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michael holman and
mira kovatcheva
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Copyright © 1993, 2003 Michael Holman and Mira Kovatcheva
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Impression number 14 13 12 11 10
alphabet and pronunciation
:s.qpaHi4Te! KaK ee K8388T8?
hello, what's your name?
saying please and thank you, greetings,
introducing yourself, there Is and there Isn't
KaK m? MM8T8nM BplMt?
how are you? do you have a moment?
asking questions, saying goodbye,
using Mr and Mrs, I have and I don't have,
numbers 1-10
KaK'bB eTe? KaKB8 CTe?
who are you and what is your job?
what kind of? nationalities, professions,
relatives, marital status
K6nKo? K6nKo e 'l8CioT?
how much? how many? what's the time?
timetables, times of the day, numbers 11-100,
seeking agreement
roB6pMTe nM 8HrnMMcKM?
do you speak English?
what languages do you speak or know?,
which and who, using the phone
2010 2009 2008 2007
MCK8T9nM AI •.. ? would you like to... ? 69
8KO 6u H8 TBOt M~TO •••
if I had been in your place ...
can I?, may I?,I must, I need or need to,
if and hypothetical situations, giving presents,
being introduced, changing money
KonKo crpyB8 •••? how much is... ?
I was going to - thwarted plans, more and
not any more, reporting first-hand information
going shopping, pointing, let's, requests and
KaKBOnplB8we TJI? what was she doing? 217
commands, Bulgarian money
a different perspective on past events, things
needing repair, trouble with the car
what can you recommend?
eating out and ordering meals, expressing
B"'e C'bMpewMn8
I have already made up my mind
results: reporting events that have affected the
C KaKBOMora AI 8M nOMOrH8?
present, forgetting something, having fun and
how can I help you?
being bored
offering assistance, I can do it, that's my bag,
getting about in town
MM8re nM OnnaKB8HMJI?
K8KBOaqe6i.Ae BptMeTO?
is there anything wrong?
making complaints, reporting what you don't
what's the weather going to be?
agreeing and disagreeing, making suggestions,
know first hand
talking about the Mure, getting out of town
6MxMe MCKanM AI AiliAeM n8KI
nn8H 38 CntAB81qllT8 c8AMMqlI
we would like to come again!
saying goodbye and staying in touch,
a plan for the coming week
more if expressions, being especially polite
days of the week, months, dates, Bulgarian
holidays, first, second etc., numbers over 100
taking it further
nO'laK8M, He nOp'b'lB8M oaqel
key to the exercises
wait, don't order yet!
Bulgarian-English vocabulary
don't do that!, twin verbs for describing the
same situation, like or love?
Englisll-Bulgarian vocabulary
K8K AI cTMfHeMAO XOTen «OAeca»
Index to grammar and usage
how can we get to the Odessa hotel? 165
directions, losing your way, past events
n03AP8BilB8M Tel congratulations!
what is done (or not done), special occasions,
cheersl, address forms, describing your home
6J1xH8 neKap I went to see the doctor 191
saying how you feel, doing something
for yourself
Mira Kovatcheva was born in Sofia and studied English at Sofia
University, where she is now Senior Lecturer in the Department of
English Studies. Her field of research is English historical linguistics
and languages in contact. She also has a special interest in the
teaching of Bulgarian to native speakers of English. Between 1989
and 1992 she was on secondment to the universities of Leeds and
Sheffield where she taught Bulgarian to English students.
Michael Holman is of mixed English and Russian parentage and
was born in Kent, where he now lives. Between 1966 and 1999 he
lived in Yorkshire, where he was latterly Professor of Russian and
Slavonic Studies at the University of Leeds. He has taught
Bulgarian, translated from Bulgarian into English and sought to
promote Anglo-Bulgarian cultural interchange. He holds the 'Order
of Stara Planina' (First Class) and is an honorary Doctor of Letters
of Sofia University. His wife, Dorothea, without whom none of this
would have been possible, was born in Sofia of mixed Bulgarian and
Macedonian parentage.
.. Q.
Teach Yourself Bulgarian is a complete course for beginners in
spoken and written Bulgarian. It has been designed for self-tuition,
but may also be used for study with a teacher. It aims to teach you
to understand and use the contemporary language in a variety of
typical, everyday situations. Above all it is functional, enabling
you to communicate and interact, using the language for positive,
practical purposes. Although intended primarily for people with no
knowledge of the language, you will also find it useful if you want
to brush up or extend some previous knowledge.
The course is divided into 20 carefully graded and interlocking
units. Each unit is devoted to a particular topic or situation and
each successive unit builds naturally on material covered in
previous units. In Unit 1, for example, you will learn how to
introduce yourself, to use some simple greetings and to say
'please' and 'thank you'. In Unit 2 you will discover how to ask
questions, and in Unit 3 you will learn how to answer questions
saying where you come from, what you do for a job and indicating
whether or not you are married. Unit 4 teaches you some numbers
and how to use them when telling the time.
The first half of the book, up to the end of Unit 9, is a basic
grammatical and thematic 'survival kit'. The emphasis here is on
the present tense and on immediate situations you may well fmd
yourself in on a visit to Bulgaria. Thus, Unit 5 enables you to
describe your language knowledge - or lack of it! Unit 6 deals with
wanting and asking for things and with changing money, Unit 7
with shopping, Unit 8 with eating out and Unit 9 with getting about
and both asking for and giving assistance.
From Unit 10 on you progress to less immediate, but no less
important matters. You will learn to ask about future events,
_ ~
It would be impossible to thank all our relatives and friends and also
colleagues, past and present, who have helped us directly or
indirectly with this book. We would, however, like to single out for
special mention Christo Stamenov and Vladimir Filipov, both
lecturers at Sofia University, who assisted us greatly in the latter
stages of our work on the first edition. To everyone who has written
to thank us for the book and to make suggestions for its
improvement, we are grateful beyond measure. The responsibility
for outstanding imperfections in this new edition, however, remains
fmnly with us.
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