A Faerie Tale - Paige Burns, Jodi Lynn Copeland, Rae Monet, Tiffany Aaron.pdf

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A Faerie Tale
Paige Burns, Jodi Lynn Copeland, Rae Monet, Tiffany Aaron
(c) 2005
ISBN 1-59578-155-2
A Faerie Tale
Paige Burns, Jodi Lynn Copeland, Rae Monet, Tiffany Aaron
Published 2005
ISBN 1-59578-155-2
Published by Liquid Silver Books, imprint of Atlantic Bridge Publishing, 10509
Sedgegrass Dr, Indianapolis, Indiana 46235. Copyright © 2005, Paige Burns, Jodi Lynn
Copeland, Rae Monet, Tiffany Aaron. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
the author.
Manufactured in the United States of America
Liquid Silver Books
Terri Schaefer
Cover Artist
April Martinez
This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of
the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual
events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.
The Faerie Book Of The Symmetry
Chapter 27
The Birth Of Four
“And when Hadrea was cast aside by the Faerie King Lucraxious VII and he entered
into holy union with her fair sister Amara, Hadrea sought reprisal. Lucraxious, having
learned of Hadrea’s plan for vengeance, put to death the dark beauty Hadrea and ordered
her remains be sent to the four corners of the governed world below, Earthatopia. Before
Hadrea could be abolished, she sold her faerie essence to the Ogre King Eskimond in
barter for her rebirth two faerie decades or twenty-eight years from the time of her
demise. Eskimond soon prophesied of Hadrea’s second coming and with it the imbalance
of the governed world and, in turn, the end of Earthatopia and all that inhabit the planet.
“And so, having heard this, the Faerie King vowed to protect his people and the
symmetry of the governed world below, and Lucraxious too bartered with the ogre king.
But Eskimond would only accept an exchange from Lucraxious of the most precious
kind—that of his soon-born girl child’s hand in marriage on the day of her twenty-eighth
birthday. Aware he had no alternatives were he to continue to reside over and keep in
balance the world below, Lucraxious agreed to these terms. But then his fair wife Amara
gave birth to not one, but four lovely daughters and the king grew to love them all at first
sighting. Lucraxious could not give away even one of the adored princesses to the ogre
king and so he entered into a new agreement with Eskimond.
“At the time the double suns of Faeridae reach their highest point on the twenty-
seventh birthday of the faerie princesses, each will be cast to one of the four corners of
Earthatopia and will have one year to join in holy union with an Earthatopian male, who
must love and believe in her faerie essence. If, when the double suns of Faeridae reach
their highest point on the twenty-eighth birthday of the faerie princesses all four have not
entered into holy union, each daughter will be given to the Ogre King Eskimond and
Queen Amara will be extricated to fulfill Hadrea’s demise while Hadrea becomes the
new queen and Earthatopia and all its inhabitants are annihilated forever.”
Paige Burns
In memory of my mother, Arless Anne Ehmke. Thanks Mom for teaching me to
chase my dreams.
Special thanks to JLC, for your friendship and encouragement. Sue, Tracey and the
ladies of RTR for bringing me into the fold. Linda, for taking a chance on me. My sister
Tesha, for reading things you wouldn’t normally give a second look. And most important,
my family, for their patience, encouragement, and undying love.
Chapter One
Damia’s idea of a good time included a pint or two of popka, the preferred alcohol of
the fae, and a naked male body or two combined for a good eight hours of kinky faerie
sex. Actually, it had only been six hours this last time—they’d gotten a late start. A good
time did not include her father storming in and waking her up from her sex- induced sleep,
yelling about responsibility then locking her in her room.
She knew she was in deep cac for two reasons. One, she was seriously locked in her
room. Sure, her parents had tried in the past to lock her door, but this time, they
obviously meant it. No amount of magic could unlock the door, or the window for that
matter. And, two, her father had demanded she change into something “proper” within
the hour or there would be “dire consequences.” His words, not hers.
“Illuminate,” she said to the mirror. Nothing. She’d been trying to get her magic to
work in the Earthatopia language but so far, no go.
“Well, cac . Soilsigh ,” she commanded again. The mirror was suddenly backlit with a
green glow. She looked at herself in the reflection and pouted. She didn’t know what was
wrong with her outfit. She’d had to bribe Felix the Spider to get genuine Earth leather. It
hadn’t been much of a bribe, though. One hand job was all it took and she’d had a yard of
the black, supple material to design her latest fashion creation.
Damia ran her hands down the length of her body, following the long, slender strips
of leather that clung to her from shoulder to hip, barely covering her nipples as they
passed over her breasts. Sterling silver chain connected each strip, wrapping around her
back to front to and meeting just under her breasts at a large ruby pendant. Another chain
dangled from the ruby and attached to the leather thong that barely covered her labia.
She spun around, giving a critical eye to the back of the outfit. The back of the thong
was made of more silver chain. Felix had complained about how much silver she’d used,
but she loved the feel of it gliding over her body. And the thong, well, she’d had lots of
fun with the silver attached to the thong.
Her iridescent wings flashed green rainbows in the candlelight. She was the first in
many generations of fae to have single-color wings that matched her skin. That was the
other reason for the black and silver attire, both colors showed off her pale green
luminance to perfection.
“Proper, hmmph! ” Damia stalked to the chest that he ld her ceremonial robes. “Albin
and Aleron didn’t complain about my outfit last night.” The twin faeries had, in fact,
shown her a new thing or two to use the chain for.
“Princess Damia?” a voice called from the door. She didn’t recognize who it was, so
it was probably one of her father’s lackeys. She didn’t respond.
“Princess? I’m to tell you your father expects you in five minutes.”
“Thanks,” Damia replied. She wasn’t normally so polite, but she was still sleepy
from being up all night with the twins and, she had to admit, a little worried about the
meeting with her father. She’d never been called to a meeting before, never. If only she
hadn’t walked by her father’s office yesterday on her way to meet the twins. All she had
heard was something about the balance between the worlds coming to an end before her
father realized his office door was open and ordered his secretary to shut it. She hoped
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