[Lvl 1-10] - Massacre at Fort Dolor.pdf

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by Shawn Merwin
I n an area recently freed from the assaults of a powerful white dragon,
an oft-destroyed military outpost has been rebuilt and now grows prosperous.
The walls of the fort are sturdy, and both civilian and military inhabitants have
eased into a routine in the thriving community. However, an unlikely prophecy
from a mysterious visitor starts a chain of events that threaten Fort Dolor—and all
its inhabitants—once again.
“Massacre at Fort Dolor” is a D&D adventure for five 8th-level PCs. The
adventure takes place in an area on the edge of a civilized nation, where cold
weather, looming mountains, and a dark forest pose a constant threat to settlers.
illustrations by Stephen Crowe and Jim Nelson cartography by Sean Macdonald
TM & © 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The lair of the white dragon housed a portal to
the hellish realm of Dis, but the great dragon had
prevented anything from opening the gate. With the
defeat of the dragon, the portal is once again a viable
passage for devils entering this realm. a howling hag
named Trilleste learned of the portal, and she entered
the lair after the death of the dragon to open it.
The first devil through the portal was a succubus
called Xeriope. She serves Ichyrot, a chain devil
master who commanded the succubus to assist the
howling hag in sowing confusion and treachery in the
land around the portal while he raised enough devil-
ish troops to create an army and establish a foothold
here. Xeriope quickly took stock of the situation, and
she saw Fort Dolor slowly becoming a stable and
well-fortified settlement in the area. She knew she
had to act quickly, before Fort Dolor became too large
and too powerful to be conquered by the impending
devilish invasion.
Trilleste, Xeriope, and some of their devilish min-
ions destroyed a few outlying farms and logging camps
but ignored the mining camps, thus making it look as
though the threat came from the forest rather than the
mountains. Then, using her ability to take alternate
forms, Xeriope masqueraded as the lone survivor of
an attack on one of the farms. The garrison troops
who investigated the attack brought her back to Fort
Dolor, and she charmed the garrison commander, a
strict taskmaster but revered soldier named Captain
revince. Under Xeriope’s inf luence, Captain revince
unknowingly sent patrols into ambushes arranged by
Trilleste and Xeriope, so that now only a small group of
garrison troops remains, and those are the most unfit
and incorrigible of soldiers.
Before the attacks began, Trilleste took the form
of an old dwarf hermit. She entered Fort Dolor and
began spouting prophecies with the hopes of keeping
the focus of the townsfolk away from the dragon’s lair,
ensuring that no one would learn about the portal.
She also hoped that the false prophecies would help
sway the attitude of the townspeople, leading them to
make decisions that would favor the devils.
She stood in front of the avalanche Inn and spoke
of visions she’d had. Based on those (nonexistent)
visions, she spoke the following prophecies:
a danger brewed in the dark forest, awakened
from years of slumber by the loggers who now
ventured there for timber.
The evil from the woods will first kill loggers
and farmers in the area.
Only one will survive the attacks, and that one is
the key to defeating the evil.
Many soldiers will die in the battle with the evil,
but none will ever find their bodies.
Strangers will come to town with intentions of
helping against the evil, but those strangers will
inadvertently lead to the destruction of Fort Dolor.
With these prophecies in mind, the residents of
the fort went about their business, thinking them the
rants of a crazed dwarf. Slowly, however, the prophe-
cies came true—mainly because Trilleste, Xeriope,
and their small force made them come true. Log-
gers and farmers died, one young woman (Xeriope
pretending to be a farmer’s daughter) survived an
attack, and most of the garrison soldiers have disap-
peared while out patrolling and investigating attacks.
now the PCs have arrived, and the residents of Fort
Dolor are afraid they are going to somehow lead to
the town’s downfall. Of course, Trilleste said this to
sow discord and reduce the possibility that any heroes
might arrive to foil the plans of Ichyrot’s forces.
More than a century ago, a fortified town was built in
the hinterlands of a prosperous nation. The fort-town
housed an army garrison tasked to protect the valu-
able resources and trading routes running through
this still-wild corner of the nation. The land bordered
on mountains rich in precious ore, on forests holding
valuable timber, and on a river that provided fertile
Unfortunately, the land also held terrible dangers,
the greatest of which was the powerful white dragon
Frystiomagythant. as soon as the fort-town grew large
enough to draw his attention, the dragon destroyed it.
Failing to understand the scope of the problem, the
nation’s leaders rebuilt the fort; the town within the
fort would thereafter grow anew, only to suffer the
wrath of the dragon once again. This devastation hap-
pened numerous times, killing scores in the process.
Finally, just as the fort-town, nicknamed Fort
Dolor by the unlucky inhabitants, grew large enough
to be doomed to another dragon attack, a band of
adventurers braved Frystiomagythant’s icy lair and
slew the dragon. With that threat gone, the fort-town
was free to grow more prosperous than ever before.
Miners, loggers, farmers, and craftspeople quickly
learned of the opportunities offered in the rich lands
around Fort Dolor. The once-doomed town is now
seen as a place to make one’s fortune.
Two years have passed since the vanquishing
of the dragon, and Fort Dolor has quickly turned
into a place where even garrison troops finally see
being stationed there as something more than just a
death sentence. The locals who survived the dragon’s
attacks have started to forget the past troubles, but a
new threat grows.
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Finally, after dealing with the threats and
investigations in and around Fort Dolor, the PCs
can brave the white dragon’s former lair, now
home to a growing number of devils and those
who serve the otherworldly evil. If the PCs succeed
in defeating the inhabitants of the lair, they can find
the chamber holding the portal. To close it, they
must first defeat Ichyrot, the chain devil leader
of the devilish invasion.
nPCs within Fort Dolor, many locations have been
purposefully left undeveloped to allow you to add
your own encounters or information. If Fort Dolor
is used as a base of operations for the PCs, you can
add other businesses or services of value or interest.
DM-created nPCs with whom the PCs can establish
long-term relationships could be placed in some of the
unspecified buildings in Fort Dolor.
When the PCs arrive at Fort Dolor, they find the
place strangely quiet and the citizens reluctant to
speak to them. Most of the places of business are
closed, people have locked their doors to strangers,
and the garrison barracks contain only a few soldiers.
Taking part in a skill challenge can give the PCs
more information. a complete success brings to them
one of the garrison soldiers, who explains that he
knows the grieving farmer’s daughter is not what she
appears. This leads the PCs directly to the encounter
with the succubus without any further complication.
a partial success draws the attention of Lieutenant
Stymers, a corrupt soldier who is using the current
unrest in Fort Dolor to steal military supplies for sale
on the black market. after the confrontation with
Stymers and his lackeys, the PCs can learn about
the situation with the Xeriope and Captain revince,
and they can go there after dealing with the corrupt
soldiers. Total failure of the skill challenge means
the PCs are given false leads, and they might follow a
false trail into the dark forest. They must then wait for
a newly arrived garrison commander before learning
of Xeriope’s tricks, and the delay in dealing with the
problems makes later encounters in the devils’ lair
more challenging.
after confronting the succubus Xeriope, the PCs
learn the location of Trilleste in her disguise as the
dwarf hermit. Clues here reveal that a new evil has
taken residence in the old lair of the white dragon. If
circumstances in the town allow, the PCs can gather
information about the location and layout of the drag-
on’s old lair, which might assist them in their foray
against the devilish inhabitants of the lair and those
who serve the devils.
“Massacre at Fort Dolor” offers the opportunity
for PCs to earn quest XP once they discover the
true problem behind the area’s apparent woes.
read or paraphrase the following to start the
Major Quest—Closing the Portal
Once the PCs discover and close the portal, they
can receive an experience point award, plus the
thanks of the locals.
Reward: 1,750 XP.
The rumors you heard said the best place to find adventure
and wealth is a fortified town on the edge of civilization
called Fort Dolor. The place is still considered wilderness by
even the hardiest souls, but its location makes it important:
it’s near a mountain range teeming with valuable ore
deposits, at the edge of a huge forest full of uncut timber,
and in the vicinity of a large river that makes the farmland
rich and bountiful during the growing season. Miners,
loggers, and farmers brave enough to withstand the
dangers of the area have been moving there. The region
around Fort Dolor is dangerous, however, and brave
adventurers are always in high demand wherever danger
prevails—especially where danger is in such close proximity
to valuable resources.
The adventure presents encounters that tell a
complete story. However, you can add tangential
encounters to the adventure if desired. any of the
inhabitants in Fort Dolor could send the PCs on a
side mission in return for promising to tell them
more about what is happening there.
although the skill challenge in a Town’s Worst
Fear contains information on specific locations and
If the PCs want more information about Fort Dolor
and the surrounding area, allow the following skill
checks to provide it:
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DC 10: The land around Fort Dolor is temperate
during the spring and summer months, but
immediately after the fall harvest, a long and
brutal winter descends. During these winters,
wild animals looking for food become desperate
enough to approach civilized areas and sometimes
attack humanoids.
DC 15: Goblinoid creatures have made their
homes in the forests near Fort Dolor. Their levels
of activity rise and fall as the seasons and years pass,
depending on their food levels, changes in leadership,
and other factors.
After the PCs have gained their information,
performed their research, gathered their
supplies, and undertaken their journey to Fort
Dolor, describe the scene when they arrive:
DC 10: For the last 100 years, this area has
resisted all attempts to tame it. attacks from the
mountains, the forest, and the wilds—by threats
both natural and unnatural—have always destroyed
anyone trying to bring civilization here.
DC 15: The largest threat to the area was a white
dragon, which was vanquished by adventurers two
years ago. Since that time, the area has begun to
prosper like never before. Other threats, such as
goblinoids and wild animals, are still present.
DC 25: The garrison at Fort Dolor currently
holds more than 200 soldiers, and it is commanded
by Captain revince, a leader known for his no-
nonsense attitude and strategic brilliance.
The journey to Fort Dolor proved relatively uneventful.
The spring thaw meant the days were warm enough, but
the nights had a chill to them still. As you approach Fort
Dolor, you see a wooden palisade built at the base of a great
mountain. The palisade surrounds several wooden and
stone structures, and the recent prosperity of the area has
resulted in newer wooden structures being built outside the
enclosed fort.
Although you have arrived during a sunny afternoon,
no one is working on the half-built structures outside the
palisade walls. Watchtowers looming over the gates into the
fort are unmanned, and the gates stand open. Within the
palisade walls, the doors and windows of the buildings are
closed and shuttered. No signs of life greet you, save for the
smoke coming from the chimney of a large stone building in
the center of town.
DC 15: Long ago, the mountains in the area were
home to a large clan of dwarves. The clan disap-
peared, and no one knows what happened to them.
Since that time, the mountains are rumored to con-
tain all manner of creatures and their respective lairs.
none of these rumors have been substantiated.
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The building at the center of town with the fireplace
burning is the avalanche Inn. That is the best place
for the PCs to start searching for answers about the
current situation in Fort Dolor. They can go to other
places to search for answers, of course. The investiga-
tion of the happenings at Fort Dolor is described in a
Town’s Worst Fear.
or failures, the PCs can choose to follow certain inves-
tigative paths, which could lead to other encounters.
In addition, the PCs might find other creative ways
to achieve success. The PCs might attempt to stand
outside a door or window and overhear a conversation
using a Stealth or Perception check. They might try
to gain the trust or favor of a townsperson by helping
an ailing child with a Heal check. They might try use
a Bluff check to gain someone’s trust by convincing
them they are someone else. The following section
can also be run without a skill challenge component,
though the framework of this section outlines the
DCs and potential success points for a skill challenge.
Level: 8.
Complexity: 2 (requires 6 successes before 3
Primary Skills: See each area entry below for
specific primary skills.
Success: If the PCs attain sufficient successes, or if
they defeat Lieutenant Stymers after gathering proof
of his crimes, they are approached by a tief ling called
Private Zanphist. read or paraphrase the following:
in command now, but the lieutenant ignored him. He
knows that Stymers is up to no good and that he is
lying about having sent for reinforcements.
Partial Success: If the PCs reach three failures but
earn at least three successes, the PCs are
confronted by Lieutenant Stymers, who knows what
is happening in town but is letting it happen since he
and his cronies are profiting off the situation. This
result is described in encounter 1.
Failure: If the PCs reach three failures before
reaching three successes, they are completely stymied
in their attempts to figure out what is happening.
everyone refuses to speak to them, and the only lead
they have points them into the forest. This result is
described in Lost in the Woods.
This section contains both a description of the fort-
town of Fort Dolor, as well as a skill challenge. The
PCs can investigate the locations within and around
Fort Dolor, seeking news from the citizens and
This newly constructed wood and stone building is
owned and operated by a dwarf called Skeetty by the
locals. When the PCs arrive at the avalanche Inn,
only one other person is there apart from Skeetty: a
female half ling named Jirl Ondish. Jirl came to the
area two days ago to see if she should bring the rest
of her family to start a business moving goods up
and down the river. Given the current climate and
circumstances in Fort Dolor, she is waiting until the
situation resolves itself. Having been in the fort for
only two days, she is in the same predicament as the
PCs. She can offer them no help, but she might draw
the suspicions of the PCs during their investigations
if the DM wishes.
Skeetty is just as scared as everyone else by the
prophecies, but he is also a consummate business-
man. While he might believe that the PCs could be
the (falsely prophesied) “strangers that will bring
The town before you seems strangely quiet, and its citizens
turn away from you as you make your way down the
streets. Windows and doors are shut, businesses are closed,
and many buildings are dark. If you are to learn anything
of the town and what is going on, you must figure out where
to start.
Setup: The PCs have to work hard to learn any
information from the residents of Fort Dolor. The PCs
can travel to various locations and make skill checks
to attempt to extract information from the townsfolk.
each successful check counts as a success toward
the skill challenge. a failed check counts as a failure.
Unlike a normal skill challenge, the PCs must visit
the various town locations before they can make an
appropriate check. In addition, if the PCs fail the skill
challenge but still have three successes, they achieve
partial success (see Success and Failure at the end of
the encounter). regardless of the number of successes
Striding purposefully toward you is a tief ling wearing the
uniform of a private. When he is ten feet away from you, he
salutes. “Private Zanphist, wishing to speak with you.” He
stands at attention, apparently awaiting an answer.
If given leave to speak, the tief ling reports seeing Cap-
tain revince kissing the girl Xeriope in the barracks
when she was first brought in. He then heard her
order him to send out small patrols to specific loca-
tions around the area. none of those patrols returned.
He knows that the girl was taken to the home of the
herbalist, and he is sure the captain is there with her.
He tried to report this to Lieutenant Stymers, who is
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