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Supermundane 4
The Inner Life
Book Four
Copyright, 2004
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced in English
or in translation to any other language
without written permission from the publisher
First Edition, 2004
Agni Yoga Society, Inc.
319 West 107 th Street, New York, NY 10025
The Inner Life
700. Urusvati knows that every appeal for the renewal of life must address the needs of
women and the young. Some people think that both of these aspects of life are secure, and are
developing successfully, but in reality the position of woman and the education of the young are
not at all in a satisfactory condition. Only a small number of women can assume equal rights in the
conditions of life, and in most schools the foundations of a sound life are not taught. Evolution
cannot proceed successfully when two pillars of support have not yet been made secure. It should
not be thought that evolution proceeds under any conditions; it can be obstructed, and much
precious energy will be wasted.
The world convulses from the horrors of Armageddon, yet life grows ever uglier. People
may believe that they work for some higher ideals, though their deeds reveal the opposite. One can
find in life the very same agonies that burdened mankind thousands of years ago. These wounds
cannot be justified by blaming the intolerable conditions of life, when people make no effort to
improve these conditions, even to some small degree. Small groups can point to their useful
achievements, but now We are discussing not the exceptions, but the masses of humanity, who are
the real movers of evolution.
The Thinker said, “O, ye wise men, your efforts will be fruitless if woman does not stretch
out her hand to you, and if you do not raise a generation of heroes!”
701. Urusvati knows how lightminded many people are about their own state of
readiness. One would think that there exists a great number of heroes ready for self-sacrificing
podvig .
Readiness can be flaming, or can be lukewarm. The lukewarm people cheat not only those
around them, but also themselves. They do not even notice their own lies, and thus worsen their
condition. Truly, it is better for those who acknowledge their unreadiness; at least they can improve
themselves. But the cunning one and the boaster close off the path of advancement. Thus We must
constantly remind you about the state of readiness. It alone gives one courage for overcoming all
Many speak of their readiness to work with Us, but at the first sign of difficulty they retreat
in cowardice. One of the main causes for this is a lack of understanding of the meaning of life.
They do not ponder upon the Supermundane Infinity, and are chained to the earthly mirage. Just as
a horse kept always in a corral loses the ability to race, so also does the prisoner of Earth lose the
ability for rapid advancement.
Thus, when I speak of readiness, I am reminding you about advancement. One should be
ever ready for podvig . One must think much about podvig , before putting it into action. It must first
be performed mentally, and thought about with such conviction that its implementation in life is
unavoidable. Only thus is that living cooperation, about which so many words have been spoken,
The Thinker said, “Do you not think that lukewarm readiness is like one drop of nectar
diluted by an entire sea?”
702. Urusvati knows how much humanity is plagued by the phantoms of contradiction.
Humanity itself created and nurtured these phantoms. Even the most fundamental concept, that of
primary energy, is surrounded by irreconcilable opinions. We have said that energy is
inexhaustible, yet at the same time recommend all possible care in utilizing it. And people see
contradiction in that, even though every thoughtful individual knows that everything of value must
be safeguarded. We have also spoken about the stability of the primal energy, but people then point
to its changeability. But actually, its true nature is not its changeability, but its multiformity. Also,
people try to apply earthly dates and qualities to it, forgetting that the Subtle World does not live in
accordance with earthly calendars.
It was not without reason that in ancient times students were required to learn to reconcile
contradictions. A pupil, stumbling against contradictions, was often held back for a long time at
that threshold. He not only could not reflect upon the Supermundane, but even lost his earthly path.
He could find a solution only if he understood the significance of goalfitness, but by not
understanding goalfitness he was lost.
The Thinker said, “If all that was read reminded us about goalfitness, we could have
conquered the dragon of contradictions.”
703. Urusvati knows that an attitude of solemnity is needed for thinking about the
Supermundane. This attitude is ignited when one conceives an idea about the Supermundane. The
slanderers will say, “Again a contradiction!” But they do not understand that with the fiery quality
of striving, many things are revealed almost simultaneously, faster even than the speed of light.
Truly, in fieriness is found a key to the treasure-box of all possibilities.
Likewise, people do not want to understand that something can take place in the Subtle
World before its earthly manifestation. Urusvati knows that occurrences in the Subtle and the
earthly worlds are not necessarily simultaneous. This delay may be natural, for the purpose of
shaping a distant earthly event, but it also can be caused by circumstances that intrude upon and
deflect the order of events. A stormy sea can serve as the best example of the complexity of rhythm
on the different worlds.
Most people are not able to make the idea of the Subtle World a part of their lives, and thus
they obstruct evolution. It is difficult to reveal to the earthly consciousness that the Subtle World is
the true source of events in the earthly world. Whole decades can pass between an event in the
Subtle World and its counterpart in the physical world, even though by being formed in the Subtle
World it became inevitable.
One could wonder why some events are beacons that determine many subsequent events.
One must remember that events follow a very complex course that cannot be accounted for by a
simple explanation. Who would dare to decide which of the stream of events is the most
significant, and what are the causes and what the effects? One must train oneself to think about the
The Thinker said, “The eye did not perceive, the ear did not hear, but the heart knew that
something had taken place.”
704. Urusvati knows that inspiration, exaltation, and also enthusiasm, as it is called, must
be consciously sustained. But patience, containment, and tolerance are also created consciously. It
is a mistake to surmise that the rewards of self-development come from without; a fiery hearth lives
in the depths of the consciousness. Man must perceive it, must safeguard it lovingly, and must
summon its forces. Only then can outward help be given.
Even a simple mechanic understands the basic laws of the application of energy. So much
the more should a thinker adopt the application of his own abilities. Therefore, when We speak
about the Supermundane, We speak according to the fundamentals of human nature. Thus, in your
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