business glossary.doc

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Business one:one glossary

acquaintance a person that you know but who is not a close friend



act   to behave in a particular way



additionally  used when you want to mention another thing after sth else



alarm call    a telephone call which is intended to wake you up



allocated     officially given to sb  / sth for a particular purpose



annoying     making sb feel slightly angry



anticipate     to expect sth



apparently     according to what you have heard or read



apply     to make a formal request for sth such as a job



appoint     to choose sb for a job or position of responsibility



approach    a way of dealing with sb / sth



arouse     to cause a particular emotion or attitude



as long as     only if



ask a favour [BrE]  favor [AmE]    to ask sb to do sth to help you



assurance     a statement that sth will certainly be true or will certainly happen



banned     officially not allowed



bargain   to discuss pay, conditions, prices, etc. with sb in order to reach an agreement



barrel     a large round container for liquids, usually made of wood or metal



barter    to exchange goods, services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money



beware    if you tell sb to beware, you are warning them that sb / sth is dangerous and they should be careful



brainstorm  to spend time with other people thinking of as many ideas as possible, often as a way of solving a problem



break down              if a vehicle or machine breaks down, it stops working because of a fault



breakdown     detailed information that you get by studying a set of figures



bring (sth) into line              if you bring sth into line with sth else, you make it more similar to the other thing



browser     a program that lets you look at or read documents on the Internet



cash flow   the movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold



cheated     tricked, especially in order to get money



circumstances    the conditions that affect a situation, an event, or an action



clarify     to make sth clearer or easier to understand



clash   if events clash, they happen at the same time so that you cannot go to or see them both



combine     to do two or more things at the same time



commission     to officially ask sb to make or create sth for you



compartment   one of the separate sections which a coach / car on a train is divided into



compensate   to provide sth good to balance or reduce the bad effects of sth



component  one of several parts of which a machine is made



concept    an idea or principle that is connected with sth abstract



confess     to admit sth that you feel ashamed or embarrassed about



consequently    as a result therefore



consolidate   to make a position of power or success stronger so that it is more likely to continue



convention     a large meeting of the members of a profession



conveyor belt     a continuous moving band used for transporting objects, for example suitcases in an airport



costly   costing a lot of money, especially more money than you want to pay



count on   to trust sb to help or to do sth



courier   to send documents or a package by courier



CPU(n) central processing unit the part of a computer that controls all the other parts of the system



creditworthiness  the fact that a person or organization is considered safe to lend money to



crooked     dishonest



crop   the amount of a particular grain, fruit, vegetable, etc. that is grown in one season



currency   the system of money that a country uses



customs officer a person who works at a port/airport checking that nothing is brought into the country illegally



decimal     based on or counted in tens or tenths



decline     to refuse politely to accept or do sth



delay     a period of time when sb / sth has to wait or sth is late because of a problem



delay     to not do sth until a later time



delegate     to give part of your work, power or authority to sb in a lower position than you



destination              a place to which sb  sth is going or being sent


directions     instructions about which way to go in order to get to a place


disaster   a very bad situation or a complete failure


dismiss     to decide that sb  sth is not worth thinking or talking about


disposable income income left after taxes, etc. have been taken away from it and that you are free to spend or save


distribute     to give things to a large number of people


distributor     a person or company that supplies goods to shops  stores and organizations


diversify to develop a wider range of products in order to be more successful or reduce risk


dotted line   a line  on a document where you sign to show that you have agreed to buy or do sth


double-booked reserved by more than one person/group at the same time, because of a mistake


downshifting   a change to a job/way of life where you may earn less but you have less pressure


downtown    in or towards the centre of a city, especially its main business area [AmE]


draft   a rough written version of sth that is not yet in its final form


dress code   rules about what clothes people should wear at work


drive (sb) crazy     to make sb very annoyed


drop              if you drop sb somewhere, you stop a car in order to let the person get out


drop out   to reject the ideas and ways of behaving that are accepted by the rest of society


due   arranged or expected, for example expected to be done or paid


due to    caused by, because of


duty     something that you feel you have to do because it is your responsibility


easy-going              relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry


efficiency     the quality of doing sth well with no waste of time or money


emphasize     to give special importance to sth, to stress sth


emphatic   speaking with force to make it clear that what you say is important


excuse     a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend your behaviour


exhausted     very tired


express     very fast


facilities     services, equipment, etc. that are provided so that sb can do a particular thing, for example in a hotel


fake     not genuine appearing to be sth it is not


familiar with              knowing sth very well


fan     a machine with blades that go round to create a current of air in order to cool sth


feature    a particular quality of a product or sth it can do


field worker a person doing practical work in different places, rather than always working in an office/lab


figures   ...

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