Chapter 5 part 2.txt

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Lesson 3: Peacock

Lern this character's special
and blockbuster moves.



Peacock excels at ranged attacks, running away, and just generally being obnoxious.

While she isn't exactly helpless up close, Peacock is far more dangerous at a distance. Judicious use of
teleports, her j.HP, j.HK, and HP Shadow of Impending Doom will help her get away from anyone bearing
down on her so that she can pepper them with projectiles from afar. If you find yourself unable to get
away, you can always push your opponent away with her Agony Blockbuster attack.

The key to winning with Peacock is knowing how to keep your distance, and what to do if you lose it. Don't
be afraid to run out of the clock! Your opponent may not care for this, but it's a perfecly viable strategy.

You'll know you've got the hang of Peacock's play style when you've dropped every one of her thirty-odd
items on your opponents in battle.


Shadow of Impending Doom

Peacock's Shadow of Impending Doom is performed by inputting qcb+P. The punch button used determines
where the item drops.
LP: Near
MP: Homing (close)
HP: Homing (far)

The longer you hold the button down, the larger the item will be. While holding the button Peacock is free
to move around and block.

qcb+P (hold)

Shadow of Impending Doom (LP)
Shadow of Impending Doom (MP)
Shadow of Impending Doom (HP)

Peacock: qcb+LP, qcb+MP, qcb+HP


Peacock's "Bang!" Special Attack lets her perform a quick, short-range attack. It's invincible to throws, but
vulnerable to hits.

Bang! is performed by inputting qcf+LP.



Peacock: qcf+LP


BANG! (second one)
Peacock's "BANG!" Special Attack is similiar to Bang!, but has a longer range. Additionally, it's invincible against
hits, but susceptible to throws.

BANG! is performed by inputting qcf+MP.


Peacock: qcf+MP


Peacock's "BANG, BANG, BANG!" is one of her most useful moves, as it allows her to rapidly fire projectiles at
her opponent.

BANG, BANG, BANG! is performed by inputting qcf+HP. After using it, you can tap HP up to two
additional times to fire a maximum of three projectiles.



Peacock: qcf+HP, qcf+HP,HP, qcf+HP,HP,HP


This Special Attack wields Peacock's little ambulatory bomb pal, George.

George's attacks can be performed by inputting qcf+K. How George attacks depends on which
kick button you use.

LK George's Day Out: George slowly waddles across the stage.
MK Boxcar George: George races across the stage in his custom kart.
HK George at the Air Show: Geroge flies out from above and behind Peacock, careening in a downward

You can have a maximum of two types of George on-screen at any given time. You can also input any
different K as George is coming out to send out another one!


George's Day Out (0/3)
Boxcar George (0/3)
George at the Air Show (0/3)

Peacock: qcf+LK, qcf+LK, qcf+LK, qcf+MK, qcf+MK, qcf+MK, qcf+HK, qcf+HK, qcf+HK


The Hole Idea
Peacock's "The Hole Idea" Special is a useful and annoying teleport to get you out of trouble and keep your
opponent guessing.

Perform this move by inputting qcb+K. Where Peacock teleports depends on which kick button you

LK: Peacock teleports halfway between her current position and her opponent.
MK: Peacock teleports directly in front of her opponent.
HK: Peacock teleports directly behind her opponent.


The Hole Idea (LK)
The Hole Idea (MK)
The Hole Idea (HK)

Peacock: qcb+LK, qcb+MK, qcb+HK

(czego nie wspomnieli w tym treningu - je?li natychmiast po wci?ni?ciu K wci?niesz P, to
Peacock rozpocznie animacj? teleportacji, ale zamiast siebie teleportuje bomb? w miejscu gdzie stoi przeciwnik,
ona sama za? pojawi si? w miejscu gdzie sta?a)


Argus Agony

Peacock's ever-irksome "Argus Agony" Blockbuster attack is perhaps her most useful. It unleashes a volley
of laser bolts, and helps her regain or maintain her distance from her opponent by pushing them away
from her.

Argus Agony is performed by inputting qcf+PP, and consumes one level of Tension.


Argus Agony (Lv. 1)

Peacock: qcf+PP


Lonesome Lenny
With "Lonesome Lenny", Peacock's other bomb friend comes out to loaf around on-screen for a period of
time before exploding. Both Peacock and her opponent can push Lenny around with attacks, and both will
suffer serious injury if caught in his blast radius.

Lonesome Lenny can be summoned by inputting qcf+KK, and consumes one level on Tension.


Lonesome Lenny (Lv. 1)
Detonate Lenny

Peacock: qcf+KK, wait



Peacock's most devastating Blockbuster attack, "Goodfellows", is also the hardest for her to use. A
follow-up to her ground throw, it summons her all of her buddies to beat down her opponent while still
trapped in her gunnysack.

Goodfellows can be performed by throwing her opponent with LP+LK and then quickly following-up with
qcb+PP, consuming three levels of Tension.

Grab the opponent with a throw, then
quickly follow-up with Goodfellows.

Initiate a throw
Goodfellows (Lv. 3)

Peacock: LP+LK, qcb+PP

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