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1-Wire Software

Copyright (с) 2004-2005 Lapatushka. 

http://xerox90.narod.ru   http://xerox90.nm.ru 



1-Wire Software designed for programming emulators of the 1-Wire chips (DS2502UNW, etc…)


This time software has support to the next hardware interfaces:

-1WProgrammer.pdf – hardware interface for the 1-Wire chips.

-PrX90&1WCol.pdf- hardware interface for the Xerox90/Xerox01/1-Wire chips;

-1WX90VivacePrgCol.pdf – hardware interface for the Xerox90/Xerox01/1-Wire/Xerox-Vivace chips


Software has support for hardware interface from Dallas Sem DS9097E, DS9097 or any clone of these interfaces.


1-Wire Software uses two .dll-files: “ib97e32.dll”, “ibfs32.dll”.

These files must be located in the same folder where 1-Wire software located.


Shortly about 1-WireSoftware functions:

  -File->Read: read '.bin' or '.txt' files into the hex-editor panel;

   '.bin'- files, created by “Pr1Wire.exe”

   '.txt'- files, created by iButton Viewer from Dallas Sem (additional info you can get on my web sites: http://xerox90.150m.com, http://xerox90.narod.ru/eng, http://xerox90.nm.ru/eng. This menu item is doubled on instrument bar.

  -File->Write: save data from editor panel in '.bin' file. файл. This menu item is doubled on instrument bar.

  -Action->Read Chip: Read data from native DS2502 or from emulator. This menu item is doubled on instrument bar.

  -Action->Write Emulator: Write hex-editor context in emulator. This menu item is doubled on instrument bar.

  -About: Shortly about software.


   Insturmen-bar has some additional buttons::

  -Empty editor: fill hex-editor panel by 'FFh' symbol;

  -Show/Hide debug panel: show/hide debug panel (for debugging purposes),

  -Restore data for Xerox WCP 415/420: button which restore context of the used chip from Xerox WCP 415/420.

  -Write file. Set file name as ROM number – save hex-editor context in external file. As file name will be used ROM-identifier of the chip. Because not exist two chips with same ROM – it is a good way for store dumps with such names.

  -Restore data for Xerox WCP 415/420 & convert to Europe region – same as button "Restore data for Xerox WCP 415/420".  Additional difference – will be change “area code” of the chip in area code for Europe (in the China and Brazil area code not same as for Europe).


   You can to make next::

    -read used chip for Xerox WCP 415/420 in editor panel.

    -press button: Restore data for Xerox WCP 415/420

   After this event editor-panel will be have restorer data for this chip (like this data were read from new but not used chip).


Instrument-bar has list where you can to select COM-port and where hardware is connected.


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