obscure filing system to find the paperwork on the car. He’s already behind the wheel
of his Mercedes, his tie not quite cinched tight just yet. The first beads of sweat trickle
down the back of his thick neck into the cool cotton of his button-down shirt. He angles
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