Glorantha - The Second Age 2e.pdf

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Author (s)
Robin Laws, Bryan Steele and Lawrence
Interior Illustrations
German Ponce, Jason Banditt Adams, Marco
Morte, Leonardo Borazio, Lorena Soreno,
Javier Charro Martinez, Jorge Monparler and
Andrew Dobell
Additional Text
Simon Bray
Keith Curtis and Leonel Domingos de Castro
Nick Robinson
Charlotte Law
Pascal Quidault
Special Thanks
Pete Nash, John Hutchinson, Simon Bray, Jeff
Richard and Greg Stafford
Layout and Graphic Design
Will Chapman and Scott Clark
Copyright Information
Glorantha: The Second Age ©2010 Mongoose Publishing. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this work by any means without the written permission of the
publisher is expressly forbidden. All signifi cant characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Mongoose Publishing subject to its licence
from Issaries, Inc. This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
To learn more about the Open Game License, please go to This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United
Kingdom. This product is a work of fi ction. Any similarity to actual people, organisations, places or events is purely coincidental.
RuneQuest is a trademark (TM) of Issaries, Inc. Produced under license from Issaries. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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Welcome to Glorantha
The Two Empires
Major Cultures
Major Races
World Gazeteer
Ralios Campaign Setting
Gloranthan Magic
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Welcome to Glo rantha
Welcome to the second edition of Glorantha: The Second Age .
world asunder. Through this pact to remain aloof, Glorantha’s
physical surface is the province of many races who are able to
interact daily with their gods, but, separated from them, forge
their own destinies.
This book has several purposes:
X To introduce Glorantha to new RuneQuest players and to
reintroduce it to old hands…
X To articulate the magical world of Glorantha as completely
as possible…
X To provide the essential rules necessary for creating
Gloranthan characters and hosting adventures within the
Second Age of the world.
And the world has many races. Humans proliferate but they
co-exist with the Elder Races; those that came before: the
dragonewts, the dwarfs, the elfs and the trolls, principally,
but others exist. Humans are not alone and whilst they might
proliferate they do not necessarily rule unequivocally. Each
race has its dominion. The dwarfs reside beneath the surface,
working hard to repair and maintain the World Machine. The
elfs are cloistered in their forests, keeping a deliberate distance
from artifi ce, tied to the things that grow and fl ower. The trolls
live underground also, because, tied to the Darkness rune, the
light of the surface is painful to them. The dragonewts, most
enigmatic of all Glorantha’s many races, are scattered across
the world, engaged in matters incomprehensible to most and
tracing their own agenda, seemingly oblivious to the schemes
of mortal kind.
Before any of these purposes can be realised, one needs
to understand what Glorantha is, why it is and how it is.
Glorantha’s history is important – as important as its destiny.
Of more importance is an understanding of how Glorantha
differs to traditional fantasy worlds, because these differences
are core to its history, its present and the destiny that, through
play, Adventurers will help shape.
A Mythic World
Glorantha is not a sphere, hanging in space, orbiting a sun. It is
a lozenge of earth fl oating along the river of time, surrounded
by additional planes of existence that accompany it on its
journey. Above the world is the Sky Dome, separating the sky
from the land, and, in this bowl, hang the stars, the planets
and Glorantha’s rarely seen Blue Moon (which is a goddess,
not a satellite).
In most respects Glorantha resembles a conventional planet
with continents, seas, rivers, mountains, valleys, plains and
deserts. Yet none of these features are a result of geological
activity. Each is a result of the actions of the gods, shaped
before time began. Each feature is a deliberate act of creation
or recreation; each has its own, separate reasons for being.
Some features, such as the great rivers, are gods, manifesting
in physical form but bound by the Great Compromise from
interfering with the mundane world around them. The peoples
of Glorantha know this and revere it. It is a way of life. If a
river decides to reverse its course and fl ow uphill, it is because
the god that is that river has a reason for doing so.
Below the surface of Glorantha is soil and rock but beneath
this, wrapping it, is the immensity of the Underworld, province
of gods where once the sun was held prisoner in death.
Seas lap the lands of Glorantha but they are not governed
by conventional tides. All waters fl ow to the vast maelstrom
at the centre of the lozenge known as Magasta’s Pool. Here
the waters plunge through Glorantha, leaving the mundane
realm far behind, before eventually circulating once again: if
one were to travel through Magasta’s Pool and be able to sail
it, one would eventually emerge upon the surface again but
Everything in Glorantha has a reason for being, yet that
reason for being is mythical not physical. Humans and
others might shape the world as they go about their affairs
but the changes wrought are temporary at best: only the
creation and manipulation of myth can exert and make
permanent changes – and the creation and manipulation of
myth involves altering the actions, history and nature of the
gods, and therefore the runes.
Glorantha’s gods are real and living: they reside on the God
Plane which co-exists with the physical world, separated
from it by the Great Compromise, a pact between the gods
preventing them from engaging in the kinds of wars that,
before the dawn of time, saw chaos arise and almost tear the
Myth and Adventure
Glorantha is a world permeated by magic and shaped by myth.
With the right magic, Adventurers can travel to the realms of
the gods, become participants in their ancestral myths and
Welcome to Glorantha
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