De Man Die Zijn Haar Kort Liet Knippen - Człowiek z Ogoloną Głową 1967 (Beata Tyszkiewicz).txt

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{2339}{2401}Fran is leaving school.
{2430}{2472}For good.
{2521}{2598}I have to tell her.
{3845}{3944}It's time. Otherwise you'll be late|for the festivities at school.
{3982}{4030}Right, Corra.
{4317}{4414}Do you want Cathy to bring your tea?|- Yes, please.
{4633}{4717}Cathy, you can take Daddy his tea.
{5610}{5686}Can I have the second lump?
{6899}{6967}Cathy?|- Coming.
{6997}{7108}Here's your blue suit.|Your white shirt is in the bathroom.
{7114}{7230}No, I'd rather have my casual suit.|- Casual suit? For something like that?
{7236}{7368}It'll be hot there with all those people|and the sun on the windows.
{7374}{7436}If you think it's OK.
{7459}{7560}Shall I take you?|I've got to go shopping.
{7566}{7618}No, I'll walk.
{7641}{7724}Does, Cathy|don't make so much noise.
{7766}{7883}Govert, Regies phoned again|while you were resting.
{7889}{7979}He apologised for phoning|on a Saturday afternoon.
{7985}{8119}But he obviously can't sit still.|I made an appointment with him for you.
{8125}{8206}Monday, between 9 and 10.
{8212}{8296}He wants to add another document|to the file.
{8302}{8440}He said it contains nothing new|but is proof of his good faith.
{8556}{8626}Children. Be quiet, please.
{8675}{8769}To be honest,|I'm not so sure about this Regies.
{8775}{8857}They need to be eaten today.|- Govert.
{8866}{8928}Or they'll have gone off|by tomorrow.
{9251}{9378}Fran,|I feel as if I've always known you.
{9746}{9796}How can I tell you
{9824}{9886}what you mean to me?
{10173}{10237}I can't see you
{10262}{10373}until I know how to tell you.
{10560}{10701}A shave or a haircut, Mr Miereveld?|- Haircut. Cut it shorter.
{10708}{10845}People like you, who use their head,|should have it looked after.
{10864}{11020}Piano players do the same with their|fingers and cyclists with their calves.
{11102}{11216}I like it short. It feels refreshing|in the wind and rain.
{11222}{11271}You're right there.
{11290}{11345}It calms me down.
{11429}{11503}My wife, who's a typist,|has tablets for that.
{11510}{11635}But she says I help best,|with a shampoo and my fingers.
{11952}{12009}Yes, you're right.
{12016}{12135}My doctor is always talking about|nerves and prescribing tablets.
{12141}{12212}I prefer natural remedies.
{12700}{12871}With all respect for doctors,|the work of a barber is also an art.
{12916}{13037}We're closer to the people, skin|against skin, if I can put it like that.
{13043}{13163}Skin against skin? That is well put.
{15194}{15280}This vibromassage device may|just look like a lump of rubber,
{15286}{15449}but it is the most ingenious barber's|thumb, with which we guarantee
{15455}{15572}to reach and vibrate the main nerve of|the body in a beneficial way.
{16132}{16263}Feel. It's like a shower,|first almost cold or hot,
{16269}{16347}and afterwards you feel wonderful.
{17021}{17110}Hello, Mr Miereveld.|The ceremony has just started.
{17116}{17211}The book you wanted is waiting for you.|Can you come and get it later?
{17217}{17282}That's kind of you.|- Or shall I bring it to you?
{17288}{17339}No, I'll come and get it myself.
{17586}{17698}After the actual presentation of|the diplomas at half past six,
{17704}{17805}at half past six,|you can visit the classrooms
{17812}{17925}where the classes have exhibited|the work they have done during the year.
{17932}{18035}You then come back to this hall|via the bazaar.
{18041}{18240}To this hall, where at 8 o'clock,|8 o'clock, the performance will start
{18246}{18367}that the final-year pupils|have organised for you.
{18373}{18529}The bazaar will stay open|until 10 o'clock. Until 10 o'clock.
{18547}{18630}Thank you for your kind attention.
{20425}{20479}Good evening. How are things?
{20515}{20639}As alderman for education, I once again|have the honour of presiding over
{20646}{20783}this ceremony, that is also|a celebration, and declaring it open.
{20790}{20960}I say have the honour because|I regard it as a privilege and a joy.
{20966}{21071}I know of nothing more wonderful|than school,
{21077}{21221}which you shouldn't be surprised to|hear from a man involved in politics.
{21243}{21344}School is one of our finest conquests
{21351}{21475}along the path of the hard emancipation|of man.
{21481}{21656}Hence the emotion with which I once|again want to celebrate it with you.
{21662}{21811}And, this festive emotion moves me|to first thank you,
{21817}{21932}thank you sincerely,|for your warm attendance.
{21986}{22157}The education you have received|you will, in turn, now pass on
{22163}{22309}and so the real battle of life|is starting for you too.
{22316}{22477}What you learned here,|love for children, for people...
{22483}{22579}Love for children, for people and|for the community.
{22585}{22666}Then we come to|Napoleon and Victor Hugo.
{22672}{22845}If you falter, remember what, I think,|Victor Hugo said.
{22852}{22920}There, Les Miserables.
{22955}{23077}He asked me to take over his lessons|at school and I said yes.
{23083}{23130}Without hesitation.
{23151}{23243}You called me, Fran.
{23327}{23409}You will spread education.
{23447}{23513}I stuttered just now.
{23542}{23734}Remember that I'm only an ordinary lad|and a political fighter.
{23740}{23900}And even if I stutter,|I know what I am saying.
{23924}{24084}You are taking on, you are accepting|a hard, difficult task.
{24090}{24212}A glorious battle awaits you.|Thank you.
{24559}{24756}Alderman, ladies and gentlemen,|dear colleagues and pupils,
{24784}{25010}I'd like to warmly thank our alderman|on behalf of us all
{25017}{25104}for his inspired and inspiring speech.
{25122}{25281}Thanks to him our school does indeed|owe a lot to the authorities.
{25331}{25477}I'd just like to add, those who didn't|come don't know what they're missing
{25483}{25558}and now to the order of the day,
{25564}{25679}that everyone here|has anxiously been waiting for:
{25685}{25803}The presentation of their diplomas|to our school-leavers.
{25849}{25991}I'd like to ask our secretary,|Miss Freken, to assist me with this.
{26305}{26394}Elizabeta Nieuwhuizen.
{26514}{26647}Well done, Beps.|Well done, Beps.
{26653}{26762}Congratulations, Miss Nieuwhuizen.|- Thank you.
{26787}{26860}Sorry.|- Thank you.
{26881}{26985}Well done, Beps.|Well done, Beps.
{27037}{27167}Honours:|Elisa Van der Zwalm.
{27293}{27422}Well done, Liesje.|Well done, Liesje.
{27429}{27535}Congratulations, Miss.|Congratulations.
{27568}{27687}Well done, Liesje.|Well done, Liesje.
{27779}{27854}Eufrazia Veenman.
{28489}{28577}Congratulations,|Miss Veenman.
{29122}{29234}Look at me, Fran.|Please.
{29270}{29319}Fran, look at me.
{29501}{29573}It's our last day, Fran.
{29622}{29663}You know it is.
{29711}{29820}Ladies and gentlemen, this celebration|isn't just a celebration,
{29826}{29942}it is also a farewell.|Yes, a sad farewell.
{29974}{30141}May I ask our estimable colleague|Judge Brantink to join me?
{30167}{30313}Yes, Alderman, ladies and gentlemen,|dear colleagues and pupils,
{30319}{30385}at first we couldn't believe it.
{30414}{30599}After working together for|so many years it seemed impossible,
{30605}{30767}but facts are facts.|Judge Brantink is leaving the school.
{30876}{31010}Judge Brantink,|our gratitude is that much greater
{31017}{31087}because you have|personally recommended
{31093}{31262}Mr Miereveld as your successor.
{31268}{31359}On behalf of us all, thank you.
{31459}{31496}Thank you.
{31554}{31623}May I open it?|- Of course.
{31977}{32048}You really shouldn't have.
{32146}{32295}Maybe you've forgotten, but|I was a specially appointed teacher
{32302}{32361}not a special teacher.
{32436}{32485}I am so moved and grateful
{32491}{32653}that I cannot find the words|to tell you how grateful I am.
{32700}{32884}I know that, thanks to Mr Miereveld,|you will quickly forget me.
{32919}{32971}I will never forget you.
{33040}{33192}I wish you all, dear friends,|and you too, Mr Miereveld,
{33221}{33271}the very best.
{33295}{33334}Thank you.
{33373}{33408}Thank you.
{33746}{33837}Look at me, Fran.|Please, look at me, now.
{33843}{33940}Now. It's our last day, Fran.
{33946}{34045}You know it is,|you know how much I love you.
{34051}{34128}Fran. Fran.
{34914}{35008}Are you coming to the exhibition?|- No, I've got to go upstairs.
{35015}{35122}You look young in that light suit.|- I'll be right there.
{35337}{35464}Liesje, where are the others?|- They're getting changed.
{35470}{35518}Where?|- In the classroom.
{35524}{35569}Show me which one.
{35665}{35787}That one. The second classroom.|- Thank you, Liesje.
{36707}{36810}No one is allowed in. The girls|are getting ready for the performance.
{36816}{36899}I just wanted to buy them a...|- I'll tell them.
{40837}{40896}Mr Miereveld?
{41027}{41071}Mr Miereveld?
{41193}{41240}Oh, it's you.
{41273}{41388}Job done. I've got the book.|- Oh, right.
{41395}{41484}Thank you. Sorry.|I felt a bit hot.
{41490}{41577}That's understandable.|Aren't you going to the performance?
{41583}{41665}Yes, I'm just coming.|- See you later.
{42804}{42913}What is there to be found|in a class of girls?
{42919}{42977}But is it like that or not?
{42983}{43104}Is there any prospect of love,
{43110}{43172}Even if it were never to succeed?
{43556}{43652}This is still the song about|the seven, seven, seven,
{43658}{43758}about seven girls,|together in a class for four years.
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