File 770 136 (september 2000).pdf

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paper136 for
September 2000 1
2 File 770:136
Thanks, and More Thanks
Editor’s Notes by Mike Glyer
Rocket Night: While Teddy Harvia tore
open the envelope containing the name of
the winner of the Best Fanzine Hugo, I
sat with my notebook open and my pen
ready to write. But not ready to write the
name of my own fanzine. Not even when
Teddy reacted to the little piece of paper
by exclaiming his delight. Then he read
“File 770” aloud and I headed for the
stage in a fog of not-quite-speechless
amazement, where someone handed me
the rocket on its beautiful wooden base.
Now comes my chance to say a coher-
ent thank-you to so many people who
make File 770 fun to publish.
First, thank you Diana. You’re my
number one source of encouragement and
you’re always willing to help me “think
out loud” about the future of the zine.
Thanks for being my circulation man-
ager, and coming up with ideas for get-
ting more fans interested in File 770 . And
thanks for all the times you read my copy
before it went to press and saved me from
numberless gaffes.
Thanks to all of you whose creativity
is woven throughout these pages – pro-
lific artists Ray Capella, Brad Foster, Ian
Gunn, Teddy Harvia, Joe Mayhew, Bill
Rotsler, Taral Wayne, and Alan White
(three of them living on through their
cartoons); feature writers including John
Hertz, Francis Hamit, Chris Barkley,
David Bratman, Janice Gelb, and Steven
Silver; those who write LoCs; and those
whose news items are the lifeblood of
File 770 .
As a postscript, thanks also to the late
Irene Danziger. In 1990, she used her
wizardry with a Mac and Pagemaker to
create layouts for File 770’s earliest pho-
tocopied issues, launching the zine into
era of desktop-publishing.
Torcon 3: And more thanks – to the
Toronto fans who invited me to be Fan
Guest of Honour for the 2003 Worldcon.
I appreciate the honor, and the pleasure is
all the greater because I coincidentally
follow in the footsteps of Torcon 2’s
GoH’s Robert Bloch and Bill Rotsler,
two other LA fans I knew for many
years. (Bloch was Pro GoH at both previ-
ous Torcons, in 1948 and 1973, and has
been named Torcon 3’s “GhOst of Hon-
I’ll be in Toronto with fellow GoH’s
George R.R. Martin and Frank Kelly
Freas, toastmaster Spider Robinson – and
many of you, I hope. See you there!
File 770:136 is edited by Mike
Glyer at 705 Valley View Ave.,
Monrovia CA 91016. No animals
were harmed in the making of this
File 770 is available for news,
artwork, arranged trades, or by
subscription. Subscriptions cost $8
for 5 issues, $15 for 10 issues,
mailed first class in North America
or surface mail rates overseas.
Air printed matter rate is
available for $2.50 per issue.
Telephone: (626) 305-1004.
Art Credits
Ray Capella: Cover, 15, 30
Alan White: 2, 5, 11, 16, 20,
22, 24
Joe Mayhew: 17, 18, 25, 26,
Diana Harlan Stein: 2
Bill Rotsler: 10, 19, 29
Sheryl Birkhead: 29
Rose Marie Donvan: 3(photo)
Jason Boehm: 4 (photo)
Chaz Boston Baden: 9(photo)
The Retro Hugos Are Back!
Millennium Philcon’s Hugo Administra-
tors, Rick Katze and Saul Jaffe, have an-
nounced the 2001 Worldcon will award
Hugos for works written in the year 2000
and a set of Retro Hugos for the year
1950. The WSFS rules allow Retros to be
given by a Worldcon held 50, 75 or 100
years after a year when regular Hugos
were not awarded. Members of L.A.con
III in 1996 voted on the first Retro Hugos,
for works published in 1946. The next
four Worldcons, though eligible, chose not
to give them.
Rick Katze wrote online, “We expect
to have links set up from the Millennium
Philcon web page listing the works eligi-
ble for the categories in 1950 to make it
easier for the nominators. When you catch
something that was not listed, e-mail me
personally with the header reading Retro
Omission and I will have it added to the
“Both Joe Siclari and Bruce Pelz will
be sending me fanzine material which I
will scan and then send to Joe who will
put it on the web for the voters to ex-
amine. I have no idea what they intend
to send to me. If you have a fanzine,
fan writer or fan artist who you believe
should be included, send me e-mail
with the header reading Retro Fan . I
will contact you regarding further de-
tails regarding how to get the material
included in this project.”
For further details, check the Mil-
lennium Philcon Web page.
A complete report on Chicon 2000
will be in the next issue.
Art Credits
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September 2000 3
Chicon 2000
Hugo Winners
Best Novel
A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge (Tor)
Best Novella
""The Winds of Marble Arch" by Connie Willis
( Asimov's 10-11/99)
Best Novelette
"10 16 to 1" by James Patrick Kelly ( Asimov's 6/99)
Best Short Story
"Scherzo with Tyrannosaur" by Michael Swanwick
( Asimov's 7/99)
Best Related Book
Science Fiction of the 20th Century
by Frank M. Robinson (Collectors Press)
Guy H. Lillian III insisting Challenger deserves the
Best Fanzine Hugo. Photo by Rose Marie Donovan
Best Dramatic Presentation
Galaxy Quest
Toronto Wins
2003 Worldcon Vote
Best Professional Editor
Gardner Dozois ( Asimov's Science Fiction )
Best Professional Artist
Michael Whelan
Toronto will host the 61st Worldcon, after winning the Site Se-
lection vote on the first round:
Best Semiprozine
Locus edited by Charles N. Brown
Pre-Con Thurs Friday Saturday Total
Toronto 253 162 389 571 1,375
Cancun 50 25 41 131 247
No Preference 15 4 10 27 56
None of the
Above 3 0 2 3 8
Write-In __0 ___2 __ 1 __9 ___ 12
Total 321 193 443 741 1,698
Best Fanzine
File 770 edited by Mike Glyer
Best Fan Writer
Dave Langford
Torcon 3 will be held August 28-September 1, 2003 at the Metro
Toronto Convention Centre, the Royal York Hotel, the Crowne
Plaza Hotel and the Renaissance Toronto Hotel at Sky Dome.
Guests of Honour will be George R. R. Martin, Frank Kelly
Freas and Mike Glyer. Toastmaster: Spider Robinson. GoHst of
Honour: Robert Bloch, “the spirit of Toronto Worldcons.” Peter
Jarvis is the chair.
Membership and conversion rate information may be found
online at
Best Fan Artist
Joe Mayhew
John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer
Cory Doctorow (2nd year of eligibility )
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4 File 770:136
News of Fandom
“Here's where the story gets fannish:
While in the emergency room another doctor
came in and asked Jack if he was the Jack
Chalker who ‘wrote all those books.’ Turns
out he's Michael Kerr, and has ties to North-
western fandom, but he's come East for per-
sonal reasons and works at the Carroll
County General emergency room.
They asked Jack to go to his M.D. for
follow-up and our doctor -- who has come to
Balticons and, in fact, showed up at one of
my panels at the last Balticon -- gave Jack
the okay to travel on two conditions: one,
Jack stay off his feet as much as possible,
and even keep his leg up (hence the scooter)
and two, Give him a copy of the Chicon pro-
gram book (he's getting mine). It's a way of
life, truly it is.”
Vows and More Vows
Trapdoor readers learned from Robert
Lichtman’s editorial in the July issue that he
married Carol Carr “early this year.” Want-
ing to be married in Yosemite, they located a
minister willing to drive up to the park and
perform the ceremony. “So there we were, on
a beautiful spring afternoon with the dog-
woods in full bloom, standing under a large
oak tree on the banks of the swiftly flowing
Merced River – Half Dome and Lower Yo-
semite Falls in our view – and exchanged our
rings and our vows to go steady forever-
While one wedding was revealed in July,
another was affirmed.
Bjo and John Trimble marked their 40th
wedding anniversary by renewing their vows
before a crowd of friends and family in their
Monrovia backyard. Bjo shone in a 1918-
style wedding dress, and John celebrated by
wearing a brilliantly quilted vest. The occa-
sion was so irresistibly romantic that Jennifer
Jumper, who spent her teenage years living
with John and Bjo’s family, announced her
own plans to wed in the near future.
Because all husbands are required by law
to balance the sentiment of these occasions,
John mentioned between vows, “I've been
exasperated to the point of murder quite a
few times, but I've never been bored.” To this
day they still make a spectacular couple,
John and the girl he met under the grand
piano at Forry Ackerman’s party all those
years ago.
More pictures can be seen at:
htt p:/ / home. ear thli nk. net/ ~j fboehm/
Guy H. Lillian III asked, and Rose
Marie Donovan said yes, and that’s how the
couple became engaged at Chicon 2000. Guy
adds, “We haven't set a date, but we're both
certain of our intent.”
Karen Johnson and John Gory likewise
announced in the Australian fannish press
that we are engaged to be married. The wed-
ding is planned to take place in Florida in
February 2001. Karen wrote, “ Look out
America! I’m on my way!”
Whitley Chalker:
“We arrived at the Liverpool Ferry (on
August 20) just as it was pushing off, Steve
clambered aboard, and I was waiting for the
loadmaster to lower the deck to climb on (I'm
aware of my own limitations), and I was
amazed to see Jack climbing aboard when he
tripped over his own feet and went down.
“The next day he was purple from knee to
ankle. On the August 25 he went to the emer-
gency room with the beginnings of cellulitis
(which we can now recognize by sight). The
hospital wanted to admit him, but when he
pointed out we have no health insurance, he
was able to talk them into an IV there with
follow-up antibiotics.
Dragon*Con Founder Arrested
Ed Kramer is being held without bond in a
Georgia county jail on charges of aggravated
molestation of a 13-year-old boy, according
to the September 15 issue of the Atlanta
Journal Constitution . Kramer is a co-founder
of Dragon*Con, the huge pop culture con-
vention held in Atlanta.
The highly-charged article emphasized
that Kramer’s work and hobbies gave him a
great deal of access to children. Defense
attorneys replied that “Kramer's interest in
children is legitimate. He had been working
on a film depicting the adventures of a group
of boys --- similar to Lord of the Flies but set
in space.” Witnesses at Kramer’s bail hearing
included his employer, Milton Levy, who
testified that Kramer “has been a dedicated
employee for 11 years, working for the
Metro Regional Educational Service Agency,
which provides educational resources to
metro Atlanta school districts. Kramer is a
technology consultant in charge of a federal
grant that serves schools in the metro Atlanta
area. He has worked in the schools, but lately
has been working solely in an office….”
The judge denied the request for bond,
saying there was reason to believe Kramer
could be a threat to the community and might
try to intimidate witnesses.
Before his arrest on August 25, Kramer
agreed to come to police headquarters for
questioning. First, he headed to the boy's
home, knocking on the door and then throw-
ing himself against the door three times, as if
trying to force it open, police said. “The fran-
tic mother called police, but Kramer was
gone before officers arrived…. He was en
route to the Police Department, telling inves-
tigators he was running late due to traffic
congestion, [Gwinnett County police investi-
gator Curtis] Clemons testified.”
Police began their investigation in re-
Ferry Wins This Time
Jack Chalker passed me in the hall at Chicon
– driving an electric cart. Jack said he was
riding because he mangled his leg falling
from a ferryboat.
“The rest of the story” comes from Eva
John and Bjo Trimble at their
vow renewal. Photo by J. Boehm,
used by permission
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September 2000 5
sponse to an anonymous complaint made to
the Department of Family and Children Ser-
vices. Authorities said the boy initially de-
nied any abuse took place, but “became upset
and ran from the interview room at his
school,” then later confided in his mother and
investigator Clemons.
Canvention, which will be a
part of VCon 26, and the
business meeting decided
Vancouver it will be. Just
wish I could get there. Van-
couver isn't just down the
Fan Funds
Janice Gelb did her job –
writing and publishing her
1999 DUFF Trip Report.
Now you do yours — buy a
copy! All it takes is a dona-
tion of $5 in person or $6.50
by surface mail in either
U.S. or Australian currency
(more if you're feeling gen-
Janice will bring copies
with her to five upcoming
conventions: Orycon, Lo-
scon, SMOFcon, Boskone,
and ConCave – where
Janice will be guest of
honor. But why wait? Buy
immediately! Send your
money to Janice Gelb, 1070
Mercedes Ave. #2, Los
Altos, CA 94022; or Cathy
Cupitt, P.O. Box 915, Ned-
lands 6909 WA Australia.
Checks should be made out to the addressee.
Requests from outside the U.S./Australasia
s h o u l d b e s e n t t o J a n i ce a t
Nominations Open: Also, your chance to
follow Janice’s splendid example has arrived.
Nominations have opened for the 2001
DUFF race. The winner will travel from
North America to Australia and attend the
40th Australian National Science Fiction
Convention being held April 13-16 in Perth.
Candidates need three North American
nominators and two Australian nominators.
Nominations, a 100-word platform, and a
$25 bond pledging (barring acts of God) to
attend Swancon 2001 should be sent to
Janice Gelb, the North American administra-
tor, by midnight on October 31, 2000.
TAFF & DUFF at Chicon: East met west
as DUFF’s Cathy Cupitt and TAFF’s Sue
Mason presided over a tea party in Chicon’s
fan lounge, during the meet-the-fan-fund-
winners reception. More details next issue.
Errata: Sue Batho did lose the 1974 DUFF
race to Leigh Edmonds, another candidate
from Down Under, but that was not the first
DUFF race, as stated last issue. Andrew Porter
remembers this quite clearly because he lost to
Rusty Hevelin in the original DUFF race of
Sue Mason came to Chicon courtesy of the
Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund, the choice of fannish
voters on both sides of the Pond. She's a tal-
ented and generous artistic presence in many
fanzines, including Hugo-nominated Plokta .
Sue has been involved in fandom since
1982 as a dealer, artist, gamer, costumer, con-
runner, and fanzine fan. She has other inter-
ests, too: "When I'm not in fan circles, I like
canal boating, English Civil War re-enactment
and good beer."
Fans mounted an expedition to show TAFF
delegate Sue Mason around the Minnesota
State Fair on August 29. On that day, it didn’t
matter whether you thought MinnStF was the
abbreviated name of the club or the fair.
MinnStF’s newzine Einblatt! encouraged fans
to rendezvous at various times, either at the
base of the Space Needle at 2 p.m., in the
Dairy Building by the Princess Kay butter
sculptures at 4 p.m., or at the Star Tribune
booth at 7 p.m.
Tales of the Aussie Corflu Bid
Eric Lindsay read the coverage in File
770:135 and responded with the latest de-
“Regarding Corflu Down Under, it gets
better. The start of June 2002 is probably
when the New Zealand National Convention
will be held. If we can put all our plans to-
gether, we have a chance that travelling fans
could have the New Zealand Natcon, fol-
lowed the next week by the Australian Nat-
Con (Convergence) in Melbourne. If we can
get Corflu that would be the week after, also
in Melbourne.
“Meanwhile, I'm trying to talk the Sydney
fans into doing something the following
week. And finally the relaxacon at beautiful
Airlie Beach, with the Great Barrier Reef as
the tourist attraction. Just remember, June
2002 is the time to travel to Australia and
New Zealand. Start saving those frequent
flyer points.” Contact Eric Lindsay by e-mail
Past CUFF winners Yvonne and Lloyd Pen-
ney met this year’s delegate, Sherry Neufeld,
at TorontoTrek 2000 (Canvention) in July.
Lloyd comments that she was “fun to talk to,
and she represented Western fandom well.
Now to see what she says in her trip report.”
He also reports that it looks like two candi-
dates may step forward to compete for the
2001 CUFF race. There may actually be a
contested vote for a change.
There was some concern that CUFF was
out of balance, focused on sending delegates
from west to east because of its ties to Can-
vention. “The Canvention is supposed to
rotate east to west and back, but for the past
four years, it's been in eastern Canada: To-
ronto in 1997, Montréal in 1998, Fredericton,
New Brunswick in 1999 and Toronto again
in 2000. The problem has been that Western
fandom has been short on activities and
funds for a while, and only now is conven-
tion fandom there on the rebound. So, the
rotation is rotating again... At the Canvention
business meeting, I made a presentation on
behalf of Vancouver fandom to host the 2001
Staple War Surplus
For those who missed this year’s Corflu in
Seattle and want to get Fanthology ‘94 and a
Corflu t-shirt, Andrew Hooper makes the
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