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Batch Processing (1)
STEP 1: Open an image
Dust is reflected in the right side of the image. The image will be enhanced so that this
dust is no longer noticeable.
This dust will be eliminated.
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STEP 2: Enlarge image display for simpler operation
Click the Zoom Tool.
Click or drag the Zoom Tool over the portion of the image to be edited to eliminate the
effects of dust.
STEP 3: Drag the Plus Brush over the portion of the image reflecting dust
Click the Plus Brush ( + ).
A Colorize step will be added to the Edit List.
At the same time, the Colorize dialog will be displayed. Do not click OK in the
Colorize dialog yet.
Double-click the Selection Brush icon to the left of Plus Brush and apply brush
settings in the Selection Brush Options dialog. Use the Size slider to adjust brush size so
that it is about twice the size of the dust reflected in the image. Set Brush Hardness to 0
and Opacity to 100 % for simplest operation.
Drag the mouse over the portion reflecting dust to “paint” over it.
Do NOT click OK in the Colorize dialog yet.
Here, we have applied settings as follows:
Size : 30 px
Brush Hardness : 40 %
Opacity : 100 %
Brush Hardness affects the amount of blurring
at brush edges. Smaller values apply less edge
blurring. Opacity affects the opacity of brush
strokes. Larger values mean that brush strokes
are more opaque, or less transparent, making
less of the background visible through brush
Drag the mouse over the
portion reflecting dust to
“paint” over it.
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