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The Ultimate Concert Hall and Other Ultimate Truths
The Ultimate Concert Hall and Other Ultimate Truths
Jeffrey Borish
The Droid Works
P.0. Box CS-8180
San Rafael, CA 94912
There are excellent concert halls in the world, but
there are far more mediocre ones. One reason so many
disappoint is that architectural acousticians have not
fully appreciated the connection between geometry and
subjective preference. The geometry of a concert hall
controls the early reflection pattern. The image model
shows exactly how the difference in the early reflection
patterns of two commonly used shapes, tlie fan and the
rectangle, explains the perceived differences between
the two. It also suggests that a reverse fan would be
better than either, and helps to analyze several other
practical design issues. Fan-shaped concert halls are
not the only situation in which lateral reflections are
inadequate; another is domestic audio reproduction.
Stereo is incapable of adequately reproducing the early
reflections, so these sounds are omitted from recordings.
One way to correct for this distortion is to synthesize
the early reflections during playback. The image model
regulates a sequence of simplifications that preserve the
salient features of concert halls in an electronic sirnula-
tor that is remarkably simple.
Unfortunately, architectural acoustics is not the
only reality. There are several parasitic specialties.
Foremost among these is “economic acoustics.” Con-
cert halls are very expensive to build (on the order of
$30 M) and operate. Sustaining these expenses is possi-
ble only by increasing seating capacit y--and filling all
the seats. The best hall in the \torltl, the Grosscr
Musikvereinssaal in Vienna, seats only 1680. Only the
most munificent municipality coul(l consider building
such a hall today. Modern constructioii techniques ancl
architectural innovations allow the siLe of concert halls
to be increased seemingly without liiiiit, but musicians
(at least the unamplified variety) continue to output
the same acoustic power (10 Watts [I]for a full sym-
phony orchestra playing fortissimo!). l’liat means per-
formances in bigger concert halls tencl to be quieter,
producing a dissonance with psychoacoustics: there is a
preferred loudness for music. Further, halls must bc
constantly busy, and that often means designing con-
cert halls that sound as good for the Clectric Light
Orchestra as a heaxq Wagncrian orclic3sti a. Economic
acoustics also encompasses edicts siicli as “this hall
shall have a horizontal ceiling” or ‘‘llii~
At the opening of a new concert hall, everyone
wears golden ears. Expectations that ran high during
the long gestation all too often are shattered by the
sound that reaches the audience. Acoustical flops feed
the fears of laymen that architectural acoustics is still a
black art, and to an extent they are right. Obviously,
if every design consideration in a concert liall were com-
pletely understood then every concert hall would be a
complete success, or at least would fail in precisely
predictable ways. Yet new designs continue to surprise,
and hopeful listeners are often left with an architec-
tural monument that is better seen than heard.
Great concert halls do exist, and some of them are
quite old. Of the three considered the best in the world
(the Grosser Musikvereinssaal in Vienna, the Concertge-
bouw in Amsterdam, and Symphony Mall in Boston),
the newest (Symphony Hall) is 8.5 years old. One
wonders why duplicating-indeed, surpassing-their
quality seems so difficult. After all, scientific under-
standing has advanced and new construction techniques
are available, so it ought to be possible to transcend
histt.,;ical limitations rather than merely to ape histori-
cal successes.
The great concert halls oj the past
cannot be duplicated.
Each new concert hall design is an experiment.
Unfortunately they are not ideal esperiments. They
take a long time to complete (often 5-10 years). That
means corrective feedback often arrives after other pro-
jects have been initiated on the same principles. Con-
cert halls differ in many ways, so attributing perceived
Iiall shall not
have a wooden floor” because the alternatives are too
expensive. Ineluctable economic considerations often
lead to acoustical perdition.
Then there is “political acoustics.” Architects,
who usually have greater authority, often will hand
architectural plans for a concert hall to tlie acoustician
with the directive to “make it sound good.“ As we will
see, some architectural features impose insuperable lim-
its on the acoustical characteristics. To make matters
worse, architects are usually praised most highly when
their creations are most innovative, altliough increnien-
tal changes from previous acoustical buccesses would be
less perilous. Political acoustics also suLsumes the con-
fort criterion-wider seats, more legroom, and padding.
Considering the influence of these para5itic specialties
leads us to our first ultimate truth:
differences to particular architectural features is diffi-
cult. Furthermore, the ultimate gauge of acoustical
qualities is subjective, introducing uncertainties due to
personal preference. Also, subjective comparisons
depend on acoustical memory, which is taxed by the
long delays in traveling from one concert hall to
another. These complications in performing and
analyzing experiments make it impossible to extract as
much benefit as would be desirable from each experi-
ment, inevitably slowing progress.
response. As a result, the two regions of reverberation
have different subjective effects. The early reflections
give listeners a sense of immersion in the sound field;
the later reflections add warmth and fullness and con-
tribute to the sense that the performance is taking
place in an enclosed space. The characteristics of early
reverberation cannot be encapsulated in a convenient
closed-form expression as is done for late reverberation.
However, the image model neatly tackles the problem.
We start by considering how souiid travels from a
Fig. 1. A perspective kiew (A) is the most straightfor-
ward presentation. It shows the concert hall sur-
rounded by the virtual sources. Also shown are three
imaginary walls upon which have been drawn the pro-
jections along each of the coordinate axes. The “angle
plane” (B) shows the directions of the virtual sources as
a function of their azimuth and elevation; the size of
the x gives an indication of their strength. Finally, the
polar plot (C) shows sound intensity as a function of
azimuth. Both (B) and (C) define 0” azimuth as the
direction of the actual source.
A different approach is to develop new analytical
techniques. One technique that has proven useful is
computer modeling. Like all models, a computer model
is a simplified representation of reality, but thoughtful
simplifications often reveal deeper truths. In any case,
siniple models can be enhanced when deficiencies are
discovered. Because problems still arise in concert hall
design, the conventional model-a reverberation time
formula--must be inadequate. A coinputer model will
also be found inadequate for some problems, but though
simplistic, it can provide some new insights. The ines-
capable ultimate truth is:
source to a listener. When a sound is emitted in an
enclosed space it follows many paths, changing in a
unique way on each one. One changc is the delay
incurred because paths involving reflection are longer
than the direct path. Second, there is an attenuation
attributable to two causes, dilution---the inverse pro-
portion between sound pressure and distance in a spher-
ically propagating wave-and absorption--the absorp-
tion of energy by reflecting boundaries and by the air
itself. Third, there is the change in direction-many of
the reflections reach the listener from a different direc-
tion than the direct sound. There are many other
changes as well: spectral changes (absorption depends
on frequency); dispersion (velocity depends on frc-
quency); diffusion (reflections are not specular); diffrac-
tion. Accurately modeling every effcct is impossible,
but rather than defeatism we choose reductionism and
produce some worthwhile insights into concert hall
The reduction we pursue is to focus on the first
three characteristics of the early reflectioiis: delay time,
attenuation factor, and direction. The first two depend
on the length of the path. If we assunie that a wall
reflects sound like a mirror reflects light, then we can
treat a path involving reflections as a straight path
from a “virtual” source located symnictrically behind
the surface. Computers enable us to esteiid this fami-
liar idea to three dimension and to a polyhedron with
any number of sides 131. The program also allows the
user to specify the position of the SOUI~CC and listener,
and the acoustical properties of tlic 1 eflecting boun-
daries. F ig. 1 shows three ways of presenting the
The ultimate concert hall model
is a concert hall.
1. Image Model
One computer model that has proven useful in
gaining new insights into concert hall acoustics is the
image model. The image model prohides a convenient
way of analyzing details of the early rcf’lection pattern.
Traditional analytic tools have focussed on the later
reverberation which is characterized bj, two properties:
incoherence, and a gradual decay. Statistical measures
are adequate for this phase of the re\erlcration because
of the high temporal density of the sounds that reach
listeners. The early reflections, on tlic other hand, are
infrequent enough that our hearing is able to resolve
each one to an extent, so the particular time, ampli-
tude, and direction can influence our subjective
results of the analysis. The virtual source positions are
sufficient for determining the three most important
characteristics of the early reflections. Next we will
show how these results can be used in analytical studies
or for simulating concert halls.
spatial impression. The reverse fan, on the other hand,
extracts greater benefit from the virlual sources by
positioning them even more laterally than the rectangu-
lar hall. The reverse fan has never been applied in
practice so no empirical evidence exists.
Presumably the reason reverse fans have not been
applied has to do with their practical limitations.
Reverse fans sacrifice seats that uould have had
acceptable sightlines, and in this era of fiscal famine
maximizing the number of seats is tlic name of the
game. Furthermore, the reverse splay of the walls
would probably create aesthetic problems. But it still
might be interesting to find a suitable fan and reverse
the positions of orchestra and audience, just to test the
2. Designing the Ultimate Concert Hall
The concert halls widely regarded as the best in
the world are all rectangular. Other shapes have been
used, but they never work as well. Although specific
details may account for some differences, the con-
sistency suggests that there is an ultimate truth lurk-
In some ways architectural acousticians have
become remarkably proficient. One important way is in
designing for a desirable reverberation time. Rever-
beration time is known to be a significant attribute of a
concert hall [3]. The fact that some concert halls with
ideal reverberation times still do not sound good proves
that other factors are significant. One other factor
that has been shown to be important is the proportion
of the early sound energy reaching the listener from th?
::: 1::
+ +hi
++* +
++ +*+ ++
Fig. 2. In the rectangular hall (A) the xirtual sources
spread to the sides along straight lines. But when the
walls splay outward (B), the virtual sources curve
toward the front, decreasing spatial impression. Con-
versely, a reverse splay increases spatial impression by
reversing the curvature (C). This pattern explains why
rectangular halls sound better than fans, and suggests
that reverse fans would be better still.
side. The more lateral and loud tlie delayed sounds,
the more “spatial impression” 141. Because this param-
eter is related to the details of the early reflection pat-
tern, the image model is an ideal tool for studying the
differences that arise from different concert hall
The walls are obviously an important factor in con-
trolling the lateral energy fraction (though not the only
one). Using the image model, we can compute the posi-
tions of the virtual sources for a sequence of concert
halls in which the only difference is the splay of the
walls (Fig. 2). Viewing the virtual sources from directly
above reveals an interesting pattern. In the fan shape
the virtual sources curve toward the front; in the rec-
tangular hall they extend outward along straight lines;
and in the reverse fan they curve rearnard. Because
the fan deflects the virtual sources toward the front of
the hall, it has the least spatial impression. Empirical
differences between fans and rectangles, it should be
noted, are completely consistent uith a difference in
An objective measure provides furtlicr confirmation
for this heuristic analysis. Fig. 3 shows a sequence 0:
halls in which the splay of the walls is changed in 10
steps. The listener moves along a straight line some-
what off center. Fig. 4 shows the comparison of spatial
impression. Spatial impression is aluayS lower at the
front than the rear because there the direct sound doni-
inates. We can also see that, as expected, spatial
impression is uniformly greater for tlie reverse fan than
the rectangle, which in turn is greater than the fan.
The just noticeable difference for spatial impression is
1.4 dB [1], so the 10” increments span two subjective
One way it might be possible to combine the
acoustical advantages of the reverse fan with the prac-
tical advantages of the fan is to segnieiit the side walls.
Each segment would be positioned according to an
overall fan shape, but oriented according to a reverse
10" steps. The source is positioned at the + and the
listener moves from the rear to near the source along a
line that is 11 m from the nearer wall.
+ +++ +
Fig. 5. To correct for the acoustical deficiencies of a
fan we can segment the walls and orient the segments
in accordance with a reverse fail (A). The virtual
sources show the same rearward curvature (B) as in the
simple reverse fan so the two should have comparable
spatial impression.
Fig. 4. The plot of spatial impression as a function of
distance from the rear of the hall for six different splay
angles. As expected, spatial impression is always lower
in the front of the hall. We can also clearly see how
spatial impression is reduced by increasing the splay.
Fig. 6. Allowing the segments to rotate provides a
direct control of spatial impression.
vary the amount of absorbing material in the concert
hall, thereby changing the reverberation time. Because
the late reverberation is audible primarily when the
direct sound stops, changing the rate at nhich it decays
is detectable relatively rarely. The early reflections, on
the other hand, are audible almost all the time. There-
fore, a more effective control of tlie acoustics would
vary spatial impression. Fig. 7 slio\\s how spatial
impression varies as a function of the oricntation of the
wall segments. The rotations are for 2 and 4 . Only
a 4' rotation is required for a subjectively significant
change in spatial impression. Note that this method of
changing the spatial impression docs riot change the
fan. As shown in Fig. 5, the virtual sources show the
same tendency as in the reverse fan to curve toward the
rear, so the two would be expected to dcinonstrate simi-
lar acoustical characteristics.
Allowing these panels to rotate (Fig. 6) would
introduce an intriguing acoustical adjustment. Adju-
stable acoustics are desirable because they allow the
acoustics of the hall to be suited to the style of music
or even the size of the audience. Typically adjustments
Fig. 3. To quantify the dependence of .;play angle on
spatial impression we will plot spatial impression as a
function of position for 6 angles from -10" to +io" in
+ Lt
total absorption in the hall nor the volume so the rever-
beration time should remain approximately constant.
Combining rotatable panels with retractable absorbers
suspended from the ceiling would provide independent
control of both portions of the reverberation.
A practical consideration is how high the segments
have to be. Economic constraints dictate boxes or bal-
conies along the side walls, complicating the design of
the rotatable panels. If regions of thc wall were not
used to support reflections, they could be anchored.
Fig. 8 shows where reflections hit in a rectangular hall
for the same sequence of listener positions as in Fig. 3.
The size of the circle suggests the relative intensity of
the sound hitting the wall at that point. Even if we
were willing to dispense with reflections too weak to
appear as a circle, few regions are available for a bal-
cony without interfering with some important lateral
reflections. Fig. 9 clinches the matter by showing what
happens as a listener moves across the liall. The entire
wall is required when the entire audience is considered,
ruling out the possibility of seats along the walls.
Because economic pressures dictate that audience seat-
ing capacity be maximized, we are led to another ulti-
mate truth:
duce a dependence on frequency. Also tlie absorption
coefficient varies with frequency as well as direction of
incidence. Many surfaces are not locally reacting. The
long catalog can continue, but the poiiit is that the
image model is not the final word. Ll’hile the simple
image model provides many useful iiwiglits into concert
hall acoustics, further refinements might reveal new and
important effects. So we are forced to concede the
somewhat discouraging-r
cliallengirig-ultimate truth:
In architectural acoustics,
there are no ultimate truths.
3. Designing the Ultimate Electronic Concert
Hall Simulator
It is not only poorly designed concert halls that
suppress early lateral reflections, stereo recordings do as
well. They must. When early reflections reach a
listener from the wrong direction they produce a dif-
ferent subjective effect. In stereo the range of direc-
tions is limited to the sector Letneen the two
speakers-too narrow to accurately reproduce the early
lateral reflections of a concert hall. \\’ere these reflec-
tions to be presented from the front speakers along with
the direct sound the result would be an overly-
reverberant quality familiar to anyone who has ever
recorded a conference with a portable tape recorder.
The ultimate concert hall
will never be built.
The image model is only a starting point. It
ignores many physical processes, some of which might
be subjectively significant [5]. For example, the image
model does not completely solve the boundary-value
problem except in a small number of pal ticular shapes;
diffraction waves are usually required to complete the
solution. Edge diffraction arises at surface discontinui-
ties such as balcony fronts. Reflections are not gen-
erally specular but diffuse 161. All these effects intro-
. ....... D
dt-isn c
Fig. 8. Here we see a plot of where on Lhe wall lateral
reflections strike for many positions of the listener as he
moves along the same line parallel to thc wall. The size
of the circle indicates the relative strength of the
corresponding sound. This figure shows what. regions of
the wall are actively supporting lateral reflections. We
can see that there are inactive regions where balconies
could be positioned without interfering with the lateral
Fig. 7. Changing the orientation of the panels directly
affects spatial impression. “rX” means a reverse fan
with splay X” ; “K” is fan with splay So. A mere 4
rotation produces a subjectively significant change.
Fig. 9. In this plot we see where sound hits the wall as
the listener moves across the hall. Siniilar plots can be
generated for different latitudes but the point is clear:
different listener locations require different portions of
the surface to provide lateral reflections; tlie entire wall
must be available to cover the entire audience.
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