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Topic 4
Designing Planar Magnetics
Designing Planar Magnetics
Lloyd Dixon, Texas Instruments
Planar magnetic devices offer several advantages over their conventional counterparts. This paper dis-
cusses the magnetic fields within the planar structure and their effects on the distribution of high fre-
quency currents in the windings. Strategies for optimizing planar design are presented, and illustrated
with design examples. Circuit topologies best suited for high frequency applications are discussed.
In contrast to the helical windings of conven-
tional magnetic devices, the windings of planar
transformers and inductors are located on flat sur-
faces extending outward from the core centerleg.
Magnetic cores used with planar devices have
a different shape than conventional cores used
with helical windings. Compared to a conven-
tional magnetic core of equal core volume, de-
vices built with optimized planar magnetic cores
usually exhibit:
Significantly reduced height (low profile)
Greater surface area, resulting in improved
heat dissipation capability.
Greater magnetic cross-section area, enabling
fewer turns
Smaller winding area
Winding structure facilitates interleaving
Lower leakage inductance resulting from
fewer turns and interleaved windings
Less AC winding resistance
Excellent reproducibility, enabled by winding
Fig. 1. Planar transformer.
Magnetic / electric relationships are much simpler
and easier to understand when using the SI system
of units (rationalized MKS). When core and winding
materials are specified in CGS or English units, it is
nevertheless best to think in SI units throughout the
design process, and then if necessary convert to
other unit systems as the final step in the process.
In transformer applications, the winding con-
figurations commonly employed in planar de-
vices are advantageous in reducing AC wind-
ing losses. However, in inductors and flyback
transformers using gapped centerlegs, the
winding configuration often results in greater
AC winding loss.
A magnetic field is actually stored energy.
The physical distribution of the magnetic field
represents the distribution of this energy. Un-
derstanding the properties of the magnetic field
not only reveals the amount of stored energy
and its locations, it also reveals how and where
this energy is coupled to various electrical cir-
cuit elements.
Tutorials on magnetics design have been pre-
sented at previous Unitrode/TI seminars. Most of
this material has been consolidated into a “Magnet-
ics Design Handbook, MAG100A”. This handbook,
as well as all past seminar topics, is available for
downloading from the web site
Click on [Design Resources] Æ
[Power Management Training].
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Inductance is simply an electrical circuit con-
cept which enables the circuit designer to predict
and quantify the effects of magnetically stored
energy in the electrical circuit.
Applying the basic principles of magnetic
field behavior (discussed in earlier seminars) to
planar magnetic structures enables us to optimize
the design and predict the magnitude of parasitic
circuit elements such as leakage inductance. The
magnetic field also is the dominant influence on
the distribution of high frequency AC current in
the windings, thereby determining AC winding
Fig. 2. Cross-section of equipotentials and flux
lines within a planar transformer (one-half of
transformer shown).
DC and AC current distributions within the
windings usually differ significantly. At high fre-
quencies, the magnetic field arranges itself so as
to minimize the rate of energy transfer between
the electrical circuit and the field. The field
“pulls” the opposing currents to the conductor
surfaces closest to each other, as shown in Fig. 2.,
thereby minimizing the volume of the field
(skin/proximity effect). Also, the currents spread
across the opposing conductor surfaces so as to
minimize energy density.
However, at low frequencies, the rate of en-
ergy transfer between the circuit and the mag-
netic field is very small. The rate of energy trans-
fer into the conductor resistance is greater. There-
fore, DC and low frequency currents distribute
uniformly throughout the conductors so as to
minimize I 2 R loss.
A. Review of Magnetic Field Fundamentals
Rules governing magnetic field behavior are
summarized in Appendix I.
Every magnetic field has two components:
Magnetic force, F, (magnetic potential), and
magnetic flux, Ф . Magnetic force is directly pro-
portional to current (Ampere’s Law). In fact, in
the SI system of units, magnetic force, F , directly
equals current – units of magnetic force are ex-
pressed in Amperes. Thus, 1 Ampere of current
flowing in a conductor inevitably results in 1
Ampere of magnetic force.
Magnetic force can be described as a series of
equipotential surfaces. The spacing of these sur-
faces defines a force gradient – a magnetic poten-
tial gradient. The magnitude of this gradient at
any location is called field intensity, H.
Fig. 2. shows the leakage inductance in the
left half of a planar transformer structure. (In or-
der to provide clarity of illustration, only three
primary turns are used, and spacing between pri-
mary and secondary is greatly exaggerated.) The
light dash lines show the edge view of the mag-
netic force equipotentials between primary and
secondary windings. The light solid lines repre-
sent flux. The equipotential surfaces can be
thought of as elastic membranes which terminate
on current flow and are “anchored” on the oppos-
ing currents which produce the field.
Transformers in switching power supplies are
used primarily in buck-derived topologies (for-
ward converter, full bridge, half bridge, etc.) In a
transformer, energy storage is usually undesir-
able, but unavoidable – appearing in the trans-
former equivalent circuit as parasitic leakage in-
ductance and magnetizing inductance. (Flyback
transformers are misnamed – they are actually
coupled inductors. Energy storage is essential to
their function.)
In a “true” transformer (Fig. 2.), opposing
currents flow simultaneously in primary and sec-
ondary windings. The Ampere-turns in the sec-
ondary winding, resulting from load current, are
canceled by equal and opposite Ampere-turns
flowing in the primary. A small additional unop-
posed magnetizing current also flows in the
windings. This magnetizing current provides the
small magnetic force necessary to push flux
through the very low reluctance of the high per-
meability magnetic core. The closed loops of this
magnetizing flux link the primary and secondary
windings to each other, thus providing the cou-
pling which is essential for transformer operation
(shown in Fig. 3.). Magnetizing flux and its asso-
ciated magnetizing current change as a function
of Volt-seconds per turn applied to the windings
(Faraday's Law) independently of load current .
Magnetizing inductance appears in the trans-
former equivalent electrical circuit as a shunt
Much of the energy stored in the magnetizing
inductance goes into hysteresis loss, the rest is
usually dissipated in snubbers or clamps. If the
core were ideal – with infinite permeability – the
magnetizing inductance value would be infinite,
and thus have no effect on circuit performance.
ries leakage inductances, (L LP , L LS ) . Each time
the power switch turns off, energy stored in the
leakage inductance usually ends up dissipated in
snubbers or clamps, thus degrading power supply
Fig. 4. shows the electrical equivalent circuit
of the transformer, including the magnetizing in-
ductance and parasitic leakage inductance appor-
tioned to primary and secondary windings. The
“ideal transformer” is used to account for the ac-
tual turns ratio and primary-secondary isolation.
Leakage inductances are usually so small com-
pared to the magnetizing inductance value that
they can be combined, with negligible error, into
a single leakage inductance value in an equiva-
lent “L” network. Magnetizing inductance can be
assigned to either the primary or secondary side.
Fig. 3. Magnetizing flux links the windings.
Excluding magnetizing current, load-related
Ampere-turns in primary and secondary windings
cancel completely. Load current has no effect on
the magnetizing flux in the core. Magnetic force
related to load current exists in only one place
within the transformer – in the region between
primary and secondary windings where the cur-
rents do not cancel. As shown in Fig. 2., the flux
lines associated with this field between the wind-
ings link half the energy of the field to primary
and half to the secondary winding. But these flux
lines do not link the windings to each other.
Thus, the coupling between windings is impaired.
The energy stored in this inter-winding region
appears in the equivalent electrical circuit as se-
Fig. 4. Transformer equivalent electrical circuit.
The leakage inductance value can be calcu-
lated from the physical dimensions of the wind-
ings [1] . Leakage inductance is minimized by:
minimizing the number of turns
using a core with a large winding “breadth”
interleaving windings
minimizing the spacing between primary and
secondary windings
Bifilar windings approach the ideal, but this
is usually not possible in a planar transformer,
especially when high voltage isolation is re-
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