Introduction To The United Stated Of America.pdf

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Andrzej Diniejko
Volume Two
Revised and updated e-book for students of English
1 September, 2009
Copyright © 2009: Andrzej Diniejko
For their consulations and advice, I am indebted to John Anderson (UK), Martin Murphy, and
Jolanta Palowska, whose improvements of the text and comments on matters of detail have
been of great assistance.
Photo credit: William Warby (Wikipedia)
This is an updated and enlarged PDF edition of the book published by EGIS (Cracow) in
Od redaktora
Publikacja, którą oddajemy Czytelnikom stanowi zwiĊ]áy wykáad wiedzy o krajach
anglojĊzycznych (Wielka Brytania i Irlandia). Obejmuje ona w syntetycznym skrócie
wiadomoĞci o geografii, demografii, historii, ustroju politycznym, gospodarce, nauce i
technice, edukacji, literaturze, kulturze, Īyciu codziennym i obyczajach mieszkaĔców tych
Opracowanie jest adresowane do szerokiego krĊgu czytelników: uczniów szkóá
Ğrednich, kandydatów na studia z angielskim jĊzykiem wykáadowym, studentów kolegiów
MĊzyka angielskiego, nauczycieli jĊzyka angielskiego oraz tych wszystkich, którzy pragną
mieü skondensowany wykáad wiedzy o krajach anglojĊzycznych. KsiąĪka jest bogato
zaopatrzona w üwiczenia sprawdzające. Przy koĔcu kaĪdego paragrafu znajdują siĊ
pytania, które pomogą Czytelnikowi sprawdziü, czy zrozumiaá przeczytaną treĞü oraz
Váowniczek trudniejszych wyrazów. Ponadto na koĔcu kaĪdego rozdziaáu podano adresy
stron internetowych oraz zalecaną literaturĊ poszerzająFą dane zagadnienie, a takĪe
zestawy üwiczeĔ uzupeániających (More Tests and Tasks).
Autor i redakcja z wdziĊcznoĞcią przyjmą wszelkie uwagi i zalecenia odnoszące siĊ
do zawartoĞci niniejszej pracy.
To the Reader
The aim of this book is to provide readers with basic information about the life,
institutions, and culture of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. It is intended
for a wide group of learners of English, including students in secondary and advanced
education, as well as pre-service and in-service teachers of English and other learners of
English who need a comprehensive overview of background information relating to
English-speaking countries. Much of the information here offered is of course little more
than a compilation and distillation of facts found in numerous publications devoted to
Great Britain and Ireland. The basic approach is historical. Starting with a geographical
account there follow accounts surveying the population structure, history, language, public
life and institutions, economy, science and technology, education, culture, media and
lifestyles of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
I could not have written this book without reference to a number of authoritative
sources, including the pamphlets of the Central Office of Information, The Encyclopaedia
Britannica , The Columbia Encyclopedia as well as numerous web sites, including
Wikipedia, and many others acknowledged in the Bibliography. Although the material is
primarily factual and descriptive, an attempt has been made to highlight some of the major
problems of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Limitations of space do not
allow the inclusion of all that is worth mentioning. Nor is the book exempt from
drawbacks. I am well aware of the difficulty of avoiding errors in a publication like this.
Corrections of this book will be most gratefully welcomed.
The book is divided into two unequal parts. Part One deals with the United
Kingdom; Part Two, with the Republic of Ireland. In order to make reference easier, the
book is further divided into chapters, sections and subsections. Each section ends with Test
your knowledge questions and each chapter ends with More Tests and Tasks .
It is hoped that this book may encourage the reader to further study of English-
speaking countries. Therefore, at the end of each chapter a list of useful web sites and
further reading is provided.
Facts in Brief
Area: total: c. 9.8 million square km
land: c. 9,4 million sq km
water: c. 0.4 million sq km
coastline: 19,924 km
Population: 303 million (2008 estimate)
Division: 50 states and 1 federal district
Capital: Washington, D.C.
Head of State: President
Government: federal constitutional republic with strong democratic tradition
Language(s): English
Currency: 1 dollar (USD) = 100 cents
Natural resources: coal, copper, lead, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury,
petroleum, natural gas, timber.
Chapter One
Land and People
1. Geography
The United States is one of the largest countries in the world. On the continent of North
America, it stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean over a distance of more
than 4,800 kilometers. Its total area including Alaska and Hawaii is about 9.8 million
square kilometers.
The capital of the United States is located in Washington, D.C. The major cities in
the United States, with a population of over 1 million, are New York City, Los Angeles,
Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, Phoenix, San Antonio, and Dallas.
The U.S.A. is a federation of fifty states. The largest state is Alaska, the second
largest is Texas, and the smallest is Rhode Island. The ten most populous states in 2008
were: California (over 36 million), Texas (over 20 million), New York (almost 19 million),
Florida (18 million), Pennsylvania (over 12 million), Ohio (over 11 million), Michigan (10
million), New Jersey (8.5 million), Georgia (8 million), and North Carolina (over 8
Within its physical geography, the United States has varied landforms, climate,
natural vegetation, and soil.
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