grammar lesson - Anna Banasik.doc

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Anna Banasik


Topic:  The Present Simple Tense – the 3rd person singular affirmative sentences


1.  The lesson starts with  a song “Can you feel the love tonight?” by Elton John to the film “The Lion King”. T asks Ss if they know the title, the singer, and finally if they know who is a producer of the film.                                                                                                                                                              (5 min.)

2. T indicates that Ss are going to listen to the text (page 71)in which they will hear about a person who founded the company that made “The Lion King” .                                                        

a) T reads a text for the first time – Ss check their guesses, T clarifies any doubts;              (3 min.)

b) T reads a text again + this time Ss have to write down key words.                                          (2 min.)

3. Reconstruction – in groups Ss reconstruct the text on the basis of the previously written key words (7 min.)

4. T distributes copies of an original text so that they can analyze and correct theirs. T clarifies and explains any doubts.                                                                                                                              (5 min.)

5. “Grammar detective” game: on the blackboard T writes down these sentences from the text which are in Present Simple Tense and says to Ss that they are detectives who have to discover a rule - when do we add   -s to the verb.                                                                                                  (6 min.)

6. “Stop!” game: T reads the text to Ss for the third time. They must call Stop! every time they hear a Present Simple sentences.                                                                                                                (2 min.)

7.  Speaking activity(Question from page 71, ex. 9). Ss individually think about answer to the questions and make brief notes, then they talk in groups of 4-5 Ss about their answers. They find out which answers do not repeat so at the end they have got a record of a unique, special answers. Later, a representative from each group presents these special answers in the 3rd person singular and if time allows, the class can vote for the most extraordinary answers.                             (to the end of the lesson – about 15 min.)

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