Chaos Scar - [Lvl 1] - Den of the Slavetakers.pdf

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171 - October 2009.pdf
A Chaos Scar Adventure
By Rob Heinsoo
illustrations by Drew Baker cartography by Sean Macdonald
TM & © 2009 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved.
“Den of the Slavetakers” is a short adventure for five 1st level
characters that takes place in the Chaos Scar. A slavetaking
operation run by a one-armed gnoll turns out to have a
truly sinister purpose: victim-gathering for death rituals
performed by an underground cult of Torog. The priest of
the temple on the far side of the cavern, a female half ling
named Morgana, uses a small shard of the meteor to draw
mutated homunculus servants out of the valley’s rock. Not
content with homunculus servants, she is now using gnoll
magic borrowed from her henchman to turn half ling victims
into f lawed but deadly witherlings. In the mushroom-choked
depths of the central chamber, myconids prepare for an
assault on the temple to take the meteorite from whoever is
left standing after the PCs interrupt the cultists’ rituals.
For details on the Chaos Scar and its environs, read th e
Chaos Scar introduction and check out the map of the
entire valley.
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The pivotal figure in the secret Torog cult is a female
half ling magician who took the name Morgana when
she entered Torog’s service. Having come into posses-
sion of a shard from the meteor, Morgana took over a
previously occupied underground lair and set it up as
a well-defended underground temple where she could
pursue experiments to learn the extent of the shard’s
Morgana has two main lieutenants: a human tor-
turer named Scalpel and a one-armed elderly gnoll
known as the Hand of Torog. Scalpel, a heavily mus-
cled and tattooed degenerate who sleeps hanging from
hooks in his cell in the temple, gets his name from his
favorite tool. The Hand of Torog f led a chief ’s challenge
in his pack instead of fighting to the death. Faith in
Torog gave him new purpose, and Morgana gave him
a home on the front line of her defenses. The Hand
doesn’t have the social perspective to understand that
his name is more sardonic wit than an honorific.
As the adventure begins, the Hand of Torog and
cultist accomplices have succeeded in taking six new
slaves, two male humans and four half lings, two male
and two female. Seven human Torog worshipers have
preceded the PCs into the area, arriving for a ritual in
which Morgana has promised great pain, great plea-
sure, and magic that draws on the power of the Chaos
Shard to create more homunculus and undead servi-
tors for the temple.
Beneath the temple in a great mushroom chamber,
a circle of myconids drawn toward the Chaos Shard’s
energies are secretly creating a great fungal tower that
will enable them to climb to the top of the cavern and
take Morgana’s shard as their own. Although unaware
of the myconid’s plans, Morgana is a dedicated
survivor with an elaborate escape plan. The PCs may
end up facing the myconids even if Morgana escapes
with the shard.
It’s said that a cult devoted to Torog operates some-
where in the valley near the King’s Wall. A nearby
temple of Avandra has never been able to cope with
the worst problems presented by the Chaos Scar,
but it certainly understands how to deal with Torog.
The temple announces that it will pay anyone who
can find and eliminate the temple 300 gp. As a start,
Avandra’s followers point the heroes toward the area
in which the Hand of Torog operates.
Quest XP: 50 XP for finding the temple, another
250 XP for erasing the temple from existence, and
200 XP for making sure that none of its priests or ser-
vants escape.
“Den of the Slavetakers” takes place in the Chaos
Scar. Use one of the hooks below to get the PCs into
the valley and on the slavetakers’ trail. These hooks
also come with a minor quest that can provide the
PCs with some extra experience.
Four members of Jangi Blackstream’s family were kid-
napped last week, in two separate incidents. Jangi, a
half ling trader who operates near the valley, is desper-
ate to recover his kin: Nebin, Wayan, Shaena, and Lani.
Survivors of one of the kidnappings, which turned into
a short and almost lethal brawl, reported that the Black-
stream cousins were taken by f lying blue demons and a
one-armed gnoll. Jangi has no solid information on what
has happened to his relatives, but he has a nasty hunch.
Some years ago, another family member discarded her
old name (Nedda Blackstream), renamed herself Mor-
gana, and moved into the Chaos Scar, if such a thing can
be believed. Jangi thinks that Nedda/Morgana’s vindic-
tive streak might explain an otherwise inexplicable
assault on the Blackstream family, and he knows she is
somewhere in the area of the valley that contains the
temple. Jangi will pay 50 gp and provide a 25% discount
on two 1st- through 5th-level magic items if the PCs can
follow-up on his hunch.
Quest XP: 100 XP for finding Morgana, 100 XP
for finding the missing Blackstreams, and another
300 XP for rescuing one or more half lings alive.
Den of the Slaves uses the treasure parcel system
described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The PCs
should gain a total of four treasure parcels in this
adventure, though parcel 3 below is deliberately
small. Listed below are the most likely places to find
parcels and what those treasure parcels might consist
of. The magic weapon should come from the players’
wish lists.
Parcel 1: The Hand’s Arsenal
One level 4
magic weapon
(not a battleaxe)
Parcel 2: Cultist’s Bodies
20 gp
Parcel 3: Treasure Heap
220 gp and 800 sp
Parcel 4: Morgana’s Desk
Two 100-gp gems
and alchemical
formulae (see below)
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Regardless of the hook used to get the PCs into the
Chaos Scar, read or paraphrase the following when
they reach the vicinity of the slavetaker’s lair.
A depression in the valley floor leads to a wide cavern that
slopes gently downward. You don’t have to be a tracker to
tell that many people have walked in and out of this cavern
recently, following a single-file trail—tracks from boots and
tracks from small feet, likely children or halflings. The
cavern slopes gently down, turning into a wide corridor.
If the PCs obtained the Chaos Shard, will they
destroy it or keep it to find out if they can use it later
on? A DC 12 Arcana check reveals that the meteor
shard might have properties that would make it useful
later on, when the PCs have more power and are con-
fronting other beings possessing shards. But the same
check also reveals that the shard could be pounded
into dust and destroyed with no ill side effects, and
that the world would probably be a better place.
Does the mushroom forest’s trail lead to a myconid
stronghold, or some weirder cavern?
If the Hand of Torog escapes, there’s no telling
where he’ll turn up next.
And if Morgana escapes, she is likely to join a band
of murderous half lings who infest a cave nearby in
the valley.
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"# $
The keys to running this encounter are:
Flit the clay scouts between the arrow slits and
then out of sight as they use their mind touch
attack from behind the arrow slit’s superior
2 Clay Scouts (C) Level 2 Lurker
Small elemental animate (construct, homunculus)
XP 125
Initiative +7
Senses Perception +6;
HP 31; Bloodied 15
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 15
Immune disease, poison
Speed 6, fly 3 (clumsy)
Bite (standard; at-will) Poison
+3 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage, and the homunculus makes
a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary
Attack: +2 vs. Fortitude; the target is slowed (save ends)
Mind Touch (standard; at-will) Psychic
Ranged 10; +5 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 3 psychic damage, and the
target is dazed (save ends)
Guard Object
The clay scout gains a +4 bonus to attack rolls against
targets adjacent to or carrying its guarded object.
Limited Invisibility Illusion
The clay scout is invisible to dazed creatures.
Redirect (immediate interrupt, when targeted by a melee or
ranged attack; at-will)
The clay scout makes an attack against the attacker: +4 vs.
Will; the triggering attack targets a creature adjacent to
the clay scout instead (as chosen by the clay scout).
Alignment Unaligned
Encounter Level 1 (550 XP)
2 clay scouts (C)
Hand of Torog (H)
Mutant arbalester (M)
Remember to let PCs roll an Acrobatics or
Perception check to treat the rubble-strewn entry
room as clear terrain that round, rather than as
difficult terrain.
Choose a dramatic moment for the Hand of
Torog to get the inner door open to provide the
chained-up mutant arbalester with a clear shot
into the entryway.
The area marked as the entryway is the end of a
tunnel that runs for another hundred feet or so to the
cavern at the surface. Light filters in from the surface
and from holes in the ceiling.
Two of the arrow slits (marked in red on the
map on page 25) looking out into the entryway are
guarded by clay scout homunculi created by Morga-
na’s meteor-twisted rituals. The homunculi don’t stir
or attack until someone comes within 3 squares of the
As indicated in the tactics notes, the mutant
arbalester is chained up beside the inner door and is
unable to move. Meanwhile the Hand of Torog is out
of position, running across from the other side of the
rope bridge.
When the PCs approach the outer door and trig-
ger the clay scouts, read:
You see a flash of motion from the arrow slit and a probe of
psychic energy erupts in your mind as a misshapen winged
creature made of blue stone tries to catch your eyes and pry
into your mind.
When the PCs first get a good look at the clay
scouts, read:
There’s something wrong with these homunculi. They’ve
been altered by weird magic—they glow with blue light and
their parts don’t fit together properly.
Skills Stealth +8
Str 10 (+1)
Dex 15 (+3)
Wis 10 (+1)
Con 13 (+2)
Int 10 (+1)
Cha 16 (+4)
When the inner door opens and the PCs can see
the mutant arbalester chained to the wall ahead
of them, read:
(Read the first sentence only if the Hand opens the
A gnoll opens the door at the end of the chamber and
dodges aside. Behind him, you see a twisted construct made
of glowing blue rock. It looks like a giant crossbow on wheels
and it seems to be screaming as it looses a bolt.
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The Hand of Torog (H)
Level 3 Brute
When the clay scouts see a hero approach within 3
squares of the door, one of the scouts attacks the PCs
with mind touch while the other f lies to ring the alarm
bell (marked “b” on the map) and rings it (a standard
action). On its next turn, that clay scout returns to an
arrow slit, where it has superior cover against attacks
from outside, joining its comrade and attacking the
intruders with mind touch .
The clay scouts aren’t smart enough to execute a
perfect defense. They stall enemies by dazing them
with mind touch and use redirect whenever possible.
The clay scouts are assigned to guard the Hand of
Torog. If he shows himself through the inner door, the
surviving clay scouts f ly to his side, so long as they can
do so without taking attacks of opportunity.
Penetrating the cave’s defenses would be much
harder for the PCs if the Hand of Torog hadn’t aban-
doned his post to bask in the sounds and smells of
worship. The one-armed gnoll’s assigned role during
the ceremonies is to guard the entryway alongside the
clay scouts and the mutant arbalester. Going by the
book, he’s supposed to lead the fight against any
intruders or hapless travelers, while sending one of
the clay scouts to the temple to warn Morgana. But
because the Hand was lurking with his ears pressed
to the temple wall, he runs for the entryway upon
hearing the alarm bell without revealing his derelic-
tion by warning those within the temple.
The Hand enters initiative the round after the
alarm bell is rung (most likely to be round 2 of
combat). His first order of business is to reach the
mutant arbalester. The arbalester remains chained to
the wall, but undoing the locks that bind the arbales-
ter’s firing mechanism requires a standard action on
the Hand’s part, consuming his actions in the second
round of the fight.
Cursing loud enough to be heard through the thin
doors, the Hand uses his next turn to throw open the
inner door, hoping to give the mutant arbalester an
enemy target. If there are no enemies in the entry
room yet, the Hand leaves the door open so the arbal-
ester has an open field of fire and dodges back toward
his quarters out of the arbalester’s sight while it deals
with enemies.
Unlike savage gnolls addicted to the frenzy of the
pack, the Hand is a survivor first. When bloodied, he
tries to escape. If he still has over 25% of his hit points
when he gets clear, he runs back through the open
doors into the main cavern and across the bridge,
where he gathers the forces from the second encoun-
ter by running to the door of the temple, before the
PCs have a chance to take a short rest or fully search
that side of the cavern. If he is already below 25% hit
points when he runs, the Hand abandons all thoughts
of continuing the fight, runs south past the double
doors leading to the rope bridge, and plunges through
the curtain of dried mushrooms (marked “e” on the
main map, page 25) leading to his privy/bolthole
(marked “f ” on the map, page 25). After diving
through, he tries to take his chances cutting away
from the cavern along the strip of mushroom forest,
but see the notes on the privy below.
Medium natural humanoid, gnoll
XP 150
Initiative +2
Sense s Perception +4; low-light vision
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 14; Fortitude 15, Reflex 12, Will 12
Speed 6
Battleaxe (standard; at-will) Weapon
+7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, or 1d8+8 while bloodied.
Quick Bite (at-will; free, when gnoll marauder hits a bloodied
enemy with a melee attack)
The Hand of Torog makes a bite attack against the same
target; +4 vs. AC; 1d6 + 1 damage, or 1d6+4 damage
while bloodied.
Desperate Loner
The Hand of Torog deals 5 extra damage on melee attacks
when 2 or more enemies are adjacent to it.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Abyssal, Common
Skills Endurance +7, Intimidate +5
Str 18 (+5)
Dex 12 (+2)
Wis 12 (+2)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 7 (–1)
Cha 5 (–2)
Equipment leather armor, battleaxe
Mutant Arbalester (M) Level 3 Artillery
Medium immortal humanoid (construct, homunculus)XP 150
Initiative +4
Sense s Perception +8;
HP 36; Bloodied 18
AC 15; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 14
Immune disease, poison (and push, pull, slide when chained)
Speed 6 (0 when chained)
Slam (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage
Bolt (standard; at-will)
Ranged 20/40; +10 vs. AC; 1d10 + 3 damage
Perverse Double Shot (standard; recharge )
The arbalester makes two bolt attacks, each against a
different target. The targets must be within 5 squares of
each other. If an ally of the mutant arbalester is within 5
squares of its first target, there is a 50% chance that it will
target that ally with its second shot.
Guard Self
At the start of the arbalester’s turn, if an enemy is within 2
squares, the arbalester recharges its double shot power.
Alignment Unaligned
Str 14 (+3)
Dex 17 (+4)
Wis 14 (+3)
Con 12 (+2)
Int 4 (–2)
Cha 7 (–1)
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