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Publication in Class A
0 . O my God! One is Thy Beginning! One is Thy Spirit,
and Thy Permutation One!
1 . Let me extol Thy perfections before men.
2 . In the Image of a Sixfold Star that flameth across the
Vault inane, let me re-veil Thy perfections.
3 . Thou hast appeared unto me as an agèd God, a venerable
God, the Lord of Time, bearing a sharp sickle.
4 . Thou hast appeared unto me as a jocund and ruddy God,
full of Majesty, a King, a Father in his prime. Thou didst bear the
sceptre of the Universe, crowned with the Wheel of the Spirit.
5 . Thou hast appeared unto me with sword and spear, a
warrior God in flaming armour among Thine horsemen.
6 . Thou hast appeared unto me as a young and brilliant God,
a god of music and beauty, even as a young god in his strength,
playing upon the lyre.
7 . Thou has appeared unto me as the white foam of Ocean
gathered into limbs whiter than the foam, the limbs of a miracle of
women, as a goddess of extreme love, bearing the girdle of gold.
8 . Thou hast appeared unto me as a young boy mischievous
and lovely, with Thy winged globe and its serpents set upon a
9 . Thou hast appeared to me as an huntress among Thy dogs,
as a goddess virginal chaste, as a moon among the faded oaks of
the wood of years.
10 . But I was deceived by none of these. All these I cast
aside, crying: Begone! So that all these faded from my vision.
11 . Also I welded together the Flaming Star and the Sixfold
Star in the forge of my soul, and behold! a new star 418 that is
above all these.
12 . Yet even so was I not deceived; for the crown hath
twelve rays.
13 . And these twelve rays are one.
0 . Now then I saw things averse and evil; and they were not,
even as Thou art Not.
1 . I saw the twin heads that even battle against one another,
so that all their thought is a confusion. I saw Thee in these.
2 . I saw the darkeners of wisdom, like black apes chattering
vile nonsense. I saw Thee in these.
3 . I saw the devouring mothers of Hell, that eat up their
children—O ye that are without understanding! I saw Thee in
4 . I saw the merciless and unmajestic like harpies, tearing
their foul food. I saw Thee in these.
5 . I saw the burning ones, giants like volcanoes belching out
the black vomit of fire and smoke in their fury. I saw Thee in
6 . I saw the petty, the quarrelsome, the selfish,—they were
like men, O Lord, they were like men, O Lord, they were even
like unto men. I saw Thee in these.
7 . I saw the ravens of death, that flew with hoarse cries upon
the carrion earth. I saw Thee in these.
8 . I saw the lying spirits like frogs upon the earth, and upon
the water, and upon the treacherous metal that corrodeth all things
and abideth not. I saw Thee in these.
9 . I saw the obscene ones, bull-men linked in the abyss of
putrefaction, that gnawed each other’s tounges for pain. I saw
Thee in these.
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