Cenotaphium Vol I Issue 0 - Cinerairi Tabularium.PDF
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Issue 0 ~ cinerairi tabularium
The Abyss presents its first journal, Cenotaphium: Cinerairi Tabularium a monthly release from The Abyss. This
electronic version of Cenotaphium may be used provided you charge no fee and do not alter its contents or layout. If
you wish to distribute this or copies in any other format please contact Jason Just for written permission.
The following material developed for the contemporary horror roleplaying game, Kult (Target Games), are created
and made available in this format by The Abyss, and are not authorized or endorsed in any way by Target
Games or any other publisher of Kult. Neither Target Games or any other publisher of Kult is in any way
responsible for the content of this sourcebook. Cenotaphium: Cinerairi Tabularium © The Abyss, All Rights
All images and design © Jason Just. Images may be used provided no fee is charged and or modified.
Contact just.faction@clear.net.nz
Reccommended for Mature audiences.
Issue 0 : Cinerairi Tabularium
Cinerairi Tabularium is the first Cenotaphium in an ongoing, monthly journal from The Abyss, whose content
is derived completely on submission. Unlike the sourcebooks, Cenotaphium is a collective of player and
gamemaster ideas presented in magazine form for your personal use.
This Issue would not be possible without Erik Growen’s valuable help in allowing us use the collected archives
from the old Target Kult Forum board and other sources. His compiling and presentation to us of these
collected works allowed us to present these past thoughts and ideas on Kult in one book. Its place as Issue 0 is to
reflect this. Many writers are featured in issue 0 and all have been acknowledged as was possible, however some
ideas are without authors and if you are the author and wish to be acknowledged, please contact The Abyss and
we will ammend it promptly. The Abyss would also like to thank those writers featured in this Cenotaphium, for
giving Kult a worldwide diversity unmatched. The Abyss does not endorse or support the statements made by
the authors in regard to Target or other companies.
All future issues of Cenotaphium are on submission basis through The Abyss site in e-mail to the co-ordinators.
Art, poetry, and literature will be featured in coming issues.
Author: Divers Hands
Design/Layout/Graphics: Jason Just
A Publication from The Abyss
Made for the Kult Roleplaying Game
For Mature Readers
"The Abyss is a not-for-profit worldwide corporation whose aim is to
encourage a new publishing company to buy the rights to the Kult role-playing
game and bring it back into print. We run an extensive outreach campaign to
attract new gamers, and we produce high-quality new material and distribute
it for free on the Internet in order to keep gamers interested."
www.kult-rpg.org ~
Copyright 2000
Issue 0 : Cinerairi Tabularium
A Briefer History of Time or History isn't like it used to be
The illusion is breaking, gradually we are seeing past the mundane world and into the darkness of Metropolis. There is,
however, no time in Metropolis (or indeed Metropolis time certainly works differently to our time) so what is causing the
illusion to break down as time progresses through our world? This is an attempted explanation of the contradiction and
some ideas about the new nature of time.
A New Angle
It is possible to consider that the illusion isn't only now breaking down, rather it is breaking down at a constant rate
throughout all periods of history, we no longer have the old past which was thoroughly enshrouded by illusion, all our
pasts are infected. We have proof of this, which can be readilly accepted by society: history has changed, and we all know
it. If you allow your mind to think, you will realise that in the past history was always more sentimental. In the past, we
remember the middle ages being knights in shining armour atop a white stallion, now days we call this fantasy and
recognise instead the squaller in which people lived. Possibly we simply know more and do not romanticise, more
probably we are allowing ourself to see the changing world and time in its full glory - we meerly rationalise the changes
thus preserving a portion of our personal illusion. It is possibly better to consider that while takes place in our world, the
illusion has broken just that bit further, making shadows just that bit darker.
Time in Metropolis
There is no time, as we know it, within Metropolis. That said, there is still cause and effect. One thing still follows
another, hands on clocks still move, sand still falls through an hourglass. The problem is that time is no longer consistant
in the same way that the dimentions of space seem somewhat wrong. Just as you could pass due north for several yards
and move several miles to the south, it is just as possible for time to do the same sort of flips, just because a watch starts
moving backwards doesn't mean cause will follow effect, sand will still fall under the weight of whatever Metropolis's
equivalent of gravity is although there is no reason to think the size of the pile of sand will increase - we have to think in
non-euclidean terms here folks.
The Cross Over
Something my games have already had to handle is the problem of someone in an area where the illusion is breaking
comparing times with someone outside the area. This is easily solved by use of the illusion as a means of control.
"I had seen the watch moving backwards with my own eyes. There was no reason why, as a jeweler I could tell that the
mechanism was working, the laws of physics were blatently being defied, although I could not figure which laws, things were just
plain odd. I had to solve this enigma before my mind totally fell into the mists of insanity - I reached for my portable phone and
called my mother.
"Naturally my mother was somewhat bemused by her son phoning her and asking the time, but she was more than happy to
humour me - then again she has noticed my gradual descent into oblivion and may well be following the advice of the shrink she
sent me to, no matter. I set my watch to 6:32 as she instructed and waited, how long for it seems somewhat impossible to tell
"When my watch reached 6:15 I telephoned my mother again, she seemed somewhat suprised to hear from me again so quickly. I
asked here, relieved that I had found the problem surrounded only me, the time. I only begam to scream as she told me in that
matter of fact voice it was 17 minutes since I last phoned her, exactly 6:15 pm"
In this situation the illusion is breaking for the author while his mother remains firmly within it. Time will move the
same way at a break in the illusion as it does within the illusion, the difference is that there is no illusion to make us
rationalise or obscure impossibilities from our minds. The mother correctly reports the time within the illusion both times,
Issue 0 : Cinerairi Tabularium
however her clouded mind fails to notice that it is now earlier than it was several minutes ago. We enter the world of non-
euclidean chronology. Had the author managed to explain to his mother what was going on, he would possibly bring
about the breakdown of her illusion. My suggestion for such a situation would be to make an ego roll. If the roll is failed,
the character in the illusion is unable to comprehend what the hell the person within the crack is talking about - things
seem perfectly normal within the illusion. If the roll is successful, but the effect is less than 10 the character will notice the
weirdness of the situation - a rationalist will rationalise it and a new age pagan will call it weird. An effect of greater than
10 will cause a rip in the illusion for the character, your players won't mind being responsible for the phone going dead
and their mothers body found stuffed as if by a professional taxidermist
and covered in arcane runes next time they visit her. Honest.
The Magic of Time
We now have to consider how this new view of time affects magic related to it. We must now forget about previous
definitions of time and consider that spells relate directly to time as we perceive it now. See through Time & Space will
only allow you to see time and space as it was in our chronology, not as it was before the illusion split (thus we see plague
ridden villages not camelot). There is no way to contact 'previous' realities without manipulating reality directly.
A question about death.
"B.P. Suverkropp": bastiaan@HAWAII.EDU
Nicole Reichen: reichen0@SMAIL.UNI-KOELN.DE
David Edelhaug: david.edelhaug@HIT.UIB.NO
Liam le: liam_skyter@YAHOO.COM
Jason Thompson: jason@SONIC.NET
Nicolas Stampf: stampf@MAIL.DOTCOM.FR
If you are visiting Metropolis as a normal, unawakened human, and you get killed (99.9% chance of that, if you believe
the sourcebook), what happens? Death is an illusion, but you are not in the Illusion anymore!
Our group came to Metropolis and one of our group-members (Peter) was killed by another group-member (Alex). That
happened, because he was possessed and we therefor saw a traitor in him. When he was killed whatever possessed him
went to Alex and possessed him. Finally Alex became control over it, because he was given an amulet. He was able to give
Peters wounds to the other players or creatures around and Peter was alive again. Peter has some secret knowledge now
(specified by the GM). So there is still an illusion. (But all the characters are new characters. Perhaps it is different, if you
play with an old one).
Death in Metropolis
1. The nice way. The player wakes up in the illusion, maybe in his own bed, remembering horrible nightmares, but
nothing from metropolis. ( he maybe gets a new disadvantage, nightmare or something else.)
2. The person becomes a ghost, either returned to the illusion or in metropolis. Maybe when he is quite mad and unable
to remember or when his ghost is destroyed in some other way he can return to the cycle.
3. The persons death could be handled the same way as if he had died in the illusion, maybe some lictors arrange some
false evidence of a suicide or something like that?
When my players go to Metropolis and "die" there, I just let them wake up "hours" later, with all wounds open, losing
blood and wandering in pain, trapped inside their bodies until madness really fuck them up.
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