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MT FOUNDATION COURSE ITALIAN 25/9/07 10:39 am Page i
Hodder Arnold
MT FOUNDATION COURSE ITALIAN 25/9/07 10:39 am Page ii
Michel Thomas, 1914–2005
Michel Thomas, the internationally renowned
linguist and language teacher, who was recently
awarded the Silver Star by the US Army for his bravery
in the Second World War, died of heart failure at his
home in New York on 8th January. He was 90.
To find out more, please get in touch with us
For general enquiries and for information about Michel Thomas:
Call: 020 7873 6400 Fax: 020 7873 6325
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Call: 01235 400414
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Unauthorized copying of this booklet or the accompanying audio material is
prohibited, and may amount to a criminal offence punishable by a fine and/or
First published in UK 2000 by Hodder Headline, 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH.
Copyright © 2000, 2006 Thomas Keymaster Languages LLC All rights reserved.
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2010 2009 2008 2007
978 0 340 93894 2, 978 0 340 93897 3
MT FOUNDATION COURSE ITALIAN 25/9/07 10:39 am Page 1
Anyone can learn a
language with
Michel Thomas!
The amazing teaching method of
the world’s greatest language teacher,
Michel Thomas, is now available to
everyone, not just the rich and famous.
These all-audio courses, published by
Hodder Arnold, provide an
accelerated method for language
learning that is truly revolutionary.
And they promise a remarkable
educational experience that will
make your learning both
exciting and pleasurable.
No books, no pens, no
homework, no memorizing –
just sit back and let the most
sought-after language teacher in
the world be your guide. In a matter
of hours, you will find yourself
speaking and thinking in your new
language quite naturally and
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What is the Michel Thomas method?
Over a period of twenty-five years, Michel Thomas developed and perfected
a unique method of teaching languages*. His approach gives startling
results within a remarkably short time, all without the need for books,
memorizing, or homework. In essence, Michel Thomas breaks a language
down to its component parts and enables learners to reconstruct the
language themselves to form their own sentences, to say what they want,
when they want. The experience of learning a language becomes so exciting
and satisfying that it stimulates self-motivation and builds confidence.
Michel Thomas presents the language within simple, elegant structures that
echo the way the language is spoken. He achieves this by guiding you
through carefully planned sets of exercises that build up your understanding
of the language almost without you realizing it. You are able to absorb the
structures effortlessly and apply them naturally right from the start.
What does the Foundation (8-hour) course contain?
In his specially developed course you hear the voice of Michel Thomas as
he leads a class of two students. These students are novices who have little
or no knowledge of the language they are being taught. Their responses to
Michel Thomas are not scripted and they have received no additional
instruction or preparation – just the guidance from Michel Thomas that you
hear. You participate in this class actively and learn along with the students.
This radically different approach means that you will learn a language in
‘real-time’ conditions, that is in the same way that the students on the
recording learn. There is no need to stop the recording to do homework,
additional exercises, or vocabulary memorization. Therefore, unlike other
learning methods you may have encountered, you will not be set unrealistic
or unachievable goals. The success of the Michel Thomas method is proven
by the very results that you hear from the students on the recording and, at
the same time, from you as you make your own responses!
*U.S. patent 6,565,358
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• Relax! Make yourself comfortable before playing the recording and try to let
go of the tensions and anxieties traditionally associated with learning.
• Do not write or take any notes. Remove notebooks, pens, dictionaries
and anything else associated with learning at school.
• Do not try to remember. While participating in the recording and
afterwards, it is important that you do not try to memorize specific words or
expressions. It is a basic principle of the Michel Thomas method that the
responsibility for the student’s learning lies with the teacher. With Michel
Thomas as your teacher, your learning will be based on understanding, and
what you understand you don’t forget.
• Interact fully with the recordings. Use the pause button and respond out
loud (or in a whisper, or in your head, if you are in a public place) before the
students’ responses. This is essential. You do not learn by repetition but by
thinking out the answers to each question; it is by your own thought process
that you truly learn.
• Give yourself time to think. The students on the recordings had all the time
they needed to think out their responses. On the recordings their ‘thinking time’
has been cut in order to make full use of the recording time and to give you all
the time you may need (by pushing your pause button). The pause button is the
key to your learning!
• Start at the beginning of the course. Whatever your existing knowledge
of the language you are learning, it is important that you follow the way that
Michel builds up your knowledge of the language.
• Do not get annoyed with yourself if you make a mistake. Mistakes are
part of the learning process; as long as you understand why you made the
mistake and you have the ‘ahaa’ reaction – ‘yes, of course, I understand now’ –
you are doing fine. If you made a mistake and you do not understand why, you
may have been daydreaming for a few seconds. The course is structured so that
you cannot go on unless you fully understand everything, so just go back a little
and you will pick up where you left off.
• Stop the recording whenever it suits you. You will notice that this course
is not divided into lessons*; you will always be able to pick up from where you
left off, without the need to review.
*Tracking breaks in the recordings reflect the numbering in the index (pages 9–62). These breaks are added
purely to help you locate where you left off, and do not represent any sort of hierarchy in Michel’s method.
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