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                                      Techbook and Trials Guide
                                          Quick Start Manual

             Part I. Features


             2.5 Meg of compressed video data conveys a universe that is both rich and
             vibrant having believability and depth unparalleled by any other science
             fiction world.  From the glint in the Sengzhac's eye to the grotesque squirming
             of the worm-like D'Pahk each alien race is unique in its movement and alive
             with animation.


             We present to you a sound track that is as dark and seductive as the world of
             Ironseed.  Using one of the most advanced realtime digital mixers available for
             the PC we bring you a soundtrack unmatched by any non-CD game title.  After
             nearly eight months of work on the sound alone we present a combination of
             modern dance, classical, and eastern elements in Dolby Surround that form a
             powerful musical score.  The Dual Module Player mixes digital samples in
             realtime allowing for smaller sound files.  The sound stays under 10 Meg while
             supporting over an hour of playback at up to 44 kilobytes per sec.  That's an
             effective data compression ratio of over 16 to one!  DMP also supports a wide
             range of audio cards... Sound Blaster compatibles as well as the complete Sound
             Blaster family, the Aria, and the Gravis Ultra Sound.


             With a backdrop 4 years in the making and a story line equivalent to a 250 page
             novel, the universe of Ironseed is a dynamic one.  There are 10 established
             empires and the possibility for a thousand others that evolve as the game is
             played.  Your struggle to unite the free worlds will take you from the trade
             circles of the Guild to the mystic home of the Quai Tetrad. You will be deigned
             the voice of the Icon and as their liaison will be the only defense against the
             scavenger armada.  Ironseed... the ship... the movement... and now, the last
             hope for mankind.

             Part II. System and Environment

              A. Minimal System Requirements

                  Basic Program:
                   - 80386 processor
                   - 25 MHz clock speed
                   - VGA card and monitor
                   - 530,000 bytes of low memory
                   - MSDOS 4.0
                   - MS compatible mouse

                  Sound Setup:
                   - Aria, ProAudio Spectrum family, Sound Blaster family,
                     Gravis UltraSound or a compatible of one of these sound
                   - 1 Mb of EMS memory
                   - 600,000 bytes of low memory

              B. System Recommendations

                   - 80486 processor
                   - math co-processor
                   - 33 MHz, 50 MHz for best performance
                   - accelerated video board
                   - disk cache TSR program
                   - ram disk TSR program
                   - 615,000 bytes of low memory

             Part III. Installation

             To install the program, follow these steps:

              A.  Boot the computer.

              B.  Insert the first disk into the floppy drive.

              C.  Type A: (or the appropriate floppy drive) followed by a
                  carriage return.

              D.  Type ISDEMO also followed by a carriage return.  The installer will run.

              E.  Follow the prompts for the installation.

             Part IV. Optimizing Your System

              A.  Try running a disk cache program such as Smartdrive.  This
                  will allow frequently accessed data to remain in memory
                  longer rather than in the slower access disk drive.  Optimal
                  size is about 1 Mb for 4 Mb of RAM or 2 Mb for 8 Mb of RAM.

              B.  Set an environment variable 'TEMP' to a ram disk such as
                  Ramdrive.  This is simply a 'SET TEMP=' and the drive letter
                  of the ram disk in the autoexec.bat file.  Make sure that
                  the ramdisk has at least 128 kb.

              C.  Disable any TSR's that require large amounts of the
                  processor's time.  Even a simple keyboard enhancer can steal
                  valuable time from the CPU.

             Part V. Trouble Shooting

              A. Sound Failure:

                 Make sure that the sound card is installed correct, volume
                 turned up sufficiently and there is at least 1 Mb of EMS

              B. Open File or Fatal File Error:

                 Make sure that your current directory contains the Ironseed
                 executable and all the subdirectories such as data, sound,
                 and saved games.  Test your hard drive for failures in case a
                 file has been corrupted.

              C. Out of memory Error:

                 The program itself, Is.exe,  requires about 600k of low
                 memory.  If sound is used this may increase.  It is important
                 to note that the main program will not run with less memory.

             Part VI. The Story So Far...

             It is the thirty-eighth century.  The fall of Earth is but a legend and
             humanity has migrated to a terraformed Mars.  The Pentateuch, a group of five
             preists, rules the newly risen technocracy with an iron fist.

             In a bold attempt to eliminate the last of their political opponents, the five
             began the purgation trials.  With guerilla tactics their followers went about
             convicting those who would oppose them.

             To counter them an underground movement was initiated and an elaborate plan was
             conceived.  A virus was spread throughout the circuit matrix.  A thousand days
             from inception, the virus was scheduled to delete all personality files.  The
             Ironseed movement as it was called, hoped that by stealing a ship they could
             escape... leaving behind Mars... and the Pentateuch.  Their intent was to
             return after the fall of the technocracy. ...but a computer malfunction turned
             a thousand days into a thousand years...

             As the captain, you are awakened along with the crew by an alien horde.   After
             a brief dialogue, communication is cut off and they attack. The game begins as
             the attack ends.

             Part VII. In The Beginning...

             After the introduction you should see the Ironseed logo floating above a
             starfield.  At the bottom of this screen four options will be listed:

             A. Ordering Info
                  How to get the full game.

             B. Continue Game

             Choosing this option will bring up a listing of save game slots for previous
             games you have saved along with the game-date. If no games have been saved or
             if you have not selected your crew to begin your quest these slots should read
             "Quick Start 2/3784." If this is the case you may either select one of these
             and use the default crew and ship or you may choose cancel.  Cancelling will
             bring you back to the Ironseed logo. (Use the Quick Start for Slow is you have
             less then a 486/33.)

             C. Introduction

                  Choosing this option will run the introduction again.

             D. Quit to Dos

                  Choosing this option will exit the program to the dos

             Part VIII. Main Screen

             The Main Screen is the screen to which you are born and it is the screen to
             which you must always return.  It is divided up into three main sections: The
             Primary Display, the InfoBox and the Command Cube.

             The Primary Display is the upper half of the Main Screen.  This is the area
             through which the world outside your ship can be seen.  You should be able to
             see the planet or star you are orbiting on the left hand side of this display.

             The InfoBox occupies the lower left hand side of the Main Screen. When the
             ship's computer or the crew have an important message for you it will be appear
             there.  The InfoBox will store the last 24 messages. You may scroll up and down
             through these messages by using the scroll bar and arrows to the right of the

             Your ship has three different modes of operation: Rest mode, Alert mode, and
             Combat mode.  Depending on which of these modes your ship is in your weapon
             power and shield level will vary.  For quick switch to a different mode select
             the Panic button from the bottom left of the main screen, doing so will toggle
             your ship mode (Rest, Alert, and Combat modes turn the Panic Button green,
             yellow, and red respectively.)  If you are in Rest mode the Panic Button will
             raise your shields and arm your weapons taking you into Combat mode.  If you
             are in Combat mode the Panic Button will lower your shields and power down your
             weapons. If you have no damage you will return to Rest mode.  If you have taken
             damage you will instead power down to Alert mode.

             As captain of the Ironseed, you directly control the actions of your six
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