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Cast Away By Tom Hanks ( Movie excerpt 00:23‐ 00:52= 29 mins )  
Grammar: Simple past tense, second conditionals
Vocabulary: What do the the following words mean? Use your dictionaries or ask your tea cher.
1. Turbulence (on the plane)
2. Plane crash
3. Raft
4. Crew
5. Float
6. Pacific ocean
7. Island
8. FEDEX (Express Delivery)
9. Coconut
10. Cave
11. Hill
12. Stranded
13. Bury
14. Epitaph
15. Flash light
16. Inhabited
Comprehension questions
From when the plane experiences Turbulence
1. Why was the plane having much turbulence?__________________________
2. What finally happened to the plane?_________________________________
3. Where did the plane crash? _______________________________________
4. What helped Tom Hanks to float on the high seas? ______________________
5. Where did he finally land?________________________________________
6. What happened to the other crew members? ____________________________
From when he gets on the island
1. What were some of the first things he did when he landed on the island?
2. Was the island inhabited? _________________________________________
3. What sounds frightened him at night? ____________________________________________
4. What happened to the word “HELP” which he carved on the sand? _______________________
5. How did he get his first drink?___________________________________________________
6. If you found yourself in the same situation, would you drink sea water? Why or why not?
7. What did he find on the other side of the island? _____________________________________
8. Why did he come running down from the hill? What did he find in the water?
9. How did the dead man help him? _________________________________________________
10. What did he finally do to the dead man?___________________________________________
11. What did the dead man’s epitaph read? ____________________________________________
12. What do you think happens next? ________________________________________________
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