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The film entitled Tootsie, directed by Sidney Pollack, a famous Hollywood

director, was produced in 1982. Dustin Hoffman and Jessica Lange are two main characters in this comedy. Jessica Lange got the Oscar for the Best Sup­porting Actress. It is also praised for its musical illustration and special effects. Part of the success lies in the work of make-up artists.

The plot of the film is set in New York. The film tells a story of an unemployed actor (Michael) who passes off as a wom­an in order to get a role in a soap opera and in this way earn his living. Although Michael is thought to be a very good actor he has not had any offer for more than two years and that is why he is

so desperate. He attends as many castings as possible but no director wants to give him a role. He is per­ceived as a troublemaker and a person difficult to work with. Finally he suc­ceeds in getting a female role for which he prepares very carefully. Everything goes according to the plan till Michael realizes that he has fallen in love with his co-star Julie (played by Jessica Lange). This complicates his life and ma­kes further disguise difficult to main­tain.

Tootsie is one of the best comedies ever made in Hollywood. There is humour in just about every scene, and funny lines abound. Dustin Hoffman gives one of his best performances. Although the film was made over twenty years ago it is still funny and entertaining. It is really worth seeing if this kind of humour ap­peals to you.

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