Glorantha A Personal View of Broo Culture.txt

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Glorantha: A Personal View of Broo Culture 
What Do You Want? Shut Up!
A Personal View of Broo Culture
by Martin Crim
originally published in Shadows on the Borderlands
This document is copyright 1993 by the Avalon Hill Game Company, and is used by 
What Do You Want? Shut Up!
Who are you?
I am Borqulk, King of the Tribe.
Who are we?
We are the tribe of Slow Death, a mighty band of broos.
What makes us great?
Chaos and me. Chaos gives us strengths, and my iron discipline wields the tribe 
like a spear.
Where do we live?
We live where I say we will live. Right now, we live in the desert of Prax. 
That's all you need to know.
How do we live?
We live by hunting and herding. We keep goats, and take prey from the wilds and 
from the nomads. We eat everything we kill, whether beast or man.
What is important in my life?
To follow me and obey. To protect the goat herd so we will always have 
incubators and food. To hunt and kill. To rape and thus make more broos to 
strengthen the tribe.
Who rules us?
I rule you. Now shut up.
What makes a broo great?
I am great because I have three chaos features. You see my metallic skin, my 
third eye, and my extra arm. Well, I'm not going to tell you what they do for 
What is the difference between males and females?
Most broos are males. We are the rapists, and father broo larvae on our victims. 
Females birth broos, too, and care for larval broos. Hermaphrodites can take 
both roles.
What is evil?
To disobey me is evil. To show any weakness, such as mercy or fear, that is 
wrong. I thought I told you to shut up?
What is my lot in life?
You must obey me. Most of the time, you will guard my goat herds. You will hunt 
and fight and kill when I tell you to. If you please me, I will let you learn 
magic the shamans, or maybe even become an apprentice shaman. If you prove very 
useful, I may make you one of my lieutenants.
How do we deal with others?
Other chaotics are either masters or slaves. Stronger creatures are masters, 
like me. Weaker creatures are slaves, like you. Non-chaotic creatures are food, 
incubators, or enemies. We eat food, rape incubators, and kill or run away from 
Who are our enemies?
All that are not chaotic are our enemies. Storm Bull is the worst enemy, because 
he trapped the Devil under the Block and his followers can sniff us out. Waha is 
another enemy.
What is there to do around here?
Shut up and get back to work.

See also:
Introduction to Glorantha: Chaos in Glorantha
What the Broo Shaman Says
Secrets of the Chaos Gods

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