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Application Guide,Snubber Capacitors
Designing an RC Snubber
Snubbers are any of several simple energy-
absorbing circuits used to eliminate voltage spikes
caused by circuit inductance when a switch—
either mechanical or semiconductor—opens. The
object of the snubber is to eliminate the voltage
transient and ringing that occurs when the switch
opens by providing an alternate path for the cur-
rent flowing through the circuit’s intrinsic leakage
inductance. Snubbers in switchmode power sup-
plies provide one or more of these three valuable
Shape the load line of a bipolar switching tran-
sistor to keep it in its safe operating area.
The selection process is easy in this catalog—peak
current and rms current capability is provided with
the capacitance ratings. The peak current capabili-
ty is the dV/dt capability times the nominal capaci-
tance. The rms current capability is the lower of the
current which causes the capacitor to heat up 15°C
or the current which causes the capacitor to reach
its rated AC voltage.
We’ve included dV/dt capability tables to allow you
to compare CDE snubber capacitors to other
brands. Mica can withstand dV/dts of more than
100,000 V/
Remove energy from a switching transistor and
dissipate the energy in a resistor to reduce
junction temperature.
s, and Types DPMF
and DPPM, more than 1000 V/
s. See the table for
values according to case length.
Assuming that the source impedance is negligi-
ble—the worst case assumption— the peak cur-
rent for your RC Snubber is:
Reduce ringing to limit the peak voltage on a
switching transistor or rectifying diode and to
reduce EMI by reducing emissions and lower-
ing their frequency.
The most popular snubber circuit is a capacitor
and a series resistor connected across a switch.
Here’s how to design that ubiquitous RC Snubber:
Component Selection: Choose a resistor that’s
noninductive. A good choice is a carbon composi-
tion resistor. A carbon film resistor is satisfactory
unless it’s trimmed to value with a spiral abrasion
pattern. Avoid wirewound because it is inductive.
Choose a capacitor from this datasheet to with-
stand the stratospherically high peak currents in
snubbers. For capacitance values up to 0.01
I pk = V o
R s
V o = open circuit voltage
R s = snubber resistance
C s = snubber capacitance
And the peak dV/dt is:
dV/dt pk = V o
R s C s
While for a sinewave excitation voltage, rms cur-
rent in amps is the familiar:
f = frequency in Hz
C = capacitance in
look first at dipped mica capacitors. For higher
capacitance values, look at the Type DPP radial-
leaded polypropylene, film/foil capacitors. Axial-
leaded Type WPP is as good except for the higher
inductance intrinsic to axial-leaded devices.
The highest Type DPP rated voltage is 630 Vdc
and the highest Type WPP voltage is 1000 Vdc.
For higher voltages and capacitances, stay with
polypropylene film/foil capacitors, choosing the
case size you prefer from Types DPFF and DPPS
selections. For the smallest case size, choose
Type DPPM or DPMF, but realize that these types
include floating, metallized film as common foils to
achieve small size. The use of metallized film
reduces the peak current capability to from a third
to a fifth of the other high-voltage choices.
I rms = 2
fCV rms x 10 6
V = voltage in V rms
For a squarewave you can approximate rms and
peak current as:
I rms = CV pp
.64 q tT
I peak = CV pp
Other Capacitor Types: Here’s a last word on
capacitor choice to help you venture out on your
own into the uncharted territory of capacitors not
specified for use in snubbers and not in this section.
V pp = peak-peak volts
t = pulse width in
T = pulse period in
Your Source For Capacitor Solutions
s for all ratings and Type DPPs can
withstand more than 2000 V/
s. For high-voltage
snubbers, Types DPFF and DPPS handle more
than 3000 V/
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Application Guide,Snubber Capacitors
s. Polyester has 15 times the loss of
polypropylene and is fit only for low rms currents
or duty cycles. And, be sure to take voltage and
temperature coefficients into account. While a
mica’s or a Type DPP’s capacitance is nearly inde-
pendent of voltage and temperature, by compari-
son, a high-K ceramic dielectric like Y5V can lose
3 of its capacitance from room temperature to
50°C (122°F) and lose another 3 from zero volts
to 50% rated voltage.
Quick Snubber Design: Where power dissipation
is not critical, there is a quick way to design a
snubber. Plan on using a 2-watt carbon composi-
tion resistor. Choose the resistor value so that the
same current can continue to flow without voltage
overshoot after the switch opens and the current
is diverted into the snubber. Measure or calculate
the voltage across the switch after it opens and
the current through it at the instant before the
switch opens. For the current to flow through the
resistor without requiring a voltage overshoot,
Ohm’s Law says the resistance must be:
R # V o
The resistor’s power dissipation is independent of
the resistance R because the resistor dissipates
the energy stored in the snubber capacitor,
2 C s V o 2 , for each voltage transition regardless of
the resistance. Choose the capacitance to cause
the 2-watt resistor to dissipate half of its power rat-
ing, one watt. For two times f s transitions per sec-
ond, the resistor will dissipate one watt when:
1 = ( 2 C s V o 2 )(2f s ) f s = switching frequency
C s = 1
V o 2 f s
As an illustration, suppose that you have designed
a switchmode converter and you want to snub one
of the transistor switches. The switching frequency
is 50 kHz and the open-switch voltage is 160 Vdc
with a maximum switch current of 5A. The resistor
value must be:
R # 160/5 = 32
C s = 1 = 780pF
(160) 2 (50 x 10 3 )
Optimum Snubber Design: For optimum snubber
design using the AC characteristics of your circuit,
first determine the circuit’s intrinsic capacitance
and inductance. Suppose you were designing a
snubber for the same transistor switch as in the
“Quick” example. Then on a scope note the ringing
frequency of the voltage transient when the transis-
tor turns off. Next, starting with a 100 pF mica
capacitor, increase the capacitance across the
transistor in steps until the ringing frequency is half
of the starting frequency. The capacitance you
have added in parallel with the transistor’s intrinsic
capacitance has now increased the total capaci-
tance by a factor of four as the ringing frequency is
inversely proportional to the square root of the
circuit’s inductance-capacitance product:
f o = 1
q LC
So, the transistor’s intrinsic capacitance, C i , is a
of the added capacitance, and the circuit induc-
tance, from the above equation, is:
L i = 1
C i (2
V o = off voltage
I = on current
f i ) 2
f i = initial ringing frequency
C i = intrinsic capacitance
(added capacitance) /3
L i = intrinsic inductance
When the transistor switch opens, the snubber
capacitor looks like a short to the voltage change,
and only the snubber resistor is in the circuit.
Choose a resistor value no larger than the charac-
teristic impedance of the circuit so that the induc-
tive current to be snubbed can continue
unchanged without a voltage transient when the
switch op ens:
and the capacitance value is:
R = q L i /C i
You may need to choose an even smaller resis-
tance to reduce voltage overshoot. The right
resistance can be as little as half the characteristic
impedance for better sampling of the Intrinsic LC
The power dissipated in the resistor is the energy
in the capacitance, 2 C s V o 2 , times the switching
Your Source For Capacitor Solutions
Realize that metallized film types and high-K
ceramic types have limited peak-current and tran-
sient withstanding capability, on the order of 50 to
200 V/
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Application Guide,Snubber Capacitors
frequency, f s , times the number of voltage transi-
tions per cycle. For example, if your circuit is a
half-bridge converter, there are two voltage transi-
tions per cycle and the power in the resistor is:
P r = C s V o 2 f s
44 x 10 6 ) 2
And the snubber resistor value:
R = q 0.196/67 (10 -3 ) = 54
C s = snubber capacitance
V o = off voltage
f s = switching frequency
Before you can calculate the resistor power dissi-
pation, you must first choose the snubber capaci-
Choose a snubber capacitance value which meets
two requirements:
1) It can provide a final energy storage greater
than the energy in the circuit inductance
2 C s V o 2 > 2 L i I 2 I = closed-circuit
C s > LI I 2
V o 2
L i I 2
<C s < on
V o 2
(0.196 x 10 -6 )(5) 2
<C s < 2 x 10 -6
192 < C s < 3700 pF
Since power dissipation in the resistor is propor-
tional to the capacitance, choose a standard
capacitance value near the low end of the above
range. For a 220 pF capacitor and two transitions
per cycle, the power dissipation in the resistor is:
P r = (220 x 10 -12 )(160) 2 (50 x 10 3 ) = 0.2 W
Comparing the “Quick” design to the “Optimum”
design, you see that for the same converter switch
the required snubber resistor’s power capability
was reduced by a factor of 5, from 1 W to 0.2 W,
and the snubber capacitance was reduced by a
factor of 3.5, from 780 pF to 220 pF. This was
possible because the additional circuit measure-
ments revealed that the source impedance was
actually 54
2) it produces a time constant with the snubber
resistor that is small compared to the shortest
expected on-time for the transistor switch.
RC s < t on /10
C s < t on /10R
Choosing a capacitance near the low end of the
range reduces power dissipated in the resistor,
and choosing a capacitance 8 to 10 times the
intrinsic capacitance, C i , almost suppresses the
voltage overshoot at switch turn off. Try a capaci-
tance at the low end of the range as the initial
value and increase it later if needed.
Now revisit the “Quick” example with the added
data permitting “Optimum” design. You’ve taken
some more measurements on your switchmode
converter: the ringing frequency of the voltage
transient when the transistor switch opens is 44
MHz and an added parallel capacitance of 200 pF
reduces the ringing frequency to 22 MHz. The
switching frequency is 50 kHz with a 10% mini-
mum duty cycle, and the open-switch voltage is
160 Vdc with a maximum switch current of 5A. So
you know the following:
f i = 44 MHz
C i = 200/3 = 67 pF
f s = 50 kHz
t on = 0.1/(50 x 10 3 ) = 2
, and that the circuit
inductance permitted a smaller capacitance to
swallow the circuit’s energy.
Usually the “Quick” method is completely ade-
quate for final design. Start with the “Quick”
approach to prove your circuit breadboard, and go
on to the “Optimum” approach only if power effi-
ciency and size constraints dictate the need for
optimum design.
NOTE: For more on RC snubber design, for RCD snubber
design, and for snubber design using IGBT snubber
modules, get the application note, “Design of Snubbers for
Power Circuits,” at www.cornell-dubilier.com/pdfframe.htm.
V o = 160 Vdc
= A
Your Source For Capacitor Solutions
And calculate the circuit inductance:
L i = 1 = 0.196
(67 x 10 -12 )(2
(160) 2
rather than 32
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