Packt Publishing phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager (2011).pdf

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phpList 2 E-mail Campaign
Get to grips with the phpList e-mail announcement
delivery system!
David Young
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phpList 2 E-mail Campaign Manager
Copyright © 2011 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written
permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in
critical articles or reviews.
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy
of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is
sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt
Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages
caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the
companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals.
However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: July 2011
Production Reference: 1180711
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
32 Lincoln Road
Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK.
ISBN 978-1-849511-04-9
Cover Image by Asher Wishkerman ( )
David Young
Project Coordinator
Srimoyee Ghoshal
Deepak Vohra
Bernadette Watkins
Acquisition Editor
Usha Iyer
Monica Ajmera Mehta
Rekha Nair
Development Editor
Alina Lewis
Production Coordinator
Melwyn D'sa
Technical Editor
Sakina Kaydawala
Cover Work
Melwyn D'sa
Copy Editor
Leonard D'Silva
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About the Author
David Young 's irst experience in documenting the open source world was the
oficial 2003 manual for JAJC, a popular jabber client, which he authored in XML
using Docbook.
He followed this with the development of "Bandersnatch", the whimsically named
Jabber message logger, which remains the de facto open source platform for
recording and archiving messages on a Jabber server.
After founding and successfully running an open source consulting company
("Funky Penguin") for several years, David "retired" to full-time employment.
David now works for a respected New Zealand IT consulting irm (Prophecy
Networks Ltd) and pursues the odd "Funky Penguin" project in his spare time.
David's projects, notes, and ramblings can be found at: .
I'd like to thank my wife for her support, encouragement, and
constant supply of Grifin's Chocolate Fingers. The team at Packt,
for the opportunity to author this book. My Funky Penguin phpList
clients (you know who you are), for the opportunities you provide
me with. My son Zachary, of whom I'm forever a proud and
loving father.
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