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Alan Trevor. Trevor was a painter. Of course, few people are not
these days. But he was also an artist, and artists are rather rare. He
was a strange, rough man, with a spotty face and an overgrown
red beard. But when he took up the brush he was a real master,
and his pictures were very popular. He had been much attracted
by Hughie at first, it must be admitted, just because of his
personal charm. 'The only people a painter should know,' he used
to say,'are people who are both beautiful and stupid, people who
are a pleasure to look at and restful to talk to.' But after he got to
know Hughie better, he liked him quite as much for his bright,
cheerful spirits, and his generous, carefree nature, and had asked
him to visit whenever he liked.
When Hughie came in, he found Trevor putting the finishing
touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar. The beggar
himself was standing on a raised platform in a corner of the
room. He was a tired old man with a lined face and a sad
expression. Over his shoulder was thrown a rough brown coat, all
torn and full of holes; his thick boots were old and mended, and
with one hand he Ieant on a rough stick, while with the other he
held out his old hat for money.
Unless one is wealthy there is no use in being a channillg pLTson.
The poor should be ordinary and practical. It is better to have a
permanent income than to be interesting. These are the great
truths of modern life which Hughie Erskine never realized. Poor
Hughie! He was not, we must admit, a man of great intelligence.
He never said a clever or even an unkind thing in his life. But
then he was wonderfully good-looking, with his brown hair, his
clear-cut features, and his grey eyes. He was as popular with men
as he was with women, and he had every quality except that of
making money. His father, on his death, had left him his sword
and a History of the Peninsular VVtzr in 15 parts. Hughie hung the
first above his mirror, put the second on a shelf, and lived on two
hundred pounds a year that an old aunt allowed him. He had
tFied everything. He had bought and sold shares for six months;
but how could he succeed among experienced men? He had
been a tea trader for a little longer, but he had soon tired of that.
Then he had tried selling wine, but nobody bought any. At last he
an astonishing model!' whispered
Hughie, as he shook
hands with his friend.
'An astonishing model?' shouted Trevor at the top of his voice;
'I should
a charming,
useless young
man with
features and no profession.
To make matters worse, he was in love. The girl he loved was
Laura Merton, the daughter of a former army officer who had
lost his temper and his health in India, and had never found either
of them again. Hughie loved her so much that he was ready to
kiss her feet; and Laura loved him too. They were the best-looking
pair in London, and had no money at all. Her father was very
fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any marriage plans.
'Come to me, my boy, when you have got ten thousand
pounds of your own, and we will see about it,' he used to say.
so! Such beggars are not met with
every day.
Goo'tl heavensl What
a picture Rembrandt
would have made of
'Poor old man!' said Hughie. 'How miserable he looks! But I
suppose, to you painters, his face is his fortune.'
replied Trevor, 'you
don't want
a beggar to look
happy, do you?'
a model
Hughie, as he found himself a comfortable
'A shilling an hour.'
called in to see a great friend of his,
waiting for me when I go home. But, of course, you are only
joking. Poor old man! I wish I could do something for him. I
think it is terrible that anyone should be so miserable. I have got
piles of old clothes at home - do you think he would like any of
them? His clothes were falling to bits.'
'But he looks wonderful in them,' said Trevor. 'I would never
want to paint him in good clothes. But I'll tell him of your offer.'
'Alan,' said Hughie seriously, 'you painters are heartless men.'
'An artist's heart is in his head,' replied Trevor; 'and besides, our
business is to show the world as we see it, not to make it better.
'And how Illuch do you get fllr your picture,ALIII?'
'Oh, for this I get two thousalHI pOllllds:
'Well, I think the lI10dei should
haw ;\ sh;m': cried
laughing; 'he works quite as hard as you do:
'Nonsense, nonsense! Look at the trouble of laying on the
paint, and standing all day in front of the picture! It's easy,
Hughie, for you to talk. But you mustn't talk; I'm busy. Smoke a
cigarette, and keep quiet.'
After some time the servant came in, and told Trevor that the
frame maker wanted to speak to him.
tell me
is. The
was quite
run away, Hughie,'
he said, as he went out, 'I will be
back in a moment.'
The old beggar took advantage of Trevor's absence to rest for
a moment. He looked so miserable that Hughie pitied him, and
felt in his pockets to see what money he had. All he could find
was a pound and some pennies. 'Poor old man,' he thought, 'he
needs it more than I do, but I shan't have much money myself for
a: week or two'; and he walked across the room and slipped the
pound into the beggar's hand.
The old man jumped, and a faint smile passed across his old
lips. 'Thank you, sir,' he said, 'thank you.'
Then Trevor arrived, and Hughie left, a little red in the face at
interested in her.'
'You don't
to say you talked to him about
her?' said
I did. He
all about
father, the
lovely Laura, and the ten thousand pounds.'
'You told the old beggar all about
my private
affairs?' cried
'My dear boy,' said Trevor, smiling, 'that old beggar, as you call
him, is one of the richest men in Europe. He could buy all
London tomorrow and still have money in the bank. He has a
house in every capital, eats off plates of gold, and can prevent
Russia going to war when he wishes.'
'What on earth do you mean?' cried Hughie.
'What I say,' said Trevor. 'The old man you saw today in my
room was Baron Hausberg. He is a great friend of mine, buys all
my pictures and that sort of thing, and asked me a month
day with
Laura, who
cross that he had given away a pound,
and had to
walk home because he had no money for transport.
That night he went to his club at about 11 o'clock, and found
Trevor sitting by himself in the smoking room.
'Well, Alan, did you finish the picture all right?' he asked.
'Finished and framed, my boy!' answered Trevor; 'and, by the
way, that old model you saw has become very fond of you. I had
to tell him all about you - who you are, where you live, what
your income is, what hopes you have ... '
ago to
as a beggar. There's
surprising. about
have some
strange ideas. And
I must
say he
looked fine in those old clothes.'
'Baron Hausberg!' cried Hughie. 'Good heavens! I gave him a
pound!' and he sank back into his chair in shock.
dear Alan,' cried
shall probably
a pound!'
laughter. 'My dear boy, you'll never see it again. His business is
with other people's money.'
'I think you ought to have told me, Alan,' said Hughie in a bad
temper, 'and not have let me make such a fool of myself.'
'Well, to begin with, Hughie,' said Trevor, 'I never thought that
you went about giving your money away in that careless manner.
I can understand your kissing a pretty model, but not giving
money to an ugly one. Besides, when you came in I didn't know
whether Hausberg would like his name mentioned. You know he
wasn't in his usual dress!'
'How stupid he must think me!' said Hughie.
'Not at all. He was in the highest spirits after you left, and kept
laughing to himself. I couldn't understand why he was so
interested in knowing all about you, but I see it all now. He'll
keep your pound for you, pay you interest every six months, and
have a story to tell after dinner.'
'I am an unlucky devil,' said Hughie. 'The best thing I can do
is to go to bed; and, my dear Alan, you mustn't
'I beg, sir, that you will tell him how truly sorry I am,' said
Hughie quickly.
'The Baron,' said the old gentleman with a smile, 'has asked me
to bring you this letter'; and he held out an envelope.
On the outside was written 'A wedding present to Hugh
Erskine and Laura Merton, from an old beggar', and inside was a
cheque for ten thousand pounds.
tell anyone. I
wouldn't dare show my face if people knew.'
It shows your
of spirit, Hughie.
cigarette, and you can talk about Laura as much as you
But Hughie refused to stay; he walked home, feeling very
unhappy, and leaving Alan Trevor helpless with laughter.
The next morning, as he was at breakfast, the servant brought
him a card on which was written, 'Mr Gustave Naudin, for Baron
'I suppose
he wants
say I am sorry
yesterday,' said Hughie
to himself, and he told
the servant to
bring the visitor in.
An old gentleman
with gold glasses and grey hair came into
said, 'Have
I the
of speaking
agreed that he was Mr Erskine.
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