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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
2932 Ross Clark Circle, #384
Dothan, AL 36301
Strip Tease
Copyright © 2006 by Kate Davies
Cover by Scott Carpenter
ISBN: 1-59998-116-5
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: October 2006
S trip T ease
Kate Davies
To Dad.
Thanks for always encouraging me to follow my dreams.
And thanks for being such a fine massage therapist—professional,
dedicated, and capable. You're a true role model. I love you!
Strip Tease
Chapter One
Caroline Richards was trapped in the eighties.
A bad music, big hair, completely tacky version of the eighties.
She sighed and stirred her over-watered drink, wishing she were
anywhere but here. Mollie had a lot to answer for.
Of course, if Mollie knew what she was up to, she’d probably bust a
blood vessel.
But she couldn’t throw a proper bachelorette party without a
stripper, could she?
“Hey, baby.” A raspy voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned to
find a man with Farrah Fawcett hair, a beer belly, a bow tie and what
amounted to a Speedo standing at her table. “You ready for another
screaming orgasm?”
She blinked twice, then looked down at her drink. Oh, yeah. “No,
thanks,” she replied. Why try another? It hadn’t lived up to its name the
first time around. More like a whimper.
He shrugged and headed back to the bar, leaving her alone again.
For a Friday night, the place was pretty dead. A group of five women
whooped it up a few tables over, passing around some physically
impossible sex toys and ignoring the man gyrating on stage only a few
feet away.
Caroline didn’t blame them. It was painfully obvious the guy was
lacking in the toy department himself, and his dancing—to use the term
loosely—reminded her of a toddler learning the Macarena. The music
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