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The United States

of America















The United States of America is one of the largest country in the world. Its area is 9,826,675 km2 and population is 309,192,000. The national language is English. The inhabitants of the US are a mixture of many different nationalities. It is a federation of 50 states. The country is divided into 5 regions: the Northeast, the Northwest, the Midwest, the Southeast, the Southwest and two outlying states: Alaska and Hawaii. Each state has its own government and laws. The largest state is Alaska and the smallest is Rhode Island. The capital city of the USA is Washington D.C.

The flag of The USA is called Stars and Stripes and it consists of 13 white and red stripes. In the left upper corner there is blue rectangle with 50 white stars representing 50 states.

Great Seal of the United States


Major cities of the United States of America are New York City (the biggest city). Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Diego, Phoenix, San Antonio, Dallas. Because of its area the USA has varied landforms. It has lowlands, vast plains, hills and mountains. The highest peak in the USA is in Alaska. It’s McKinley (6194m).

Mt. McKinley

The longest rivers are Missouri, Mississippi, Colorado and Rio Grande.

Grand Canyon Colorado

Climate also varies in different parts of the country. In the North there are very long and cold winters. In the South climate is subtropical and tropical.

Officially there are no national holidays in the US except for Independence Day (4th July). Each state has its own public holidays. Independence Day is a big national holiday. Most cities have parades with bands, flags and fireworks. There are also holidays observed in most of the states like New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday (3rd Monday in January), Washington’s Birthday or President’s Day
(3rd Monday in February), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), St. Valentine’s Day (14th  February), Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November), Christmas
(25th December), Columbus Day (2nd Monday in October).

The US is a multiethnic nation and that is why a lot of ethnic festivals are held all over the country. One of the most popular is Mardi Grass which takes place before Lent in new Orleans with huge parade and feast. It lasts almost two weeks and it’s known as the biggest show on Earth. Another well-known ethnic festival is Fiesta San Antonio. It’s a nine day citywide celebration with exciting carnivals, spectacular sports, fireworks, parades. Irish people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, in Chinatown is the Traditional Chinese New Year’s Day is celebrated.

Chinese New Year’s Day in San Francisco



The Statue of Liberty in New York City

World Trade Center
destroyed on September 11th 2001





Niagara Falls


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