Etceteronomicon II - Addendonomicon - Dodatkowe czary powszechne.pdf

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E tceteronomicon II:
Ye Addendonomicon
Being even more divers and lesser-known
Sorceryes, Rituals and Cantraps
for the use of
M agisters of All Colleges
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This book contains over twenty new spells for WFRP Î twelve new Lesser Magics,ten new
Petty spells and a few rituals to boot. Itcan be used on its own or combined with the
Etceteronomicon ( http// ) to add
enormous variety to any Warhammer game which features magic. Lesser Magics can of
course be acquired by spending 100 XP,as described in the WFRP Ruebook (p 99). New
Petty Magicspells may be acquired by spending 50 XP per spell,and each is acquired as a new
Talent,ustas for Lesser Magic. You may also (with your GMs permission,swap some of the
Petty spells listed here for those listed in the rulebook (p 146) to create a differentcatalogue of
spells for each new apprentice. Rules for learning Rituals are on page 168.
Duration and Range
To make finding all the information easier in spell descriptions,The Etceteronomcon adds
two extra lines to the spell entries Ïduration and range. These will also feature in future
WFRP products (NghtsDark Mastersonwards) .
Entries include all of the following.
Instant: This entry indicates thatthe spell does nothave a duration and thatits effects are
resolved immediately.
1 hour/minute/round:The spell lasts for one hour,minute or round.
1 hour/minute or triggered: The spell lasts for 1 minute (6 rounds) or until the
circumstances of the spells effectare triggered,whichever occurs first. For example,a spell
mightgive you the ability to re-roll failed Strength Tests. Atany pointwithin the spells
duration thatyou re-roll a Strength Test,the spell is discharged.
See description: The spell has a special duration as described in the text.
Time/Magic: The spell lasts a number of rounds,minutes,or hours per pointof your Magic
Triggered: The spell remains in effectuntil a specificcircumstance triggers it. You gain no
benefitfrom casting such spells multiple times.
You: The spell may be castonly on yourself.
Touch: You musttouch a targetfor the spell to take effect.
Touch (you): As touch,butyou may also castthe spell on yourself.
Yards (squares): The spell has a range measured in yards.
See description: The spell has a special range as described in the text.
Original Idea and Text: Steve Darlington
Spells Designed,Refined and Playtested By:Steve Darlington,Gareth Willcock and the marvellous guys on the
Black Industries Contributor Forum
Alten the Seer and the GreatVandalla Created By Steve Darlington
Dieter Zauberlich created by Jody Macgregor
WFRP 2 nd Ed by Chris Pramas
Original WFRP Design by Jim Bambra,Graeme Davis,Phil Gallagher,Richard Halliwell and Rick Priestly
Realms of Sorcery by TS Luikart,Chris Pramas,Jeff Tidball,RobertJ Schwalb and Marian von Staufer
Check out for more stuff by Steve.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay,the Warhammer Fanasy Roleplay logo,WFRP,Chaos,Tzeench,Warhammer,and all associated
marks,names,races,race insignia,characers,vehicles,locations,units,artefacts,illustrations and images from he Warhammer
world are eiher §,TM and/or ¨ CopyrightGames Workshop Ld 2000-2006,variably regisered in the UK and other countries
around the world. Used withoutpermission. No challenge to their status is intended. All Righs Reserved to their respective owners.
How to Use This Book
ÐMasterng yourWnd sone thng. Masterng magc? Thatssomethng ese entreyÑ
- Reiner Starke,Patriarch of the Grey Order
Lesser Magics
AethyricArmour. Blessed Weapon. Skywalk. Few are the magical colleges of the Empire
where these spells are notincanted many times per day,with equal times success and failure.
Butthere are more names among them than ustthese.
Although their names change from Order to Order and even from Magister to Magister,there
are such spells thatare seemingly always taught,whether because they are so widely useful,so
ingrained in tradition or so absolutely vital to the wizardly ego. Every studentis keen to
embrace his Wind as much as he can,butthe wise apprentice and the dutiful teacher both
know thatthere is much more to magicthan that,and a wizard withouta full quiver of Lesser
Spells is hardly a wizard atall.
Herein are twelve more Lesser Magicspells,to oin the listincluded in the WFRP Ruebook,
Tome ofCorrupton,and Ream oftheIce Queen. These are precisely the kind of spells that
young apprentices and ourneymen will be called upon to learn and master,and are also
extremely likely to pop up in any spell books and study notes thatwandering adventurers may
find. Each costs 100 XP to acquire.
Aethyric Might
Casting Number: 7
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 minute
Range: You
Ingredients: A staff of oak (+1)
Description: You pull the power of the Winds of Magictogether into a powerful pushing
force. For the duration of the spell,you may add your MagicCharacteristictimes ten to your
Strength Characteristicfor the purposes of lifting,carrying or moving things (butnotattacks).
Due to the effortrequired to focus and control this bulk force,maintaining itin combat
requires a Full Action each round,and itcan never be combined with an Attack,or used in a
Aethyric Nimbus
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour per MagicCharacteristic
Range: You
Ingredient: A cloak worn by the ruler of a country
Description: The Aethyricshroud thatleaps and coalesces around every wizard is expanded
outfrom your body,reaching an extra 1d10 inches per MagicCharacteristicin all directions.
Anything within the nimbus is considered partof the wizards self for the purpose of casting
spells. A full 24Ñis required to (safely) contain another humanoid or a dog-sized creature;
smaller familiars can fitwithin 18Ñ. Mostwizards are loathe to do this withoutgreatneed as
there are terrible results if the passengerÓhappens to have say an arm extending from the
nimbus when a spell is cast,for the fluctuating Aethyr can cutlike flaming steel. However it
does help to carry obects and pets and can add a handy extra few inches to the range of spells.
As a minor effect,italso vastly increases the wizards senses,as anything entering the nimbus
alerts him as if his own skin was touched. This tends to make the wizard very grumpy in
crowds or tightspaces,butalso provides the wizard with a +20% bonus to all Perception Tests
againstpeople trying to sneak up on him or pick his pocket. The latter accounts for the most
common use of this spell.
ÐIpreferthe term UnversalMagcÓ
mysef. There snothng esserÓabouttÑ
- Alten the Seer,Celestial Magister
Aethyric Shield
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half Action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)
Range: You
Ingredient: A metal rivetfrom a warriors shield (+1)
Description: You weave the Winds of Magicinto a tightfocus,
forming a ball of force aboutyour non-weapon hand. You may fight
as if you have a shield in your off-hand. You may retain this spell
after the duration by making a successful Will Power Testeach round
hereafter. You may combine this spell with spells such as Flaming
Sword of Rhuin or Reaping Scythe;if you try to maintain both of
them beyond their duration,both tests becaome Hard (-20%).
Aethyric Surge
Casting Number: 18
Casting Time: Full Action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) or triggered
Range: You
Ingredient: A shard of pure ithilmar (+2)
Description: Casting this spell is very dangerous butsometimes,itis necessary. By calling
up all the Winds of Magicin the nearby area,you can increase the power of your nextspell
cast. Choose one (and only one) of the following effects:
· Focused Will:If the spell requires a Will Power Testto resist,this Testbecomes an
Opposed Testwith the caster. If itwas already an Opposed Test,the targetsuffers -
20% to his Will Power.
· Increased Duration:the spell lasts twice as long.
· Increased Effect:the spell affects twice the number of targets,or double the radius of
· Increased Power:if the spell is damaging,its damage rating is increased by one.
· Increased Range:the spell may targeta position twice as far away (butstill within
This spell tends to attractthe attention of the hideous things in the Aethyr. If you trigger
Tzeenchs Curse while attempting to castit,you mustroll on the CatastrophicChaos
Manifestation Table. Multiple castings of this spell have no effect. Neither this spell nor the
Surged spell may be Dampened.
Alacritous Acceleration
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half Action
Duration: 1 round
Range: You
Ingredient: A bees stinger (+1)
Description: The Winds of Magicgather around you,buoying you speedily away from
danger. You may instantly take the Run Action as a free action. If you do so and move away
from melee combat,you also countas having performed the Disengage Action thatround
(your opponents do notgain a free attack). However,the effectof moving so fastis quite
fatiguing,and following the run,you mustmake a Toughness Testimmediately or be stunned
for a round. Each additional time this spell is casta day,this Toughness Testbecomes one
step more difficult(-10% per previous casting).
ÐNow they putmagcnto boxesand rote-
earned rhymes,asftabdesby therrues.
Tecs,whathave you tod them?Ñ
- Lord Adana of Hoeth
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full Action
Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds) or triggered
Range: You
Ingredient: A shard of raw gromril (+2)
Description: The Winds of Magicare wild and unpredictable,buta truly patientwizard can
use this spell to calm them for buta moment,making his spells weaker butmuch safer. On
his nextspell casting roll,the wizard mustdiscard one of his dice before determining his
casting total. This can be used to remove a matching die,thus reducing or eliminating
Tzeentchs curse. Multiple instances of this spell have no effect,nor can you Dampen the
Dampen spell itself.
ÐChaossourenemy,butchange souray. A wzard
shoud awaysbe ready to surprse hsopponentwth a
new tactc,a new spe,a new formÑ
- Balthasar Gelt,Supreme Patriarch
Casting Number: 15
Casting Time: Full Action
Duration: 1 round per Magic
Range: 36 yards (18 squares)
Ingredient: A staff of oak,carved with runes,which mustbe broken atcasting (+2)
Description: You cause the Winds of Magicto grow turbulentand confused around a single
individual within range who may make an Opposed Willpower Testto resistit. If he fails,that
person may notChannel for the duration of the spell,and suffers a penalty to all their casting
rolls equal to your MagicCharacteristicif they should try to casta spell.
Glorious Passage
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Full Action
Duration: 1 minute per MagicCharacteristic
Range: You
Ingredient: A gold chain (+1)
Description: The caster blasts his presence into the Aethyr,identifying himself as a
powerful wizard to all those who look upon him. Those who are attuned to such things see a
brightball of the casters Wind burning around him,and a crack as if from sudden thunder.
Those notattuned simply feel a sense of awe and humility towards the wizard,feeling deep in
their water thatrespectmustbe paid. Crowds partaround him,watchmen tip their hats and
drop their eyes,thieves move on,shopkeepers offer discounts and even lords and kings
humbly grantthe wizard audience. Of course,mostpeople do this anyway,butsome wizards
like to make sure. This spell also causes animals to be nervous,butmore obedient. Atthe
GMs option,these effects may translate into a +5% bonus to the use of such skills as Animal
Care,Blather,Haggle,Intimidate and Ride. Those with Witchsightor Sixth Sense (and who
are within sightof the wizard) automatically perceive the wizards magical nature,whether
they wish to or not
Casting Number: 9
Casting Time: Half action
Duration: 1 round per Magic
Range: 12 yards (6 squares)
Ingredient: A link of chain (+1)
Description: You erectan invisible magical barrier,compelling a single targetto stay in one
place. For the duration of the spell,the targetmay notleave the 2 yard square he was
occupying when the spell was cast. He may move freely within thatsquare and suffers no
penalty in combat. He may make a Will Power Testeach round (as a half action) to break the
hold upon him.
ÐIfIhave to practce Moveone more tme,Im
gong to klmysefÑ
- Konrad Messering,Wizards Apprentice
The Sure-Footed Stride
Casting Number: 12
Casting Time: Full Action
Duration: 10 minutes per MagicCharacteristic
Range: You
Ingredient: A bronzed horseshoe (+2)
Description: You cause the Winds of Magicto buoy up your passing,while also holding you
securely to the earth. For the duration of the spell,you may move over any kind of terrain as
easily as if itwere a cobbled street,and gain +20% to any Agility Tests required notto trip or
fall while doing so. This confidence of step also grants you +1 to your Movement
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