
(174 KB) Pobierz
Originals by Gidge
Crochet Cotton size 10
White - 240 yds.
Raspberry Ice - 240 yds.
Purple Metallic - 240 yds.
3 small snaps
size 7 steel crochet hook or hook needed to obtain gauge.
Finished Size
Fits an 11 1/2" Fashion Doll.
8 sc = 1"; 10 sc rows = 1"
Special Stitches
Long dc - work the same as for a dc only pickup lp from 1 row below the
row you are working on.
All effort was made to ensure that the instructions are accurate and complete. We
cannot, however, take responsibility for human error, typographical error or variations
on individual work.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission from the
Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
Row 15: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
(11 sc)
Row 1: With Raspberry Ice thread, ch
31, sc in 2nd ch from hook sc in each ch
across, ch 1, turn. (30 sc)
Row 16: Sc in first sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next
7 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (9
Rows 2: Sc in first 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc,
sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in
last 8 sc, ch 1, turn. (32 sc)
Row 17: Sc in first 4 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in
last 4 sc, ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
Rows 3-4: Sc in each sc across, ch 1,
turn. (32 sc)
Row 18: Sc in first 3 sc, sc next 2 sc tog,
sc in last 3 sc, ch 1, turn. (7 sc)
Row 5: Sc in first 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 14 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 7
sc, 2 sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (35 sc)
Row 19: Sc in first 3 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in
last 3 sc, ch 1, turn. (6 sc)
Row 20: Sc in fist 2 sc, sc next 2 sc tog,
sc in last 2 sc, ch 1, turn. (5 sc)
Row 6: Sc in first 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 17 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in last 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (37 sc)
Row 21: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
(5 sc)
Row 7: Sc in first 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc
in next 19 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in last 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (39 sc)
Row 22: Sc in first 2 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in
last 2 sc, ch 1, turn. (4 sc)
Rows 8-11: Sc in each sc across, ch 1,
turn. (39 sc)
Row 23: Sc first 2 sc tog, sc next 2 sc
tog, ch 1, turn. (2 sc)
Rows 24-32: Sc in each sc, ch 1 turn. (2
Row 12: Sc in first 15 sc, sk 1 sc,
working in back loops only 5 dc in next 2
sc, sk 1 sc, working in back loops only sc
in next 2 sc, leaving rem sc on row
unworked, ch 1, turn. (27 sts)
Row 33: Sc in each sc, fasten off. (2 sc)
Row 1: Using White thread, holding front
side facing you, attach White thread with
a sc in the first sc, sc in next 14 sc, sk 1
sc, working in back loops 5 dc in next 2
sc, sk 1 sc, working in back loops sc in
next 2 sc, ch 1, turn. (27 sts)
Row 13: Sc in first 2 sc, sk 1 dc, dc in
next 9 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 3 sc, leaving
rem sc on row unworked, ch 1, turn. (14
Row 14: Sc in first sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next
9 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (11
Row 2: Sc in first 2 sc, sk 1 dc, dc in
next 9 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 3 sc, leaving
GGH7015 Katie Ann Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
rem sc on row unworked, ch 1, turn. (14
Row 1: With Raspberry Ice thread, join
with a sc in the sc next to where halter
begins (left side), sk 1 st, 5 dc in next st,
sk 1 st, * sc in next st, sk 1 st, 5 dc in
next st, sk 1 st; rep from * 9 times to top
of halter at seam. Repeat from * along
right edge of halter 10 times evenly. (20
shell sts around) Fasten off.
Row 3: Sc in first sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 9
dc, sk 1 sc, sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (11
Row 4: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
(11 sc)
Row 2: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (19 shells around)
Row 5: Sc in first sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 7
sc, sk 1 sc, sc in last sc, ch 1, turn. (9 sc)
Row 6: Sc in first 4 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in last
4 sc, ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
Row 7: Sc in first 3 sc, sc next 2 sc tog,
sc in last 3 sc, ch 1, turn. (7 sc)
Row 3: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (18 shells around)
Row 8: Sc in first 3 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in last
3 sc, ch 1, turn. (6 sc)
Row 9: Sc in fist 2 sc, sc next 2 sc tog, sc
in last 2 sc, ch 1, turn. (5 sc)
Row 4: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (17 shells around)
Row 10: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
(5 sc)
Row 11: Sc in first 2 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in
last 2 sc, ch 1, turn. (4 sc)
Row 5: Skip two(2) shells, attach
Raspberry Ice with sc in center dc of next
5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5 dc in sc, sk 2 dc,
sc in center dc of next shell, sk 2 dc, rep
from * around, leaving last two(2) shells
un worked, end with sc in center dc of
last shell, fasten off. (13 shells around)
Row 12: Sc first 2 sc tog, sc next 2 sc
tog, ch 1, turn. (2 sc)
Rows 13-20: Sc in each sc, ch 1 turn. (2
Row 21: Sc in each sc, fasten off. (2 sc)
Row 6: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (12 shells around)
Work all rows with front of Bodice
facing you.
GGH7015 Katie Ann Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
Row 7: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (11 shells)
With Purple Metallic thread, holding
front of Bodice facing you, join with a
sc in first sc of row 12 Bodice; 3 dc in
next sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, 3 dc in
next sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, 3 dc in
next sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc (same
as where collar began), 3 dc in first sc
of row 1 collar, sk 2 dc, sc in same dc
as row 2 collar, 3 dc in first sc of row
2 collar, sk 2 dc , sc in same dc as
row 3 collar, 3 dc in next sc (row 3),
sk 2 dc, sc in next dc (same as row 4),
3 dc in next sc (row 4), sk 2 dc, sc in
center dc of next shell, sk 2 dc, 5 dc
in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of shell,
sk 2 dc, 5 dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in
center dc of next shell (same as row
5), 3 dc in sc (row 5), sk 2 dc, sc in
center dc of next shell (same as row
6), 3 dc in next sc (row 6), sk 2 dc, sc
in center dc on next shell (same as
row 7)
Row 8: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (10 shells)
Row 9: Skip two(2) shells, attach
Raspberry Ice with sc in center dc of next
5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5 dc in sc, sk 2 dc,
sc in next shell, sk 2 dc, rep from *
around, leaving last two(2) shells
unworked, end with sc in center dc of
last shell, fasten off.
Row 10: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (5 shells)
SKIRT (upper section)
Row 11: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 5
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * around, end
with sc in center dc of last shell, fasten
off. (4 shells)
Row 1: With front of work facing you,
attach Raspberry Ice with a sc in first
foundation lp of Bodice, sc in each lp
across, ch 1, turn. (30 sc)
Row 2: Sc in first 2 sc, * 2 sc in next sc,
sc in next 2 sc; rep from * across, 2 sc in
last sc, ch 3, turn. (40 sc)
Row 12: Attach Raspberry Ice with sc in
center dc of first 5 dc shell, sk 2 dc, * 7
dc in sc, sk 2 dc, sc in center dc of next
shell, sk 2 dc, rep from * twice, end with
sc in center dc of last shell, fasten off.
NOTE: Ch 3 represents first dc, now and
Row 3: Dc in first sc, * long dc (see
special instructions) in next sc, dc in
next sc; rep from * across, long dc in last
sc, dc in same sc, ch 1, turn. (41 dc)
GGH7015 Katie Ann Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
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