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Applies to:
DOS, Windows 95/98

DOS, Windows 95/98 

Proszę o pomoc. Jak uruchomić myszkę w dosie?
> Pozdrawiam - Darek Czop

Z myszka jest dostarczana dyskietka na ktorej znajduja sie drivery.
Z reguly producent umieszcza plik instalacyjny, np. install.bat albo cos
w tym stylu. Ogranicza sie to do uruchomienia tego pliku a wszystkie
zmiany dokonaja sie automatycznie.
jak chcesz to zrobic sam - znajdz na dyskietce plik, np. mouse.com albo
cos w tym stylu, przekopiuj do jakiegos katalogu i dopisz linie do pliku
autoexec.bat (przyklad)
lh c:\windows\mouse.com
jezeli jest tez plik, np. mouse.sys mozesz taka zmiane wprowadzic w

dopisz linie:
Devicehigh=C:\WINDOWS\mouse.sys oczywiscie za liniami himem, dos
Nie sensu stosowanie dwoch sposobow naraz - trzeba wybrac jeden z nich.
Efekt dzialania jest taki sam / mniejsza o pewne roznice /

Na temat ladowania sterownikow mozesz przeczytac w pliku tekstowym
dolaczonym do Win ( katalog Windows )

Getting the mouse to work in MS-DOS.
Getting the mouse to work in MS-DOS.
Without drivers the computer mouse will not load in MS-DOS
Note: This document applies to older computers running MS-DOS and not a command line from Windows. If you looking for help in getting your USB mouse to work see document CH000298 <ch000298.htm>.
For the mouse to work in a real DOS environment, you must have either the Microsoft Mouse driver mouse.com loading in your autoexec.bat file, or the mouse device driver mouse.sys loading in your config.sys file. 
Before placing any information into the Autoexec.bat / Config.sys you need to locate one of those files on your computer. To locate a file in MS-DOS type either of the below commands at C:\>.
dir mouse.com /s
dir mouse.sys /s
Once either of the commands are typed in you should receive a listing of what directory contains one of the above files. If you get file not found, try the alternate command.
Once the file has been located on the computer, depending upon what file is found, use one of the below examples.
Keep in mind that the above two lines are examples, and if either file is located in another directory, you would need to substitute the C:\Windows\ for the directory the file was actually found in.
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