Verdi and the French Aesthetic - Verse, Stanza and Melody in XIX Century Opera.pdf

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Verdi and the French Aesthetic: Verse, stanza, and melody in nineteenth-century opera
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Verdi and the French Aesthetic
Verse, stanza, and melody in nineteenth-century opera
Focusing on Verdi’s French operas, Andreas Giger shows how the com-
poser acquired an ever better understanding of the various approaches
to French versification while gradually bringing his works in line with
French melodic aesthetic. In his first French opera, Jerusalem ,Verdi
treated the text in an overly cautious manner, trying to avoid prosodic
mistakes; in Les Vepres siciliennes ,hebegantoapplymorefreedom,
scanning the verses against some prosodic accents to convey the light-
heartedness of a melody; and in Don Carlos , he finally drew on the entire
palette of prosodic interpretations. Most of Verdi’s melodic accom-
plishments in the French operas carried over into the subsequent Italian
ones and set the stage for what later would be called operatic verismo.
Drawing attention to the significance of the operatic libretto for the
stylistic and dramatic development of nineteenth-century French and
Italian opera, this book illustrates Verdi’s gradual mastery of the chal-
lenges he faced and their historical significance.
andreas giger is Associate Professor of Music at Louisiana State Uni-
versity. His research interests have concentrated on nineteenth-century
Italian opera and the work of Leonard Bernstein. He is the author of
Verismo (2004) in the Handworterbuch der musikalischen Terminolo-
gie and articles in many books and journals, including The Cambridge
Companion to Verdi , the Journal of the American Musicological Society ,
and the second edition of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musi-
cians . He is also coeditor of Music in the Mirror (2002) and founder of
the Internet database saggi musicali italiani .
Ve rdi and the French Aesthetic
Ve rse, stanza, and melody in nineteenth-century opera
andreas giger
Louisiana State University
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