
(4 KB) Pobierz
 Wolumin w stacji C nie ma etykiety.
 Numer seryjny woluminu: BCD7-9BD2

 Katalog: C:\Documents and Settings\NOMAME\Pulpit\SEED\Wpadki Filmowe

2008-03-13  11:25    <DIR>          .
2008-03-13  11:25    <DIR>          ..
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          5th Element
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          6th Sense
2008-03-13  10:56    <DIR>          Aladdin
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Alien
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Aliens
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Amelie
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          American Beauty
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          American Pie
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Armageddon
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          As Good As it Gets
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Attack of The Clones
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Back to The Future
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Back to The Future 2
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Back to The Future 3
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Bad Boys
2008-03-13  11:09    <DIR>          Black Hawk Down
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Bridget Jones
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Bruce Almighty
2008-03-13  10:54    <DIR>          Casino Royale
2008-03-13  10:57    <DIR>          Chicago
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Commando
2008-03-13  10:59    <DIR>          Die Another Day
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Die Hard
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Dogma
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          F&F
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Fight Club
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Forest Gump
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Gladiator
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Golden Eye
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Gone in 60 seconds
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Goodfellas
2008-03-13  11:05    <DIR>          Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets
2008-03-13  11:07    <DIR>          Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
2008-03-13  10:50    <DIR>          Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Indiana Jones
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Indiana Jones Lost Ark
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Jay and Silent Bob
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Jurassic Park
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Kill Bill
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Leon
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Lethal Weapon
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Lethal Weapon 3
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Licence To Kill
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Lord Of The Rings
2008-03-13  11:10    <DIR>          Lord Of The Rings II
2008-03-13  11:02    <DIR>          Lord Of The Rings III
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Love Actually
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Matrix
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Matrix Reloaded
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Memento
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Men In Black
2008-03-13  10:45    <DIR>          Men In Black II
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Mission Impossible 2
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Pirates Of The Caribbean
2008-03-13  10:55    <DIR>          Pulp Fiction
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Road Trip
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Rush Hour
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Scary Movie
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Scream
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Shawshank Redemption
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Speed
2008-03-13  11:11    <DIR>          Spider Man
2008-03-13  11:25                 0 spis.txt
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Star Wars Return Of The Jedi
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Star Wars The Phantom Menace
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Star Wars V
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          StarWars
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Superman
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          SwordFish
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Terminator 2
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Terminator 3
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          The Bourne Identity
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          The Usual Suspects
2008-03-13  10:48    <DIR>          The Wizard of Oz
2008-03-13  10:57    <DIR>          Titanic
2008-03-13  10:52    <DIR>          Troy
2008-03-13  11:01    <DIR>          X-men 2
2007-04-16  23:40    <DIR>          Xena
               1 plik(?w)               0 bajt?w
              79 katalog(?w)   8?961?220?608 bajt?w wolnych
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