kira's star.doc

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Kira's Star

Birgit Phelps 2002


1st Round:
Clover: R 5-3-3-3-5, R 5j3-3-3-3-3-3-5, R 5j3-3-3-5
Ch 14
***Clover; R 5-3 join to 3rd picot on last ring 3-3-5;
R 5j3-3-3-3-3-3-5, R 5j3-3-3-5, Ch 14***
Repeat portion between asterisks 3 more times
Clover: R 5-3 join to 3rd picot on last ring 3-3-5;
R 5j3-3-3-3-3-3-5, R 5j3-3join to second picot of first Ring3-5, Ch 14,
Tie into base of first clover.

2nd Round:
All chains.
Thread the thread through free outside picot of the first ring of any clover, then wind shuttle using CTM.
All joins in this round are shuttle joins.
***Ch 3-3-3-3. j to top picot of middle ring of clover, ch 3-3-3-3 j into the SAME picot (mock ring), ch 3-3-3-3 join to free picot of last ring of clover, chain 3***, j to free picot of next ring. Repeat *** 5 more times, tie into starting picot.
Finish the ends using your favorite method.

I tatted this for an exchange on the Round Robin Page
Back to the Main Tatting Page


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