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IEA Hydropower Implementing Agreement Annex VIII
Hydropower Good Practices: Environmental Mitigation Measures and Benefits
Case study 02-02: Hydrological Regimes - Tsuga Dam, Japan
Key Issues:
2- Hydrological Regimes
1-Biological Diversity
Climate Zone:
Cf : Temperate Humid Climate
Discharging of Ecological Flow from Existing Dam
The Tsuga Dam
- A remarkable increase in species of benthos in reduced flow river caused by diversion owing
to the discharging of ecological flow.
Project Name:
Tsuga Dam
Kochi Prefecture, Japan (Asia) (N 33
E 132
Implementing Party & Period
- Project:
Sikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
1944 (Completion of construction) -
- Good Practice:
Sikoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
1989 (Commencement of operation) -
Key Words:
Ecological Flow, Reduced Flow River Caused by Diversion, Benthos
To check the effect of discharging the ecological flow in the Tsuga Power Plant, habitat
conditions of benthos in the reduced flow river caused by diversion were investigated ten years
after the start of discharging (1998/99) and results were compared with survey data collected
before the start of discharging (1988). From the comparison, a remarkable increase of species
of benthos after the start of discharging was confirmed. Comparison between the affected area
and other areas of the main course and tributary streams also confirmed that there were no
distinct differences in the number of species, the number of individuals, diversity, water quality
and the like. The findings suggest that the present river environment in the reduced flow river
caused by diversion is being improved or recovered by the effect of the ecological flow.
1. Outline of the Project
The Tsuga Power Plant (No. 1 and No. 2 power generators: 18,000 kW) is a dam and conduit type power
plant opened in 1944. Water is taken from the Tsuga Dam, a concrete gravity dam built in the Yusuhara
river, a feeder to the Shimanto river, through an about 5.7 km- long headrace tunnel. The dam gives an
effective head of 96m.
While the Tsuga Power Plant had had a reduced flow river caused by diversion of about 22 km in total
length from the dam to the outlet of the plant, in
1989 when the water right was renewed,
discharging an ecological flow was decided with
the aim to improve or restore river environments in
the area. In April 1998, modification work to
change the outlet for the discharging from the dam
spillway gate to the headrace tunnel directly below
the dam was completed and the No. 3 power
generator was put into operation for better use of
the ecological flow (1.91 m 3 /s, effective head: 37.1
m).(See Table-1 and Figs.-1 and 2.)
Tsuga Dam
Fig.-1 Map of the basin of Shimanto River
Table-1 Particulars of Tsuga Dam
River System
The Yusuhara river, a feeder to the Shimanto river of the Watari River System
381.0 km 2
Catchment Area
Tsuga Power Plant power
generators Nos. 1 & 2
Tsuga Power Plant power
generator No. 3
Maximum output
18,100 kW
550 kW
Power Plant
22.00 m 3 /s
1.91 m 3 /s
Maximum water consumption
Effective head
96.00 m
37.10 m
Concrete gravity type
Crest height
45.5 m
Crest Length
145.0 m
19.3 × 10 6 m 3
Total storage capacity
14.0 × 10 6 m 3
Effective storage capacity
Effective depth
15.0 m
2. Features of the Project Area
The Shimanto River, in which the Tsuga Power Plant is built, has its source in Mount Funyu in the north
of Higashituga Village on the boundary between Kochi and Ehime Prefectures. The river grows while
winding its way by collecting water from a number of tributaries including the Yusuhara River and drains
into the Bay of Tosa in Nakamura City. As it meanders much, the river flows in a variety of ways and
benefits the fishery and forestry in communities along the course. The Shimanto River is also known
widely as “the last limpid stream in Japan.”
Meanwhile, national consensus arose sometime around 1985 for the improvement of river environments.
In 1988 the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (the present Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry) and the Ministry of Construction (the present Ministry of National Land, Infrastructure and
Transport) set the so-called “Guideline for Ecological flow with respect to River Right,“ which makes it
an obligation for power plants that fall under certain conditions to discharge appropriate ecological flows.
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Under such circumstances, on the occasion of the renewal of this plant’s water right, a movement
requesting dam removal developed to become a newspaper topic. To deal with such a trend, Kochi
Prefecture formed “the Tsuga Dam Review Panel” made up of persons of learning and experience and
representatives of the national agencies concerned, the city, town and village interests as well as business
entities, the prefecture itself serving as the secretariat. The council discussed technical matters
concerning the dam, such as the discharging of ecological flow and the quality of water in the dam
reservoir and an agreement was reached smoothly to take the steps for renewing the water right on the
basis of the ecological flow as deliberated by the panel.
3. Major Impacts
For environmental protection in the reduced flow river caused by diversion, it was necessary to
determine an ecological flow by giving comprehensive consideration to fishery, landscape, maintenance
of underground water level, conservation of
fauna and flora, keeping rivers clean and the
like. As the level of underground water and
cleanliness of rivers would be improved when
an ecological flow was set, however,
discussion went on mainly from the
viewpoints of improvement of landscape and
reservation of animals and plants.
For the improvement of landscape, aiming at
the volume of water that would be visually
satisfactory, a rate of flow that could form a
continuous watercourse while maintaining a
certain width/ depth, etc. was examined. For
the reservation of fauna and flora, ayu fish was
chosen as a typical aquatic because of its
abundance and a water depth allowing it to
live in and go upstream was examined.
Fig.-2 The basin of Shimanto River
4. Mitigation Measures
“The Tsuga Dam Review Panel (December 1988 - February 1989)” confirmed in its deliberation that
impact on landscape and aquatics should be considered mainly in determining an ecological flow and
concluded as follows by referring to opinions of persons of learning and experience and the result of trial
a) When 0.3 m 3 /s or so per 100 km 2 catchment area is discharged immediately below the dam, the
stream regime up to the outlet would be improved and preferable effect on landscape and aquatics
would be produced.
b) In summer, sufficient desirable effect on the area from right below the dam to the outlet should be
expected in view of the characteristics of “the limpid Shimanto.” Therefore, it would be appropriate
to raise the upper limit value of the guideline by a certain surplus.
Consequently, the ecological flow was set at 1.15 m 3 /s (0.3 m 3 /s/100 km 2 ) and between April 1 and
September 30 a surplus discharge of 0.76 m 3 /s (0.2 m 3 /s/100 km 2 ) would be added to make the discharge
1.91 m 3 /s from April, 1989.
5. Results of the Mitigation Measures
Amid the society’s increasing recognition of the value of river environment, R&D on techniques for the
analysis/assessment of living environment for fluvial ecosystems is going on actively. In the following,
how the reduced flow river caused by diversion in the Tsuga Dam changed in ten years from the start of
discharging the ecological flow is discussed, mainly with respect to benthos by taking an ecosystem
pyramid, the precision of the investigations and the like into account.
5.1 Investigation Items
The benthos chosen as subjects to be investigated were general flatworms (Turbellaria), eelworms
(Nematoda), mollusks (shellfish), annelids (Oligochaeta, Polychaeta and Hirudinea) and arthropods
(Arachnida, Crustcea and Insecta). (Fig.-3)
Fig.-3 Conceptual diagram of River Ecosystem Pyramid
Fig.-4 Locations of Benthos Investigation Points
5.2 Investigation Sites
In the reduced flow river caused by diversion, two sites were chosen, namely, the “Kominono” site,
about 1km downstream of the Tsuga Dam, and the “Onaro” site, which is almost in the middle between
the Tsuga Dam and the junction with the Shimanto and about 6km downstream of the dam. The latter
was the place where similar investigations had been carried out in the past. As controls for comparing
with the reduced flow river caused by diversion, six points, of which five were in the main course of the
Shimanto and one in the Nakatsu, a tributary of the Yusuhara, were investigated
5.3 Method of Investigation
Study was carried out by comparing the numbers of species and individuals in the reduced flow river
caused by diversion between before and after the discharging of the ecological flow and the reduced flow
river caused by diversion was also compared with other areas of the main course and the tributaries. The
investigation data before the discharging were taken from “The Shimanto River, its Nature and Life”
listed in the bibliography.
1) Method of Investigation
For the collection of benthos, a combination of the collection for quantitative determination (the
number of species, the number of individuals and the input) in rapids by means of a server net with
coderat and the collection for qualitative determination (the number of species) in shallows and slow
currents by means of a landing net (the D type frame net) was employed. On each point, collection
was carried out on two points. The coderat was 50cm
50cm in size and the server net and the
landing net were 60.5mm in mesh size.
2) Frequency of Investigations
The field investigations after the discharging of the ecological flow were performed twice, in August
1998 and January 1999.
5.4 Result of Investigations
5.4.1 Comparison between before and after discharging the ecological flow
Fig.-5 and Table-2 show a
comparison of compositions of
benthos species in the reduced flow
river caused by diversion between
ecological flow was started.
The number of benthos species
identified in the Kominono site about
1km downstream from the Tsuga
Dam was 88, an increase by 68 over
the time of investigation (1989)
before the start of discharging the
ecological flow. Even when a change
in the method of classification is
taken into account, the increase is
remarkable enough. In the Kominono
site, the species of aquatic Insectra
Fig.-5 Comparison of Composition of Benthos Species
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