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DB 2020 inside user manual v1.7
Supported CIDs
CID 49
CID 50
CID 51
CID 52
Language change, 2 minutes per phone only
Upgrade phone software , 5 minutes only
Decustomize phones
Customize phones to desired network
Convert phones from China to Europe market
Convert phones from Europe to China market
Repair dead phones
Repair RED LED blinking phones CID 49, CID 51, CID 52
Upgrade EROM version CID 49, CID51, CID52
Upgrade phone from CID 49 to CID 51 - NEW
Reset total call timer CID 49, CID 51, CID 52
Reset user code to factory default 0000 on CID 49, CID 51, CID 52 phones - NEW
USB support via DCU-60 cable (come with phone) - NEW
USB multi lashing interface with support up to 256 phones at same time - NEW
Flashing time for 1 phone is about 5 minutes - NEW
Can operate with unlimited number of phones on one PC
Can operate with unlimited number of EMMA cards
All boxes can use the same EMMA card
All boxes can use the same Griin Server account
Usage of PC CPU is 01% per connected box
Card limit alert on desired percent of usage
All process is of-line except inalize phone
Auto detect function for new connected box
Auto save login details for Griin Server
Automatic store EMMA card number and PIN
Show you EMMA card key information
Show you EMMA card counters
Show you available keys on your EMMA card
All features can be used in TRIAL mode with other MT box models , MT box Nokia and MT Siemens
Very easy to use
Simple user interface
Please note:
All serial numbers, active services, unlock counters and login details are examples.
How to start
Required operation system is Windows XP
Connect card reader to USB port
Windows will ind new hardware and install drivers for it
Start DB 2020 inside software
On the top of application you will see the Main tool bar
File - Settings - Exit
Window - Tile - Cascade - Next - Previous - Close
Help - User manual - Web support - What’s new
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EMMA Card Settings
From the card reader menu you can choose the service you want to use to inalize phone:
EMMA card
Griin Server - more info here
If you have an EMMA card with UMTS key insert it to card reader
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One mouse click on Card SN to mark it then press DOWN key on your keyboard - 1
The new empty space will be shown
Click to empty space required for Card SN and enter the card number (signed on above card picture
like Card SN 005506485) - 2
Click to empty space required for card PIN and enter it - 3
Please be careful when type these details, otherwise you card can be blocked and useless
Press INFO button - 4
The software will read your EMMA card status, show you available keys and counters
If there is an error message, please check entered card SN, PIN or reenter the card to reader
If you want to software remind you about your EMMA card limit expiration, set desired percent
In this case software will give you a warning message when 80% of allowed card limit is used
The card settings are saved automatically and you don’t need to enter it again
If you have for example one more card and want to use it, just enter card details and press INFO
Now you are ready
Close the window
Griin Team (GT) Server Settings
If you don’t have an EMMA smart card, you can use Griin Server to inalize phone
To able use Griin Server you need to buy the logs
Logs you can buy from Griin Team re seller, please click here to ind an re seller near to you
From Card reader menu select GT Server
The server IP is
In the ield User Name please enter your Griin Server user name given by re seller
In the ield Password please enter your Griin Server password given by re seller
Press Info button to login to server
Allow internet access if any Firewall
Close the window
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